Chapter 12 Basketball
In the morning, the whole family gets up very early.

Mrs Chris prepares breakfast for the family, which is also her hobby, and she enjoys cooking.

Seeing the children enjoying the fruits of her labor satisfactorily, she felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart, which was something that neither work nor others could satisfy her.

After a while, the family finished breakfast quickly.

"We're out to work!"

"Little Peyton is not going with us, it's really sad!" Rich sighed, but his face was full of smiles.

Peyton could not see his sadness at all.

After all, without Payton sharing wages and tips with them, they can still have more pocket money.

Rich, Kevin, and Mina immediately went out and headed for the gate of the community.

The three need to divide the work to complete the work of delivering newspapers and milk, which is why they need to get up early.

In fact, this job is not difficult at all, they just need to take out these customized things from the station at the gate of the community.

Then send it to the box at the door of the corresponding person. If you are lucky, you can get a tip.

Even without the three of them, the community service company has corresponding employees who spend some time to complete this matter, perhaps the doorman on duty or the security guard on patrol.

For capitalists, a certain salary must squeeze out the largest labor force.

Today, the addition of these temporary work-study workers has caused an additional loss of salary for the community service company.

But the person in charge of the community service company didn't care either. In his opinion, it was worthwhile to spend the company's funds in exchange for the favor of a police chief for him personally.

Even in his opinion, putting this matter on the company level is good for the company's development.

Favors are personal, but companies can also benefit from the resources of the police department.

Whether it is the inclination of police resources or the improvement of the quality of community services, it is worthwhile.

In comparison, the consumption of a salary is nothing.

This time, Peyton did not go to work with his older siblings.

He had gotten a better-paying job from Mr. Chris last night.

Temporary Assistant at the Police Department!

This is work within the rules.

Many younger generations of big shots need this kind of work, so they can learn and practice for a while.

Payton is young, and he can add a work-study title, which makes it impossible to find the slightest fault.

After breakfast, Mr. Chris, Mrs. Peyton, and the three are praying.

This prayer is performed three times a day, after meals.

Originally, cowboys in the west only believed in the guns in their hands, but as Mr. Chris got married, he gradually had more beliefs about family, future, and political ambitions...

Since there are so many elements, it doesn't matter if there is one more God, it is nothing more than a few prayers.

The prayers of Peyton and Mr. Chris are not complicated, just a few actions and a few words of prayer.

On the contrary, Mrs. Chris is definitely the most devout believer. When she bids farewell to her family and prays alone, she will take out the Old Testament, put on a shawl, imitate the appearance of a priest, and pray repeatedly ceremony.

Sometimes, Mr. Chris joked: "Look, your mother has a talent for being a pastor."

Payton maintains respect for his mother's beliefs. At the same time, he has several Jewish collections at home, such as the Talmud, the Old Testament, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments...

Peyton also had a certain interest. After all, it is said that these books contain the wisdom of the Jewish nation and are the key to the wealth of the Jewish people.

Peyton had read these books in his previous life, but they were Chinese translations.

Now that I have read the more authentic version, Payton didn’t find much difference, it’s just that the religious color is more intense, and there is no Chinese translator’s discussion of those wealth stories.

As for the harvest?
Of course, after reading it, there are indeed gains.

But there is no need to look too high.

In fact, as long as you read every book, you will gain something.

Even if you read "Ah Shuan" for ten years, you may feel that it contains the unparalleled philosophy in the world.

Laughing and cursing are all appearances, which contain profound philosophical truths. Every little story is an allusion, which is simply the real wealth of life.

However, these philosophies may not even be considered by the author, they are just your own property.

A book or a work no longer belongs to the author after its birth, especially after the author's death, it is constantly annotated and translated, and becomes a tool in the hands of countless people.

Lu Xun is a book writer, what do you know about two jujube trees?
Including the ancient classics we are talking about now, the classics of various schools, which have been annotated and interpreted by generations...

In order to cater to each era, these books are given too much more than works.

So many legendary colors have been born from this.

