Chapter 30 No.30-Follow-up
After a while, everyone left the factory, ready to complete the orders of the new boss.

Only Mr. Chris and Peyton were left in the room.

Looking at Peyton, Mr. Chris smiled and said, "Very good, perfect performance, but the action behind it is too fast, maybe they can see it."

Peyton let out a sigh of relief, and said with some ease: "If you know it, you know it. Anyway, my attitude has been shown. If you don't cooperate, get out!"

As they said that, the father and son discussed for a while the follow-up processing of the factory, the financial situation, the transfer of personnel, and management.

Regarding these, mostly Peyton is listening, and Mr. Chris is imparting experience. He has rich experience and is quite skilled in dealing with many things, and has given Peyton many insightful opinions.

Peyton did not belittle himself, he clearly knew that there was still a big gap between each other's skills and abilities.

This requires more practice.

"The deputy factory director, Belfgang, you can consider staying, as long as he can obey your control. Under certain circumstances, you need a villain under your command, and this person is very suitable!"

Peyton thought for a while, and understood Mr. Chris' thoughts.

This person has a lot of uses. He can balance the old Megan in the management, and can attract hatred in the working class.

very good!

"Well, I will transfer him from the logistics and financial departments. Since he is the deputy factory director, he should help Megan, the factory director, to share more work."

Mr. Chris nodded. His son is very smart. He only needs to mention a few things about many things.

At noon, Ms. Vivian walked in with two men dressed as workers.

"Boss, the inventory has been completed, and the accumulated inventory now has [-] pieces of high-quality leather, which is [-] pieces less than the book."

Four thousand pieces is not a small number!

Although the high-quality leather produced by their factory is unsalable, the cost is not low. Because of the innovation of the production line, they mainly focus on the mid-to-high-end market.

The cost of each piece of leather is about fifteen to sixteen dollars, and the sales price to outside suppliers is definitely not less than thirty, and even when it appears in people's homes, the market price may be fifty dollars.

For most workers, such leather jackets can only be bought after they have worked hard to save money for a month.

Four thousand pieces, the cost alone is tens of thousands.

If the market price, this is 20 yuan!
Peyton was not angry at all when he heard this, he just said lightly, "How did those workers do it?"

Vivienne nodded: "Yes, according to the logistics management personnel, last month, the workers who didn't get paid rushed in and took these leathers to compensate for their wages!"

Peyton heard the words and said decisively: "Call the police! The police will protect the rights and interests of taxpayers. Such a bad behavior is not just theft, it is robbery!"

"Since these people dare to do it, I dare to investigate. If the investigation continues, I will solve this problem with these people in the police station and in the court!"

"I want these people to spend the rest of their lives in Mike Prison!"

Payton showed a tough attitude.

This is a knife, a knife delivered to his door, to help him solve the factory problems thoroughly.

Take this opportunity to thoroughly clean the factory's cancer and at the same time establish his prestige!

Two weeks later, the courts!
The white-bearded judge sitting in the center of the court looked at the dock in front of him and began to announce the final verdict.

"Defendants Richard, Jackson...and ten people robbed and stole leather products worth 20 yuan in the market. At the same time, Charlie was sentenced to 119 years in prison for extortion and kidnapping, and Jackson was sentenced to 82 years for rape and organizing kidnapping. Imprisonment...54 years for Bacchus."

Following the judge's sentencing, most of these ten people were ashamed.

Richard was still roaring frantically: "I don't accept it, I want to appeal! I want to appeal!"

It's just useless, they have already appealed before, and now the state court has pronounced a sentence, and they have no luck at all.

The incomparable madness in Richard's heart, 119 years of imprisonment, means that he will stay in it for the rest of his life!

The rest of the nine people are more or less desperate, and they are about to face decades of imprisonment, and they don't know if they will survive until the time they are released from prison.

The judge did not manage Chad and the others, but looked at Robert who was standing in the seat of the tainted criminals, and said, "Ropert pleaded guilty positively, and confessed the crimes of the rest. He is sentenced to nine years in prison!"

When Robert heard the words, he immediately felt relieved. Fortunately, he took the initiative to turn to the police and became a tainted witness.

According to the advice of the police officer who asked him to turn him into a tainted witness, as long as he actively worked in prison and his sentence was reduced, he might be able to come out in three or four years.

On the contrary, these companions of his have been imprisoned for such a long time. If they don't get a chance to reduce their sentences, they will most likely be out of prison.

And in the prison, if you offend capitalists and politicians, you may suddenly die of illness one day, and die in it.

Peyton under the auditorium looked at the scene in front of him, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment in his heart.

The 11 people just took the blame for themselves. After the police were invited to investigate, the internal cause of the leather theft was found out this time.

It's not that Payton expected that the large-scale looting of workers and 11 pieces of leather, the main body of the real hands-on is these [-] people.

Only a small number of workers fished in troubled waters when the 11 people did it. After the police arrived, they voluntarily returned the leather and admitted their mistakes.

After getting Peyton's generous understanding, get out sensible.

Charlie De's group of 11 people has always been a well-known gangster in the factory, or a gang member. They usually work under the name, only receive wages and do not go to work.

They didn't receive their wages last month, so this group of people threatened the warehouse manager, opened the warehouse door, rushed into the warehouse, snatched [-] pieces of leather, and sold them outside at a price of [-]. partner businessman.

Under the pursuit of the police, they saw the stolen leather from the businessman, and with the testimony of the businessman, all the stolen goods were seized.

After that, under the interrogation of the police station, in addition to the issue of leather theft, many other crimes were also investigated.

Rape, kidnapping, theft, extortion...the gang did a lot.

Although the main job of workers is average, their side jobs are well developed.

20, there is no doubt that this is a large sum!

Today, when the average monthly salary of ordinary workers is less than one hundred dollars, this amount of money is enough to sentence the death penalty in some states.

If it weren't for the death penalty in Anabama, these people would never be so lucky!
That's a prison, a good place to live and eat. Living here for a lifetime is definitely the glory of these scumbags.

(End of this chapter)

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