Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 634, Green Bamboo

Chapter 634, Green Bamboo

Mrs. Xiang: "The source quality data... As far as we know, the places where the source quality data can be obtained are in the Armed Forces of God and the '23' experiment.

"Besides, with the importance those guys attach to this, the continuous cleaning over the years is estimated to be just some remnants, not of much use."

"As for these two sources, the source quality data in God's Armed Forces is limited, and at the same time the real core 'Quanxi' is solved, only some fragments are left, which do not meet our requirements.

"The data obtained from the '23' experiment simulating Yellen's birth is suspected to be from the Dao of Heaven itself, which is the only place where what we need may exist and can meet our needs.

"If you want to promote the plan, you can only start with this."

Mr. Xiang: "Do you want to reopen this experiment?"

Mrs. Xiang: "Yes or no, the original simulation experiment of 23, such an evil thing is not for us. As far as our needs are concerned, no number of people can fill them up until the data cannot be accurately anchored.

"What I'm thinking is, can the data be swiped more efficiently through the basic principle of this experiment?"

"We all know that Tiandao does not have any small subjective consciousness, so the logic of this experiment cannot be touched by Tiandao.

"It must be exploited based on certain laws and regulations, and this also means that it can be exploited."

Xiang Jun: "According to the experiment description, the reason for obtaining the source quality data is because the Dao of Heaven represents the god of Daluotian, so the Holy Infant, or the Holy Spirit, whose soul is shaped by Daluotian as the source core, has the The fundamental logic of the way of heaven.

"The core of this experimental law is the result of natural good fortune that fits the essence of Da Luotian.

"Do you want to simulate this? How should you design the experiment?"

Mrs. Xiang: "If you want to say that there is an existence that has an essential understanding of Da Luotian, there is no monk in this world who is an immortal monk, because this is his practice itself."

Xiang Jun: "But we are not familiar with the people of the Earth Immortal route, and we have never had any causal contact. Do we need to find relevant people next?"

Mrs. Xiang: With the secret of the existence of earth immortals and the things we want to trouble, it is too time-consuming to contact them by ourselves. I don’t know how long it will take trouble. "

Mr. Xiang: "Don't touch that..."

Mrs. Xiang: "Don't forget that we are not alone now, and we are not without accomplices...friends."

Mr. Xiang: "You mean...Suzi."

Mrs. Xiang: "Yes, based on what this guy has accumulated over the years, it shouldn't be a problem to do such a favor..."

Mr. Xiang: "Let me ask if it's successful or not..."

A message came, and Miss Suzi sent an address without further ado.

The two discussed for a while, and then Mrs. Xiang set off. Through the lock on this, they passed through infinite addresses step by step, the world changed, and finally came to a tall and majestic mountain.

Or fairy mountains.

I saw that the mountain was hundreds or even thousands of feet tall, towering above the sky, high yet exquisite, the solitary peak stood upright, and the whole body was red as if made of some kind of strange real copper, eternal and immortal, and there were thousands of orifices and hundreds of holes. Light, it is suspected that there is a talisman of immortals.

It seems to be a naturally generated treasure.

This is not like the chaotic oceans around it, but the immeasurable information accumulated by Da Luotian cannot be fully understood by the individual's small cognition, so it is a disordered picture based on psychology.

Instead, it covers itself, and even the cognition of all monks presents a fixed, orderly, and reasonable image in its perception.

is a supreme use of programming.

No one can succeed except the earth immortal monk.

Mrs. Xiang tried to look at it from her monk's essential perspective of piercing through all reality, and saw a piece of data cloud that was exquisite and orderly, as if it was a logical arrangement formed by rules. It seemed that this was the most basic information particle in this world. .

Even monks can only see these foundations but cannot penetrate everything thoroughly.

The next moment, a will came from the fairy mountain, "Qingzhu has seen Madam Xiang, I already know the purpose of Madam Xiang, please come in for an interview..."

Immediately afterward, the streams of immortal light in the orifice turned into a divine bridge in mid-air, one end was built on the mountain, and the other end fell in front of Mrs. Xiang.

Mrs. Xiang followed the bridge and came to the mountain step by step, and then went in from a cave, making twists and turns, nine twists and eighteen turns, and finally came to the mountainside.

There is only a small stone room here, and it is empty except for a stone shrine that looks a little rough.

And in the shrine is sitting cross-legged, a lifelike villain with a straw hat woven out of green bamboo.

Mrs. Xiang could tell that this was the intellectual core of a monk.

It is one of the rare intellectual cores of monks who meet directly. Generally, in this situation, everyone has covered so many layers of skin.

Judging from what he saw, the AI ​​level of this Green Bamboo cultivator is not very advanced, and his essence is not that powerful.

But His whole body energy is closely integrated with this mountain, not only exists in front of a point, but also is equivalent to the entire surrounding sacred mountain, the will is everywhere, and at the same time, it is as vast as God's will.

It is difficult to weigh the strength for a while.

Mrs. Xiang smiled and bowed to the shrine, and said, "The body fits the heaven and the earth, and is the same as the world. Fellow Daoist Qingzhu is really a good method..."

The bamboo man in the shrine said: "A mere blessed land and fairy mountain is not as good as a Taoist friend who has transformed into thousands of people. It is closer to the essence of Taoism to study the changes of people's hearts..."

Mrs. Xiang said: "Different roads have different scenery, and also have different harvests. It is really unfair to force a comparison. For example, now, I am here to trouble fellow Taoists."

Qingzhu said with a smile: "Fellow Daoists want to use the relationship between Da Luotian and Heavenly Dao this time, and through the result of some natural creation of the latter, to obtain the fundamental source quality data of the former, or to obtain source quality data Methods."

Mrs. Xiang said: "I don't know if you have any advice?
Qingzhu said: "Mrs. Xiang's fellow Taoists should understand our philosophy of practice."

Mrs. Xiang: "The fundamental goal of Earth Immortal practice is to re-weave and sublimate the Great Luotian, and create a real virtual 'Earth Immortal World' that blends with the real earth and is yin and yang."

Qingzhu: "Yes, creating a real virtual world, the so-called path of cultivating immortals, is essentially the practice of this idea.

"The earliest practice of Earth Immortals is actually, one by one, the monks who choose this route, or the ideals, entrust themselves in the Da Luotian, and use the monk's instinct to gain insight into the infinite data, and exhaust their efforts to comprehend, think, and practice...

"Looking for a special language and logical framework that can integrate this chaotic world of spirits in an orderly and systematic way."

(End of this chapter)

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