This is true both at home and abroad!
Overseas, there is the philosophy handed down from the Bible; the classics handed down from the "Sheepskin Scroll"; the wisdom of a nation from the "Talmud"...

Don't we still have the legend that half of "The Analects of Confucius" ruled the world?

Throw out those legends, let Peyton really choose, the above things are too childish.

Learning is very important!
Leaving home, standing at the gate of the community, he didn't wait long before he saw Fores.

Sweat was lying on Forrest's forehead, and Peyton was not surprised. Forrest came here by running.

Nodding to Forrest, Peyton said, "Continue!"

"it is good!"

The two kept the same pace and began to run around the main road around the town.

The road they chose was relatively scientific. From the No. 17 highway where Forrest's home was located, they ran around the city for two laps, entered Line [-], and arrived at the school directly.


In mathematics class, Forrest stared at the blackboard without blinking, and rarely became serious.

This was normal, and in most of the female teachers' classes, Forrest was always able to pay a little more attention.

And this is a math class, the math teacher Lena is very fond of Forres, in her words: "Forres, if only you were my son!"

Don't get me wrong, this is the kind of preference that favors high-achieving students.

Yes, Forrest was a good student, a top student.

For this math class last year, Forrest got an A+ evaluation, and only three students in the whole grade could get this evaluation.

In addition, he competed with senior students in many math competitions, and won many rankings and medals. In the eyes of the teacher, this guy is a math genius.

That's right, Forrest is not an idiot. Although he is slow in thinking and not good at expressing, he looks like a fool!
But he actually belongs to the inner show player, and the degree of perfection of thinking is extremely high among children of the same age.

He has some flaws, but that doesn't mean he's an idiot.

The so-called IQ tests in this era are fundamentally inaccurate, and Einstein, who had autism, was treated like an idiot when he was a child.

In class, Peyton continued his own creation, filling in a plot line about the priest once again.

Design some sensible and crazy words.

"The bishops say that the end of science is theology. Yes, I agree with this statement, but I believe that science can explain theology."

"Theology exists and it is scientific."

"The gods also exist, but it takes more time to find them, using a scientific method."

"Science is always unjust and can never solve a problem if it does not ask ten."

"Before the bacteria were found, people also regarded the abnormal death caused by the bacteria as the punishment of the gods, but science has proved that this is not the suffering of the gods."

"Vesalius dissected the corpse, allowing us to step into modern biology and enter the realm where we once thought of gods."

"If we continue to promote science, we may not be able to find the god, dissect him, and use scientific thinking to explain his existence."

"Maybe we are not in the same latitude, but that doesn't mean we can't touch Him."

"Perhaps gods are also humans, nothing more than people who have mastered more science and technology, and even cracked the code of life."

"One day, we will be able to send us to the realm of the gods through scientific methods. Man-made gods may not be impossible!"

Looking at the character image he designed, Peyton felt for the first time that it was not like a priest, but like a scientist.

However, in theology, no matter how crazy the pastor is, there are always heretics and burn him to death.

It makes sense that these people are psychologically abnormal.

A rational priest like a scientist, with a touch of madness, is OK, isn't it?

After massaging his temples and looking at the time, Payton said, "Forrest, let's go play after class!"

It's a pity that Payton's voice did not affect Forrest's concentration in the class, and his attention was all on the blackboard.

Peyton glanced at Forres enviously, he did not have this ability to concentrate.

Forrest is always able to devote 100% of his attention to the things he is interested in.

But Payton's mind is too complicated, and his concentration is far behind Forrest.

Perhaps this is the heart of a child.

In the original story, Forrest is regarded as the representative of the spirit of the Federation, isn't it because he focuses on everything and can do it to the extreme?

Coupled with the identity of an idiot, the federal dream is even more shocking!

After lightly touching Forrest's shoulder, Forrest turned his head and looked at Peyton in confusion.

"After class, play!" Payton repeated again.

Forrest nodded, then turned his head and continued to stare at the blackboard.

