Chapter 34 Snow Country

"Okay, let's talk about the situation in Japan!"

Payton attaches great importance to the situation in Japan and is always aware of it.

Although the local clubs in Japan will send back statistics and basic information every time, Payton still spends extra time every day, listening to Belfgang's reports by phone, and occasionally getting some news from lawyers and accountants.

Ivoni Bernard had just returned from Japan, and Payton wanted to hear from him.

Ivoni Berner thought for a while, and said, "The advertisement is well done, and the sales are also very optimistic. I read the advertisements in the newspapers, and the Snow Country series is very popular among the middle and upper class."

Peyton nodded. Snow Country is exactly this series of brands of leather products specially produced for the Japanese market.

Peyton deliberately acquired several declining French tailoring brands, which can also have a century-old heritage. The name of royal manufacturing, coupled with federal manufacturing, is completely an international brand in Japan.

Snow Country is a series aimed at Japan, and the products have some symbols of traditional Japanese culture on them, which can be regarded as fitting Japanese culture.

As for being sought after by the upper-middle class, this is more normal. Peyton's positioning of the Snow Country brand is "light luxury goods", and the marketing targets are the social middle class, and even some emerging wealthy classes.

As for the real top of the society and even some traditional nobles, Peyton doesn't have too many ideas for the time being. This group of people has the most money and is also the most difficult to pay.

In order to show off their wealth, they all have special tailors and family-owned clothing shops.

It is these middle class and emerging rich people who are the main people who pay for Snow Country. In order to cater to this group of people, Payton has made many plans.

The first is advertisements. In newspapers, there are many social intellectuals and social activists marketing for the Snow Country platform. In China, these people occasionally have a special title of "public knowledge".

Nowadays, these people have a strong influence in the middle class of Japan. As a defeated country in World War II, a group of people with advanced ideology and a desire for freedom are actively emerging in the mainstream of society.

These people criticize the traditions of Japanese society and even deficiencies in various aspects. In the eyes of the public, these people are "Japanese conscience".

At the same time, they are actively touting foreign countries. The Federation, which directly led to its defeat in World War II, is the main existence they tout. They are following the Federation in everything.

It is very simple to buy these people, and it does not even require a lot of money, because the federal manufacturing itself is "perfect" in the eyes of these people, and this is the best guarantee.

Moreover, this federal company is so sincere, it absorbs Japanese culture and designs a batch of products, which is simply conscientious!

For these people, Peyton bought some products in the name of experience, so that these people can experience the comfort of the Federation's high-end leather, and provide a certain experience fee appropriately.

Then market the atmosphere in the newspaper, let these people stand up for the Snow Country, and criticize the local leather at the same time.

Not to mention that this batch of leather itself is of sufficient quality, even if the quality is not enough, there are additional attributes added by "Made in the Federation", which makes people feel extremely worthwhile.

In terms of shopping guides, Payton also asked Belfgang to specially train a group of "high-quality" shopping guides, most of whom are dignified ladies.

At the same time, in order to stick to customers, Payton chose the membership system. If you buy Snow Country products, you can become a member of Snow Country.

At the same time, members of each level enjoy certain treatment, from some discounts for low-level members to exclusive experience for high-level members.

The exclusive experience includes providing suggestions to the Snow Country, discussing, designing, and even tailoring exclusive products with the designers of the Snow Country.

In order to bind customers, Payton is still very careful.

After a while, Ivoni Berner asked: "Kenichiro Miyauchi, the local president of the Japanese club, you know it!"

Peyton nodded. He knew this person. He has managed Paton's business in Japan very well over the years. He has never had any troubles. He is a talent.

"He told me that the current social situation in Japan is to put the words "Made in Federation" on it, and you can get very good sales. Advertising is of little significance. He also suggested that we should invest in industrial fields such as electrical appliances and machinery. These fields Broader than leather."

"On the coast of Japan, it is said that there are many people engaged in overseas trade, and many rich people have been born among these people."

Peyton just smiled slightly when he heard the words, overseas trade?

Isn't it just a second-hand trafficker?

How to say this industry, being choked by both sides, the federal company earns the bulk, the Japanese channel earns part, and second-hand dealers bear the greatest risk, but only part of the profit.

As long as he has a certain economic strength, Payton will not enter this industry.

Of course, if you don't have much money, it's a good industry, and there are many wolves in this industry who support the bold, starve the timid, and empty-handed wolves.

As for the investment in electrical appliances and machinery in the construction of factories?
Sony, Panasonic... Which one of the batches of Japanese companies like Toyota is easy to get along with?
After the giants of the Federation entered the Japanese market, they were all restricted by various aspects of society, and it was rare to fight against them, let alone Payton, who had no background at all.

Before deciding to invest in Japan, he had done a comprehensive investigation, and he had a good understanding of Japan's national conditions.

After all, there is an example of future generations before Payton's eyes. Today's Japan and China's reform and opening up have many things in common.

In many areas, Payton can actually see opportunities.

But few of these fields can last for a long time, just like the popular federal manufacturing of household appliances?How long can it last?
After the Japanese people realize that the local "Matsushita Electric" is a better commodity, the industry will disappear.

Mu Qiang is more or less the nature of many countries. This is most evident in the island countries after World War II. Now the federal manufacturing can be unimpeded, but it cannot be unimpeded forever.

If you want to do it for a long time, you still need to look at the quality and brand!

Now Payton is going to market the brand, and from upstream to downstream, from production to channels, from merchants to customers, all problems are being solved. This is the way of long-term operation.

"Okay, let this guy not think too much, we have our own plan, he just needs to strictly follow the plan!"

"At the same time, you can tell him some news. From the second half of the year, I will increase investment in Japan. The land I won before will also be formally developed and a leather production factory will be established..."

There is no doubt about the establishment of a factory in Japan. After all, the labor cost in Japan is much lower than that of the Federation. If you hire one worker in the Federation, you can hire three workers in Japan. The extra is profit.

Moreover, Japan's economy is booming and investment is increased, but it can also gain more benefits from other aspects, such as getting more land at a low price, or working with the local government to develop some fields...

(End of this chapter)

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