Witness of the film and television world

Chapter 17 In 3 years, the world has been turned upside down.

Chapter 17 In three years, the world has been turned upside down.

When people are busy, time always passes quickly.

In January 1956, Payton was about to enter middle school, but due to special reasons, he could not go to school and teach at home to avoid causing a sensation.

In the past few years, some big events have happened, each of which can cause a sensation internationally.

First of all, in January 53, the new president took office. The president's name was Dwight David Eisenhower, a Republican.

That's right, Mr. Chris's Democratic Party lost, completely lost!
As far as parties are concerned, the new president is a great figure. He broke the 32-year monopoly of the Democratic Party on the president since Roosevelt, from 52 to 20 years.

Dwight David Eisenhower, who is familiar with the military, will also know him. He is a graduate of the West Point Military Academy and a five-star general of the Federal Army. He once served as the supreme European commander of the Allied Powers from 1949 to 1952. Achievement.

Even, in the history of the US military, Eisenhower is a dramatic legend, he has won many firsts.

The U.S. military awarded a total of 10 five-star generals. He was promoted "the fastest", and he came from "the poorest." , is the No. 1 retired senior general of the U.S. military who served as the president of Columbia University. He is the only five-star general in the Federation who has become president.

From a general to a president, this gentleman also served as the president of Columbia University, and his life is extremely legendary.

He broke the tradition at the ceremony of announcing the inauguration of the president, replaced kissing the Bible with prayers, abandoned the black top hat for the first time, and used a hamburger hat to attend the inauguration ceremony of the president, full of military style.

Also because of the above reasons, this person still has a great reputation among the people!
But can he manage the Federation well?
Payton expressed serious doubts.

A martial artist, an honorary principal, and no experience in governing.

It seems to be a puppet launched by the Republican Party, a machine to attract popular votes.

His vice president Nixon looked more like a president than he did.

But unfortunately, Peyton's suspicion was useless, and the people used the votes in their hands to lift him up.

No regrets!
Ha ha!

To be honest, the former president actually qualified, in the eyes of Payton and Mr. Chris.

At least he is more qualified than the new president, but under Roosevelt's halo, it is too dim.

Harry S. Truman, Roosevelt's successor, a president who succeeded the president as a vice president and was re-elected.

During Truman's administration, he mainly reorganized the federal government agencies and improved the presidential term and succession system.

These bills limit the power of the president and limit themselves.

He proposed legislation on employment, housing, civil rights, etc., proposed the "Truman Doctrine", and proposed to Congress the Marshall Plan (European Recovery Plan) to aid Western Europe.

The Marshall Plan-the beginning of the US dollar kidnapping the world. In this sense, this president is absolutely excellent.

However, it is a pity that Truman stumbled in the Korean War, coupled with the steel workers' strike, which was greatly affected by public opinion, and he had no chance of re-election, so he had to withdraw from the election.

With his resignation, the 20-year ruling peak of the Democratic Party has been completely ended, and the glory left by President Roosevelt will eventually be submerged in the long river of history.


Half a year after Dwight David Eisenhower took office, he proposed to implement a "new look" diplomatic strategy.

In the military, the "Korean Armistice Agreement" was signed, which dealt with the issues left by Truman.

He believed that Shelumen's "containment" policy made the federal forces too scattered and overburdened. He advocated concentrating military forces in the vicinity of the federation and putting the main strike force on nuclear weapons. "Aggressors retaliate on a massive scale".

This strategy of using nuclear weapons as a deterrent force to carry out nuclear blackmail against other countries is a "massive retaliation policy" that is exaggerated.

Despite his new look, he still supports all opposition to the communist regimes of the Soviet Union and the Third World.

As a soldier, he is also a hawk in this respect.

If the environment did not allow it, his campaign slogan would be "We need war, we need victory!"

As for the Korean War, the sensation in the Federation was not too big, and most of the news and media chose to deal with it coldly. For them, this was a failed war!

When the agreement was signed, the atmosphere at the Federation was subdued, with no celebrations in Times Square or anywhere else.

The Washington Post reported that “Washington greeted news of the North Korean armistice with a kind of nonchalance, a fait accompli — calm, without any celebration.”

A defeat in the Far East was a disgrace in the eyes of the Federals.

After that, on March 1953, 3, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin passed away. The headline of the New York Times on that day was very sensational-the end of the red giant!

Of course, some tabloids wrote a lot of insinuating conspiracy theories - 5 thrilling days!From stroke to death, Stalin's high-level power in the former Soviet Union was reshuffled!
In their mouth, the day before his death, Stalin lost power in his hands, which was a political murder.

Of course, what is the truth?Peyton didn't know either, he only knew that Stalin's influence was indeed great.

During that time, almost all third world countries were in mourning.

And not long after, a revolution began in Cuba, led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, a future first Cuban leader, a famous Marxist thinker, and the spirit of countless people leader.

They seem to be following Stalin's will!

Then, as if in response, within a few months, Cambodia became independent from France, the Algerian War of Independence broke out, and the first Sudanese civil war began...

As for the successor of the loving father, Khrushchev, the third generation, always praised the loving father before he was alive, and even said that he was his "biological father", but after the loving father passed away, Khrushchev completely overturned the loving father. Everything, even ordering the removal of the body of the loving father from the tomb of Lehring, is really a kind father and a filial son!

Of course, this is also an international scandal... The major newspapers in the federation continue to spark discussions on this matter, and finally come to the conclusion that the federation is the beacon of freedom.

At the same time, these international events seem to be far away from Payton, but Payton can witness their existence from all aspects.

He may not be able to do much, but he can be a qualified witness.

Witness the dramatic changes in the two poles of the world in just three years.

The three giants of the original World War II completely retreated with their brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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