To be honest, Peyton didn't think there was anything worth studying about the second grade on the blackboard, and he couldn't figure out what Forrest was looking at?
It can't be the teacher, right?
not sure!
As for the game the two mentioned, it is not the most popular "rugby" and "baseball" on campus, but the less popular basketball.

Yes, basketball is very unpopular these days, not popular at all.

We usually evaluate the influence and popularity of a sport, which can be reflected from his professional events.

Why is football recognized as the number one sport?

First of all, because football was the first to establish professional rules, it has a wide range of fans and a large number of practitioners.

At the same time, a more obvious sign is that the highest football event-the World Cup has a global influence no less than that of the Olympic Games.

Influence is the key!
But these days, the professional league of federal basketball has only been established for less than ten years.

At first, it was just some ice hockey halls and gymnasium owners who didn't want their own sports halls to be empty, so they found someone to set up a sports event.

Basketball games are still in prehistoric times, not popular at all.

Note that it is not ancient times, but prehistoric times!

Now there is still a distance from the period of the ancient behemoths that Chamberlain and others belonged to.

It has been less than three years since Auerbach took over the coach of the Celtics, and Lord of the Rings Russell has not yet entered college.

The eight consecutive championships belonging to the Celtics have not yet begun, and even modern basketball has disappeared.

Nowadays, in the soil of the Federation, there is not much room for basketball to survive.

Rugby, ice hockey, and baseball are the three most popular balls.

Of course, even in later generations, when the NBA was at its peak, among the four major sports in the federation, basketball was never the first.

He may have surpassed ice hockey and baseball, but football will always be the first choice of federal citizens.

Every year when the NFL Super Bowl starts, the whole of the United States will fall into madness. The performance in the center of the stadium is called the "Federal Spring Festival Gala" by the Chinese.

The then president of the NBA, David Ernst, saw the environment of the federation and sought to overtake from the outside.

With the global layout of the NBA, the NBA promotion plan is carried out.

Generations of god-making, from the magic bird to the four major centers, flying men, and even the later four major shooting guards, the little emperor James...

Countless superstars have been launched and become the face of the league. The NBA's global influence is astonishing in later generations.

Payton was a basketball enthusiast in his previous life, even a semi-professional basketball player. He was also a main member of the school team in the college league.

After being asked to learn a sport in this life, he naturally preferred this sport.

Forrest was pulled in by him and became his training partner.

It is actually a good thing that basketball is not popular. At least the basketball court is very empty, and Payton and Forrest can play during class time.

"You can't, Forrest, I can blow you up with my left hand!"

With the basketball in his left hand, Payton quickly changed direction with a crossover and broke through Forres. After a successful layup with a small hook under the basket, he laughed loudly.

Forrest didn't say a word, just looked at the basketball in his hand, and this dull expression made Payton feel no pleasure in pretending.

This expression made him think of the future stone Buddha Duncan, who will always look expressionless and dumbfounded on the court.

Perhaps that's why, that laugh made the referee break the defense and expel him from the country.

Payton made another dribble breakthrough, changed hands behind his back, and made a quick breakthrough.

A brilliant steal.

The ball has already appeared in the hands of Forres. At that moment just now, Forres followed the change of Payton's rhythm and completed a perfect steal.

Concentration, this moment is vividly and exquisitely expressed in Forres.

Both of them have good physical fitness. After getting rid of the orthotics, Forrest's development has also ushered in rapid growth, and he is now a few centimeters taller than Payton.

According to such a development, Peyton even wondered if Forrest would grow to [-] meters like in the novel?
Shaking his head, Peyton didn't think about it anymore, there is nothing wrong with being taller.

Their family is also outstanding in terms of height.

Mr. Chris is a big man close to 1.8 meters 1.9, and his two older brothers are even [-] meters tall.

If there is no problem, Payton can also grow to 1.9 meters.

In terms of physical hardware, Payton and Forrest are not much different. They can run and jump, and they are much taller than their peers.

Payton has grown to a little over 1.5 meters, while Forrest is close to 1.6 meters, more than a head taller than his age.

It has to be said that in the direction of physical development, there are obvious differences between races.

