Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 633, Persevere

Chapter 633, Persevere

Xiangjun said: "No matter how long it takes, as long as there is a way, you can continue to go on. Didn't you just say that you spread the problem, divide it into steps, and solve it one by one, and you will be able to reach the end sooner or later."

Wang Ling's expression froze, his chest heaved slightly, and then he said: "You just remember these good words that are useless, right?"

"But the problem is, you can't spread the problem at all now, you can't even complete the first step, and you can't even get close to the way of heaven.

"How else to do this? Any contact will only assimilate oneself into it and become a part of it. How can you pretend to turn it into a Dao Fruit?

"And even if you get close, can you eat so many Dao fruits? The size comparison between you doesn't make it possible for you to accommodate them.

"It's as if someone intends to stuff the sun into a furnace as an energy source. It's purely whimsical and has no possibility of approval."

Xiangjun said: "Eating is theoretically possible, and it is said that there is a concrete secret of Yellen's ability hidden in the source quality data.

"That is the soul technology that anchors everyone and connects everyone, which was born after he had the most essential understanding of the soul.

"And the vast and huge foundation of the heaven itself is the collection of all soul thoughts.

"Then it happens that this technology can be used to bring a huge point of heaven into contact. No one can regain the sun, but we have completed nuclear fusion.

"This solves the problem of using that huge dao fruit."

"This may also be the reason why Miss Suzi and people in the same way cannot do this.

"Because she and they are not a genius, they cannot make a fundamental understanding of the source quality data.

"I'm a genius, a genius of practice, the original questioning chapter plus the source quality data, there are too few people with my qualifications."

"As for how to contact, it is also because of the expected reason of this idea, because the huge way of heaven lies only in one point, and the operation you want to perform on it is only in this point, in an instant, in a short time, and at the same time, the perception will also be to weaken.

"After the two parties come down like this, it will be operable and should be able to complete it."

"Sure enough, troubles are like a mountain. Once you find the clues, everything is so simple and natural."

"Does this prove that what I think is actually possible..."


The policewoman finally couldn't help it anymore, "This is simply too absurd. I don't agree with this plan when I suddenly got hit by a shoe and wanted to die."

Lord Xiang said: "This is the only way, there is no better way than this.

Wang Lingdao: "It's just that we haven't found a better way for the time being. Just because we...temporarily...doesn't mean that there won't be any other people in the future, and it's not a better way either. It's just nonsense."

Mrs. Xiang: "I'm serious."

"You are sick, you are crazy..."

Wang Ling paused and said earnestly: "I am against sacrifice, against any behavior that takes sacrifice as the basic condition, any seemingly great behavior, and thinks that it is just an extremely low and despicable behavior that moves one's own perverted psychology. It's just an act."

Xiang Jun: "I support your insistence on your position, but I also have my own choice from the bottom of my heart, and I will not accommodate because of this..."

Wang Lingdao: "Really? You are only a part now, are you sure this is your true heart? Have you asked the opinions of other selves? Are you sure you can reach a consensus on this?
"I don't need to ask you, you can ask yourself, are you really ready?
"Have you seriously considered letting go of the past, and all that goes with it?
"The past is not a change in time, but a continuation of causality and social relations. All causality needs to be fed back, and it is two-way. If you want to cut it off, you need a firm heart. You are not such a person.

"Stop messing around..."

One who was playing around in the house appeared at the door at some point.

"Zhang Baoren, plan to sacrifice yourself..."

'Zhang Baoren' couldn't help but fell into silence when he heard the words, and said in a low tone after a while.

"This is indeed the most difficult thing to choose. The reason why I have fallen into the shackles of the current state before, and my cultivation base has been unable to move forward is because I can't let go of the past.


“It’s still the case to this day.

"Still can't abandon all these and go to reincarnation, still avoid, otherwise don't have to fall into this entanglement of heaven."

“But that’s why I want to take this step.

"Just when we were talking about this, I suddenly discovered that this is a solution that can solve this problem.

"If the price of giving up the past is to say that the future is all-inclusive, is it still a lot of giving up?
"Through the newly obtained things, the old existence that was given up as a price is covered and tolerated. This cannot be said to be a parting, but a normal growth experience and reaction.

"Not to mention that it makes me more closely connected with all the people and things in the past.

"So why not do it?

"That's why I am the way I am.

"It is precisely because I don't want to let go that I have to pick up everything. This is the basis for me and the other me who are not here now but have always been bound by me to reach a consensus."

Wang Lingdao: "What's the reason for this? You are indeed crazy, or you have been crazy for a long time. It may be that when you walked this path of cultivation, you didn't have the desire to survive that a normal person should have. It's only now that I see it. .”

Speaking of the white skirt on the body, there are many gears on the surface, the phantoms of life, old age, sickness and death in hospitals, schools, etc., and the simple skirt also has a tendency to turn into a complicated crown suit.

"you listen to me…"

Mr. Xiang explained seriously: "That's not death, but evolution, it's true detachment, the greatness beyond insignificance. Compared with anyone else, you have to live more real at any time."

Mrs. Xiang: "Yes, I am more afraid of death than anyone else, so I have to live even harder.

"As the saying goes, there is no self in the world, but there is me everywhere. I will live in everyone's heart and be with them. You should be able to understand this."

Wang Ling took a breath, dispersed the vision, shook his head and said, "No, I really can't understand this, and I can't understand it at the same time..."

As he spoke, he waved his hands, not wanting to continue the conversation, and at the same time, the originally incomparably real virtual projections of Mr. Xiang and Mrs. Xiang flickered.

The two frowned or spoke, but they were forcibly cut off from the Internet and swept out of the house...



Mr. Xiang: "This... what should we do now?"

Mrs. Xiang: "As I said before, there is indeed no better way to break the situation than this idea, and there is also no better choice than this. They don't understand now, but they will eventually understand...

"In addition... now we only have ideas and concrete ideas at most. There is still a long way to go before the ideas are turned into reality, when the ideas are actually realized, when the real decision is made."

Mr. Xiang: "So, let's take a step forward and take a step forward. If the way of heaven is used as the seed of the next practice, the core of the current problem lies in the secret that represents everything, the embodiment of Yellen's ability.

"This needs to be derived from source quality data.

"How to get this?"

(End of this chapter)

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