Chapter 11 Father Mr. Chris

In the evening, everyone returned home and gathered at the table for dinner.

Among the three meals a day, dinner is the most important meal for federal families, and every family member must be present as much as possible.

Rich and Kevin, these are Payton's two older brothers.

Mina, Peyton's older sister.

At the dining table, everyone held their knives and forks and began to cut the steak.

Dinner is very rich, steak, fried eggs, ham, vegetable salad and Chinese-style sweet sausage.

Mrs. Chris's cooking skills are not bad, but the tricks are a bit lacking.

Perhaps because of his long-term habit in the army, Mr. Chris is always the fastest person to eat at home.

After a while, he wiped out the food on the dinner plate, put down the knife and fork, and wiped his lips with a napkin.

It wasn't until Mr. Chris left the dinner table and went to the study on the second floor that the dinner table became lively.

Rich and Kevin start talking freely, telling funny things about school, making everyone laugh.

Peyton listened to the jokes of his brothers and watched the back of Mr. Chris.

In Mr. Chris, Peyton can see the shadow of his father in the previous life.

Both of them belong to the strict father type and are always very tough. In the family, they will make disobedient children feel scared and uncomfortable.

Just like at the previous dinner table, Rich and Kevin, the big demon kings of the school, have always been cautious, not daring to overstep or presumptuously.

It wasn't until Mr. Chris left that the two became active.

However, compared to his father in the previous life, due to professional reasons, Mr. Chris is better at talking, and the family relationship is handled well.

There is peace in toughness.

Both Peyton and Mina love Mr. Chris very much.

Rich and Kevin are more in awe than love. The two of them are poor in study and love to mess around. They basically keep getting into trouble every few months, and then get their ass pumped by Mr. Chris with a belt.

They both have a big ass, and it's good to get rid of people on the football field.

But big butts are different in the Chris family, and the Chris family has never had this gene.

After all, although they are also in Alabama, they are not the Barkley family after all.

Payton always suspected that such a big butt was caressed by the belt.

Mr. Chris was born in the west, yes, the cowboy west.

Perhaps because of the influence of the environment, he has always been a tough guy in the west with a strong temperament and a tough style, and he has good marksmanship.

When he was young, he also won the cowboy championship.

Later, when Mr. Chris joined the army, he served in the state of Anabama, and from this he met Mrs. Chris.

After retiring from the army, Mr. Chris entered the regional police station. The two got married and had children, and they settled down smoothly.

His mother is Jewish and his father is Western. It is in such a family environment that Payton has mastered many languages.

Now Mrs. Chris works in a service company in their community.

She is mainly responsible for recording and processing some documents. She works in the community and is very leisurely.

Most of the time is drinking coffee and enjoying life.

It is precisely because of her free work that Mrs. Chris also works as a part-time housewife. She does not need a nanny at home, and she can take care of the family's three meals a day by herself. This job maintains her daily vitality.

After a while, Peyton also wiped out the dinner on the plate, picked up his schoolbag, walked up to the second floor, and headed towards the study.

"Dangdang!" There was a heavy knock on the door, and the wooden door made a heavy sound.

"Please come in!" Mr. Chris's calm voice came from behind the door.

Peyton held the schoolbag in his hand, pushed open the door, turned around after entering the door, then closed it, and walked to the desk.

In front of the desk, Mr. Chris, who was reading a book with black-rimmed glasses, put down the book and looked at Peyton with some doubts: "Payton, what's the matter?"

Peyton nodded, then quickly took out a stack of manuscripts from his bag and handed them to Mr. Chris.

"Dad, I need your help!"

Mr. Chris glanced at it briefly, and soon saw that it was a manuscript—a rough draft written by hand.

After closing the manuscript, Mr. Chris smiled slightly: "Little Peyton, do you want to become a writer?"

Peyton stared into Mr. Chris's eyes, and said solemnly: "While taking care of my studies, I think writing is a good hobby."

"And community service work is a squeeze on my workforce, and I deserve more."

Perhaps influenced by Peyton's attitude, Mr. Chris also restrained his smile, thought for a while, and nodded solemnly.

"Although it is a bit early, I agree with your idea. Maybe it is not necessarily correct, but it is a good thing to be brave enough to try."

"As for saying, are you worth more? Just talking about it is useless, do it and let me see!"

Peyton expressed his approval.

Mr. Chris then said, "So, what kind of help do you need, Peyton?"

"Dad, if you have read my manuscript carefully, you will know that this is a novel of suspense reasoning type, and I need to obtain more detailed information about real cases."

"There should be relevant information in the police station."

"Also, some criminal details of the robbers and bank robbers who were famous all over the Federation."

Mr. Chris thought for a while, and tapped his fingers on the desk in front of him, making a crisp sound.

After thinking for a moment, Mr. Chris said:
"Next, there will be a temporary assistant job in the police station. The nature of the job is similar to your job as a newspaper boy in the community for work-study."

"You can be my assistant for a while, the main job is to sort out some documents, and help me pour water and make coffee by the way."

"At the same time, there are many cases in the case library, and when you sort through these files, you will get what you want."