James' face is comparable to 30 years old, um, very mature, this is a natural attribute of black people.

Payton's brothers are the best example. As rugby stars, they are always surrounded by Yingying Yanyan.

Girlfriends can be changed faster than clothes, Payton can't believe it, their girlfriends are just changing, not for fun.

At this time, Forrest was in a solid body and possessed a pair of rare big hands.

A good body is a must for Forrest to become an All-American rugby running star in the amazingly confrontational rugby game in the future.

Exchange the ball, this time it is Forrest holding the ball, his style of play is not gorgeous at all, it is always a few tricks.

Run non-stop, actively seek confrontation, break through to the basket and hit a 45-degree goal.

Payton gave him the 45-degree rebound and basket, and the more he looked, the more he looked like a stone Buddha.

10 minutes passed quickly, and the two bullfights were very confrontational, and each other was sweating profusely.

The two smiled at each other and were about to leave.

At this moment, a white girl with sweat dripping between her brows came over and handed Peyton and the others a bottle of water.

"Hey, your skills are really good, especially your backhand dribble, and that big breakthrough, it's the first time I've seen it!"

"I'm Joanna in fifth grade, nice to meet you."

Peyton subconsciously looked at the girl in front of him.

Women in the Commonwealth develop very quickly, and this girl is an obvious example.

I can only see her blue pupils, big eyes, blond hair, a tall figure of about 1.5 meters, similar to Payton, with a slightly straight chest, although her face is immature with a little baby fat, but her facial features are exquisite, definitely a standard beauty.

Holding the basketball, sweating, just like Haruko Akagi!
Payton smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for the water, second grader Payton."

"He's my companion Forrest."

"Ah! You are only in the second grade. I thought you were in the fourth or fifth grade, seeing how tall you are."

"You should call me senior." Joanna smiled slyly.

Peyton grinned: "Then thank you, senior!"

"Time to play ball together."

"It's getting late, class is on, see you, senior!"

Pulling Forrest away, Peyton could tell at a glance that Joanna must be greedy for himself.

For more than a year, Peyton has long realized how much lethality he has for little girls if he studies well, has a delicate face, and a strong figure.

When the little girls in the class are in class, they always sneak a few glances at Peyton for no reason.

Sometimes outside the basketball court, a few little girls would sit together on the ridge, watching Peyton sweating, chattering excitedly.

However, these little girls were obviously a little shy, and they didn't dare to take the initiative to approach Payton. Joanna was the first one to take the initiative.

But senior sister!
It's normal to shoot quickly!
Of course, even if the little girls in the class took the initiative to approach, Peyton would not show much kindness to them, and he didn't have much interest in these little girls.

As for the Joanna just now, she looked okay, but she was still a little immature, and she might get better in a few years.

In the days that followed, Joanna would ask Payton to play basketball with Payton almost every day. She had very good skills and basic skills, and she was simply Haruko Akagi herself.

After playing basketball for a long time, Payton is even thinking about whether he is too narcissistic, and others may just simply make friends.

Peyton shook his head, how can there be friends between men and women?

It was impossible for Peyton to be friends with her.

She is not greedy for Peyton, and Peyton is also greedy for her when he matures!

Under the threat of Joanna, the foreign invader, the shy little girls in the class became active. On Peyton's desk, there were different love letters every day.

Seeing these love letters, Peyton could only shake his head. He really didn't have the slightest interest in these underdeveloped little girls.

He is the descendant of a generation of heros, with a strong character in Jian'an, even if he has no wife, he still needs a big sister!

Therefore, whether it is physical or soul mates, these little girls can't do it.

However, after seeing these love letters, he instantly had an inspiration in his heart, setting inspiration for the identity of the rich second generation.

The approximate content is full of irony. He has been searching hard and writing countless love letters to the goddess, but he still can't get it.

He left the strip party and was the last one to travel by car and come to this hotel.

After conceiving this paragraph, Payton shook his head: "The Love Letter itself is also a classic enough love movie, maybe you can consider writing it."

(End of this chapter)

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