Chapter 179 Acquisition
Noyce read a few pages of patent documents slightly, except for the nebulizer and other things he couldn't understand.

He quickly fixed his eyes on the direction of his research, and then, he was surprised to find that it was a rough integrated circuit.

"Why is the patent of the integrated circuit in your hands?"

"And the inventor of the patent, what's going on with this stick lab?"

Noyce was extremely surprised. In fact, in February of this year, the news that Kilby, an engineer from Texas Instruments, applied for the first integrated circuit invention patent came.

The date of this document is April.

Logically it shouldn't happen.

Wade smiled, taking it for granted: "I know your doubts, this patent should be applied for, but their patent is obviously not as perfect as ours, and the integrated circuit is only a part of our patent, our patent Bypass their obstacles."

Noyce looked like he had seen a ghost, so you have the nerve to say bypass?

This patent is clearly the super original version.

I really don't know, how did those bastards in the patent office pass this patent?
Keele's patent has some problems, but it's better than this one.

Wade continued: "I remember that you are also studying the majors that apply first? Don't you have the idea of ​​​​bypassing patents?"

Wade's work is obviously done extremely well. He has sufficient research on Fairchild Semiconductor and this industry.

His words directly hit the core of Fairchild Semiconductor.

That's right, even though there is news that an integrated circuit patent has been applied for, Fairchild has never given up on this aspect of the idea.

Even a little wronged, they had ideas in this area earlier, but they felt that they were not perfect and had no application value, and there were still problems, such as two times of diffusion on the silicon wafer and interconnection of wires, etc.

Just use it as a PPT idea to communicate with your peers.

They also did not expect that after technical exchanges with their peers, this imperfect idea was directly applied for a patent by fellow engineers.

Why did the Patent Office pass it?
(Noyce: The patent office is a bunch of fat assholes.)
How wronged?

Today, within Fairchild Semiconductor, Noyce proposed that the method of evaporative deposition of metal can be used instead of thermally soldered wires, which is the best way to solve the interconnection of components. Fairchild Semiconductor began to catch up and solve the problem completely. .

Lawsuit plus technical detour, this is their idea.

[Historically, after Fairchild Semiconductor further improved the integrated circuit, it also submitted the patent of the integrated circuit, and fought a lawsuit with Texas Instruments for several years, and finally the patent office recognized Noyce and Kilby is a co-inventor of the integrated circuit, and both patents are valid. 】

Now that Payton has stepped in, this patent battle may become more intense.

Of course, it is also possible that under Payton's gold dollar offensive, this patent competition will be completely ended.

Texas Instruments patent?
The big deal is to buy it.

After all, their patents are primitive and have no application value.

Historically, after Xiantong was preempted by his opponents who did not talk about martial arts, the reason why they still won half of the victory was their technical strength. Integrated circuits have begun to realize industrial applications in his hands, and even started to create the first one soon. chip.

To a certain extent, it is indeed bypassed, and they have communicated with each other, and there are written documents to testify that the other party is suspected of patent theft.

Noyce smiled, but did not deny it.

Since the funder himself also has ideas in this regard, this is exactly where they fit together.

"However, I think this patent will be pursued by Texas Instruments later."

Wade smiled: "Texas Instruments? We are applying for completely different patents. I don't know why they are pursuing it."

Noyce shook his head: "This is always bad. If Mr. Chris is interested, Fairchild Semiconductor is willing to solve this problem for him."

In the hotel, Peyton hung up the phone and smiled slightly: "Solve this problem for me?"

Of course, he understands the issue of patents.

There is indeed a problem with their patent, and time is the biggest problem.

However, the patent office mainly recognized the rest of the parts. Except for a problem with the integrated circuit, there was no problem with the rest of the parts.

Of course, patent issues are likely to impose certain restrictions on e-cigarettes after they are sold.

In Peyton's plan, it may be possible to use the means of acquisition to complete the breakthrough of patents.

After all, Texas Instruments is also a heavyweight guest in the industry in this era.

Peyton was also moved.

"Help me solve this problem? I want to see how you can help me."

Peyton smiled with interest.

"What do you want to do?"

Noyce spoke very respectfully and expressed his thoughts.

Just like in history, Fairchild really took a detour to catch up, and finally passed a lawsuit to lock down the other party's suspicion of patent theft and regain the patent.

Peyton nodded irrefutably: "Great note."

"However, I have a better way."

"Do you think Texas Instruments will agree to my acquisition?"

Noyce was taken aback, and thought of a billionaire in front of him, he took it for granted.

There is nothing in the world that money cannot solve. If there is, it must be because there is not enough money.

"I have a few ideas, you might as well listen to them. First, I will acquire Texas Instruments and merge him into Fairchild."

"I will invest 500 million in Fairchild, retain the management, and a part of the shares of key personnel, and retain your independent management rights."

"Finally, I want you to promise me one thing."

Noyce asked respectfully, "What's the matter?"

Peyton looked at him seriously and smiled: "Relocate! Relocate to Alabama."

Noyce said in a low voice, "Sir, Alabama doesn't have many talents in the electronics industry."

Payton waved his hand: "There will be, whether it is people, money, policies, resources, patents, there will be!"

"By the way, just to remind you, the governor of Alabama is also surnamed Chris!"

Noyce suddenly realized: "Sir, please give me some time, I need to convince my team and make the final arrangements."


A few days later, Payton smiled and shook hands with Noyce, Fairchild and others.

Not long ago, they had reached an agreement.

Peyton bought out Fairchild's last benefactor Fairchild's shares for US$50, and cleared the gentleman.

In just two years, from 3600 million to 50 US dollars, the other party undoubtedly made a lot of money.

Therefore, the opponent also decisively chose to leave.

(Of course, it’s not something he can do if he doesn’t leave the field. The other party’s main company has a large loan with the Bank of California. Coincidentally, the Bank of California has always maintained a good relationship with Payton. If you don’t leave the field, it will go bankrupt!)
After the settlement of the last funder, the next step is to invest in Fairchild.

As previously promised, Payton invested 500 million and retained 20% of the shares of the management and key personnel.

No one chose to leave, and Payton gave too much.

Moreover, they are not locals, and they came here for Dr. Shockley.

Even though he was worried, at this time he heard that Payton was going to build a huge electronics industrial zone in Alabama. There were people with money and policies, so he chose to follow.
(End of this chapter)

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