Chapter 180 Advertising
Alabama, a row of black cars driving on the highway.

This expressway was the feat of the previous governor, and Mr. Chris is inheriting it and continuing to expand it to form a transportation network throughout the state.

Because the development of transportation is a necessary step for industrial and economic development.

At the same time, the role of this highway is also very obvious. With the implementation of the highway, the economy of the surrounding cities has increased by more than 15% in just one year.

Some industries that have always relied on the development of transportation have been fully improved.

For example, Chris Chemical, they are spreading towards the surrounding areas at a full speed, so that various basic chemical products can be found all over the state. For this reason, Payton also specially approved a sum of money for the purchase of transportation tools to form a special transportation team .

Not to mention the related steel and ore industries.

In the words of the Chinese, this is to build roads first if you want to get rich.

"Linton, how far is it?" Payton asked the assistant beside him.

"Sir, there are still ten kilometers left, and it is expected to reach the factory in 10 minutes."

Peyton nodded, this time he went to the factory area prepared for electronic cigarettes.

At the same time, with the support of the state government and the city government, high-tech plans and industrial zones have been divided, and Payton also plans to promote and implement them as soon as possible during this trip.

In Silicon Valley, he has already taken care of it.

Fairchild and many electronic talents began to gather in the Birmingham, Alabama area.

He is still getting rid of the headhunting company and contacting the talents of the Federation. The geographical conditions are not good, and he is going to use money and other aspects to make up for it.

And, with the development of airports and highways, Payton believes distance will not be an issue.

The only problem that is difficult to make up for is the surrounding environment. There are not so many high-tech universities, and it is difficult to form a talent training chain. For this, Payton can only take it step by step.

At least his father also had plans for education, so he built it himself if he didn't.

Contact the corresponding Dana to promote industrial development.

Payton has great ambitions, and he wants to play an important role in promoting this era of change.

Beside the road, various advertising slogans are erected high in the fields.

Even Payton saw various slogans along the way——

"Steal corn, get shot!"

"Trample on the field, hang and beat for a day."

"Illegal hunting is strictly prohibited, catch the target."

Simple, straightforward, wild, domineering!

Full of the brutality of the southern industrial park.

Now Alabama is transitioning from agriculture to industry. Except for a very few areas, the main economic pillar of the local area is still crops. It has become the consensus of the public to protect the field plantations.

The management of various firearms is also prepared in advance for the corresponding lawbreakers.

For example, last year, there were several cases in which blacks destroyed agriculture and were directly beaten to death by factory owners.

(In this land, in the new century, where blacks have no votes, white farmers have high demands on blacks and show no mercy.)
"Lynton, are there any big civil rights marches this year?" Payton asked.

"Sir, Mr. Governor has great prestige, and those black leaders are also willing to discuss with him, and many things have a basis for advancing and retreating."

Peyton smiled. His father accurately grasped their original discussion opinions and did not portray himself as an extreme leftist governor. Although this image is very good in Alabama, looking at the Federation, and even the world, a Politicians who are extreme and not tolerant are destined to be difficult to achieve the mainstream.

Payton asked again: "Aren't there extreme white attacks?"

Linton hesitated for a moment: "Yes, but there are still very few."

Peyton understood, this is the stronghold of the Ku Klux Klan, how could it not be there?

But they are indeed a minority, especially under the premise of industrial and economic development.

Contradictions often only find opportunities for development in a depressed atmosphere.

At present, Mr. Chris is still the star-level governor selected with a super high approval rate.

Not long after seeing the progress of the factory area, Peyton nodded in satisfaction.

After all, Birmingham was his home base, and he encountered almost no resistance.

With the endorsement of Mr. Chris and a good reputation, neither the preliminary preparation nor the recruitment is a problem.


The shooting of the commercial was in charge of Birmingham TV general manager Nidick.

At Peyton's request, he had already found the shooting location and actors early on.

"Mr. Chris, according to your request, we have already made preparations. The director is selected from the Washington headquarters and is the most experienced one in the industry..." Nidik introduced.

The TV network under Payton is expanding and reorganizing. With Washington as the headquarters, it has layouts in New York, Los Angeles and other places, but the progress is not fast. This is a long-term process.

But Alabama is different. As his base camp, he teamed up with his two older brothers to acquire a local TV station, and later expanded the coverage of the local TV station and added several channel choices.

Coupled with the fact that Mr. Chris has always regarded Birmingham TV as his home field, he conducts work reports on TV once a week, and with the resources in Washington, they develop extremely fast.

At present, Birmingham TV has basically become the number one choice in the whole state, and even began to spread to the southern states here.

"Director Thors, hello!" Peyton showed a formulaic smile and stretched out his hand.

Thors held out his hand respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Chris."

For him, it is a huge opportunity to get in close contact with Chris Jr., a media tycoon with industries covering film, television, radio, publishing, and newspapers.

"This is an advertisement design proposal made according to your request."

Peyton took the lost file and briefly browsed through it.

"Health lecture plan?" Peyton came to read the first page of the plan, flipped through the remaining dozens of pages, and nodded.

This is the mainstream marketing plan he chose, focusing on smoking cessation, health, fashion, and luxury, and launching three series of e-cigarettes that meet the middle and upper classes.

As for the bottom layer, he will create another brand with youth, fashion and novelty as the promotional route.

"Very good!" Peyton nodded in satisfaction. This plan maintains his original version, and the various copywriting and publicity are very formal, which shows that they really put their heart into it.

His advertisements are health care advertisements for later generations.

And all kinds of professional guidance can be completed as a health program.

After a pause, director Thors said cautiously: "Sir, this commercial is very good and the content is very healthy, but is the commercial time too long? According to the process inside, it will take at least 20 minutes to finish the broadcast. .”

Peyton glanced at him: "Don't worry, I have my own plan."

"Nidik, you only need complex advertising content without shooting, experts who are closed first, must hire highly professional ones."

"As for the advertising time, contact the southern TV stations as quickly as possible. I want them to broadcast our advertisements in the morning, afternoon, and early morning."

Nidic: "Boss, this time is not prime time."

Morning, afternoon, and early morning are the time for most people to work and sleep. Generally speaking, this time period is garbage time.

Peyton smiled: "I didn't plan to do it during the prime time, and the crowd during the prime time is not necessarily the crowd of our customers."

Who is Peyton's ideal clientele?

The standard middle class, people who can sit in the office watching TV and drink tea in the morning, and the elderly who have spare money after retirement.

"Also, if trash time is all about my ads, then it's not trash."

Nidic came to think for a moment in silence, as an industry insider, he quickly understood what his boss was thinking.

Ads in junk time are very cheap, and often no one is willing to vote, so they can only be sold together with ads in prime time.

If, all the mainstream TV stations and TV networks in the entire federal government are full of e-cigarette advertisements during the garbage time period, and each advertisement is played for one to two 10 minutes.That kind of carpet bombing is too terrifying. This is equivalent to federal viewers, who can see e-cigarette advertisements no matter how they switch channels.

"Genius, you are simply an advertising genius!" Nidick praised from the bottom of his heart.

There is no doubt that this advertising plan is a change of the times compared to the previous focus on prime time advertising.

Peyton just smiled, he is not a genius, he just sees a little more than people of this era.

In later generations, breast enhancement advertisements, weight loss advertisements, medicinal wine advertisements... all kinds of garbage time bombarded wildly, and an advertisement lasted more than ten minutes, which made countless viewers hate it.

But the effect of the advertisement is very outstanding, especially after the large-scale bombardment has been completely formed.

(End of this chapter)

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