Chapter 18 Famous

That day, the family watched Eisenhower's proclamation ceremony.

Chris looked at Peyton in front of him, his heart was very complicated, and he felt very shocked.

Recalling the discussion he had with Peyton back then, all the developments over the years have all come true as Peyton had predicted.

For the first time in 20 years, the Republicans beat the Democrats.

Eisenhower and Nixon stayed in the White House together and became the president and vice president of the Federation.

The new star launched by their Democratic Party suffered a complete defeat.

The full confidence at the beginning has now become a joke. Mr. Chris only feels that he is old, and his political sensitivity is no better than that of a child.

With a long sigh, Mr. Chris quickly accepted the reality. After all, his son is better than his father, which is what he has been looking forward to.

It's just that this time came too fast, which made him very uncomfortable.

But speaking of it, Eisenhower's coming to power was not a bad thing for him.

Don't forget that although he belongs to a different party from the president, the entire state of Alabama is still in the sphere of influence of the Democratic Party, and this matter has no effect on him.

After all, he was not at a height that would be affected.

Moreover, he also has a huge advantage, he is a soldier.

Eisenhower's ascension to a certain extent means the rise of military power, which is of great benefit to retired politicians like them.


At that time, Mr. Chris's family was having breakfast at home, but the atmosphere at home was far less lively than before.

Now there are only Payton and Chris in the family.

Peyton's older brothers and sisters went through four years of high school and went to college, and are now enjoying their college time on the college campus.

Mina was successfully admitted to Princeton University, majoring in sociology.

Of course, a letter of recommendation from the new governor, Mr. Jim Folsom, also contributed.

Kevin and Rich successfully entered the University of Anabama, the highest local institution.

And received a full scholarship from the giants of the All-American football team, the Crimson Tide Storm, which is definitely based on real strength.

Everyone in the high school football world in the United States knows the Chris brothers.

The football twins of Alabama were named All-State Football All-Stars three years in a row and led the Red Giants to state championships two years in a row.

Mr. Chris is very satisfied that his three children have embarked on a better path than he expected.

Of course, these years, Mr. Chris has not been wasted.

In the general election three years ago, he was successfully elected to the Alabama House of Representatives and was elected Deputy Commissioner of the State Police.

Representative and deputy administrator, his two identities have greatly increased his power ranking in the state.

It can be said that in just a few years, his political ambitions have grown rapidly.

Speaking of this, we must talk about the political system of the Federation.

Congress is divided into two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Among them, there are two members from each state in the Senate, but not necessarily in the House of Representatives. This belongs to the core area of ​​federal power.

The president is also subject to their restrictions, and various proposals must be signed and approved by Congress.

At the same time, most presidents of the Federation are themselves elected from both houses.

And each state is also divided into two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, which also belong to the core of power in each state.

Members of both houses of Alabama serve four-year terms and are eligible for re-election.

Now Alabama has 35 senators and 105 representatives, most of whom have failed to hold important positions and only have reputations.

Mr. Chris, who is also the Deputy Commissioner of the State Police, has a reputation and real power, and his power is growing rapidly.

Of course, in Chris's political career, Payton still contributed a lot.

The first is the huge influence. With the status of the father of the popular novelist Chris Jr., coupled with the achievements of the rest of his children, Mr. Chris has become a role model in the eyes of many parents.

His parenting scriptures have also attracted the attention of some publishing houses.

As a result, Mr. Chris is a duck to water on certain occasions.

Especially in the field of education, if he has no foundation, Mr. Governor would like to ask him to be the Director of Education.

At the same time, in the party, those bigwigs nominated him and looked at him with admiration, not only because of the support of the Veterans Association, but also because of this level of influence.

Of course, influence is not the only thing, and funding is an extremely important step.

Payton provided him with a total of $30 in campaign funding.

What is this concept?
Nowadays, the monthly salary of an ordinary worker is about one hundred dollars, which is enough to hire a hundred workers, hand out leaflets for him during the campaign day and night, and at the same time, influence newspapers in Analabama Go all over again.

Even organized several large-scale parades to let everyone in the state know the existence of Mr. Chris.

That's the beauty of money.

As far as he knew, the mayor of Montgomery, the capital city of the state of Alabama, had never dared to be so arrogant when running for office.

Thanks to money and huge influence, Mr. Chris finally took a further step from the city to the state, realizing a crucial step in his political career!
Peyton, the youngest child, was also the first to make his astonishing achievements in society.

The current social value has made Mr. Chris treat him as an equal.

In the past three years, Payton's body has changed the most in the family, and he has too much aura.

Nova genius in the world of detective and reasoning novels, genius writer once in 50 years in the Federation, magical brain, crazy Peyton... This series of titles were pasted on his head by the media as if free of money.

This is a good thing for Payton, whether it is expanding his influence or "the halo of genius."

With this halo, Payton can even write about subjects beyond his age, as long as they are not too outrageous, they will not arouse doubts.

Don't ask, asking is genius!

With the release of "Devil's Personality", 20 copies were sold in just two months, and it has gained a good reputation among book fans, and is regarded as the most creative suspense reasoning work.

Yes, it is not a detective reasoning work, but a suspense reasoning work. There are suspense and reasoning elements, so the definition is very reasonable.

Although the publishers of Random House are publicizing the Edgar Allan Poe Award, they know that if they forcibly define "Devil Personality" as a detective novel, but the novel does not even have the role of a detective, it will definitely seriously affect word of mouth .

Later, as the publisher's public relations performance appeared, the novel was nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction one after another...

Then Random House began to publish newspapers to hype the genius' character design, which directly made Peyton out of the circle.

The most obvious hotness is reflected in the sales volume of "Devil Personality", which directly exceeded 400 million copies within a year, and entered the top three of the New York Times' annual sales list.

In the words of later generations, this is a book that becomes a god!
Such a wonderful novel is actually written by a seven-year-old child, and countless fans who have read "Devil's Personality" are sighing.

During that time, reporters from all over the country came to interview Payton almost every moment.

The police station had to arrange two patrol cars around the school at any time to maintain order and be responsible for security work.

This also let Payton know what it means to be famous as early as possible, the spotlight is too dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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