When Peyton heard this, he realized that he had achieved his goal, and he relaxed, and said with a smile, "How about the salary of the assistant in the police station?"

Mr. Chris also smiled: "Perhaps it is higher than your salary for delivering newspapers and milk in the community. As you said, child, you deserve more."

"Then I think, I have no reason to refuse!" Peyton was very happy.

Mr. Chris handed the manuscript to Peyton: "After school tomorrow, come and report, sort out some documents, and when I get off work, we will go home together."

"Also, you can persist in writing as a hobby, but don't forget that learning a sport is my most basic requirement for all of you."

Peyton nodded: "Got it."

Picking up the manuscript, Payton turned and left the room.

Seeing Peyton leaving the study, Mr. Chris slowly shook his head, he was not optimistic about Peyton's creative plan.

Even if Peyton was a very bright kid, he was only a kid.

If you don't have enough experience, you can't write qualified works.

However, taking this opportunity, it is also a good thing to bring Payton with him, teach him personally, and let Payton get in touch with some of his work.

At least it can lay a good foundation for Payton, so that he can come into contact with some operating mechanisms of the government and understand the operating mechanism of this society since he was a child.

"It's a good thing to have the courage to try, even if you don't succeed, there is always something to gain."

"Mr. Morgan's son has been able to follow him in business negotiations since he was a child and has accumulated a lot of experience. I don't have the capital of Mr. Morgan, but within an appropriate range, it is still possible to provide certain conveniences for my children." Mr. Chris lightly laughed.

Since having a child, Mr. Chris has read the parenting experience of some business and political leaders in many newspapers over the years.

Some of them are true and some are false, but there is no lack of reference value.

As a father, Mr. Chris always wants to give the best to his own children. Even if he can't get rich, it should be enough to guarantee the lower limit of the future.

Learning about sports, that's the path that Mr. Chris uses to ensure the lower limit for the kids.

Over the years, there have always been reports circulating that certain prestigious schools offer admission to children because they cook delicious food, can fish... or have special skills in other skills.

Under the touting of some experts and scholars, the word "quality education" is very famous, and various interest and hobby classes have been born one after another, and a huge extracurricular education market has also been born from this.

Some guys naively think that if they can cook and fish, they can be admitted to a prestigious school?
Mr. Chris knew in his heart that if these newspapers dug deeper, they would find that these students often had good backgrounds.

Relatives of a certain state congressman, descendants of a Mr. capitalist...

Just like Mr. Chris will help children under appropriate conditions.

These real upper-class people have more and better resources, so they can naturally give more help to their younger generations.

Go to a prestigious school?
In the eyes of some people, it is a matter of a letter of recommendation, and those skills are appearances, a reason that is justifiable to the outside world, and only some fools will believe it.

Mr Chris doesn't have that much energy.

He is just a city councilor. Compared with the top management of the university, he does not have much influence and contacts, so everything can only be planned in advance.

First of all, he requires every child to learn sports, one is to exercise, and the other is to let them enter the high school team.

Don't doubt that Mr. Chris is capable of doing just that.

The high school is within his jurisdiction, and Mr. Dekos, the principal of the high school, is a friend of him, and it is normal for him to communicate with each other.

Moreover, high school sports teams and even college teams, except for some geniuses, there are many people who are fooling around.

The coach's request for them is at most not to play, but to be a substitute. Anyway, they will not occupy the scholarship places.

As long as he has the status of a high school team, even if he is a substitute, Mr. Chris is confident to find the principal and the mayor to help write a few letters of recommendation, and successfully enter the University of Anabama as a sports student.

Next year, if he successfully runs for the state legislature, he will even get the governor to write a letter of recommendation and go to a real prestigious school.

This is what Mr. Chris promises for the children's future.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not so bad, and it is still far from this lower limit.

Although Mina's sports are mediocre, her grades are excellent, so she may not be able to get into a prestigious school with her own efforts.

He just needs to push behind him and use a few letters of recommendation to guarantee the success rate.

Although Rich and Kevin have mediocre grades, they have inherited Mr. Chris' physique and are now the stars of the football team on campus.

Kevin, who was only a sophomore in high school last year, was selected to the All-State Football Star Team and is already the core of the football team.

And Rich also has a certain chance to be selected as an All-Star this year.

In the future, the two have a great chance of really relying on rugby to enter a prestigious university, and even get a full scholarship to the rugby team.

The last little Peyton, an accidental product of Mr. and Mrs. Chris, is much younger than his older brothers and sisters, and everything can be arranged in a leisurely manner.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it's not bad, at least it looks better than his older brothers and sisters when they were young.

Mr. Chris decided in his heart that in the future, he would send Payton to Yale University, the cradle of politicians, to become his successor, so that his political ambitions could take a step further on Payton.

As a low-level military officer who was born in politics, it is difficult for him to go far. Perhaps Peyton can satisfy his regret.

Of course, even if you don't want to be a politician, being a lawyer is not bad.

As for the author of a novel, well...let's treat it as a hobby, and learning some writing skills will help his development.

As a father, Mr. Chris has already made arrangements for his own children.

(End of this chapter)

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