Chapter 35 Program
On March 1956, 3, the school celebration of Luyin Town Central School.

As a well-known public middle school in the whole state, many big figures were present today, including city councilors and the mayor who values ​​education.

When this group of big shots came, speeches were naturally indispensable.

According to A-Gump later:

"We looked at the gentlemen in suits on the stage like wooden men, and watched them pick up the long microphones and recite the speeches with great emotion. My legs were weak when I stood. good!"

To be honest, if Mr. Mayor, who values ​​education, can shorten the time of his speech, in the hearts of these students, he is the best mayor.

It's a pity that the target audience of his speech is not the students in the audience, but the parents and reporters who came to interview. He needs to be labeled as an emphasis on education to get a more positive image in society.

It doesn't matter what the students think. After all, by the time they have the right to vote, Mr. Mayor may have gone to other cities.

As a state senator and the father of several well-known alumni, Mr. Chris also took the stage to give a small speech. His speech was very short, so the moment he stepped down, he received the most cheers.

Originally, our respected Mr. Principal also wanted Peyton to go to the school to give a speech as a freshman representative.

A middle school student giving a speech may sound a bit unbelievable, but when it comes to Peyton's other identity - the top fiction writer in the Federation, it seems normal.

To put it bluntly, Peyton is already the most famous figure in the history of Luyin Town Middle School.

Including those professional football stars who came out of the campus, none of them can reach one-tenth of Payton's current influence.

Labels of well-known alumni, pre-ordered at the beginning!
For Mr. Principal's invitation, Payton still refused. He didn't want to go on stage and attract everyone's attention.

And during this time period, he also had other arrangements.

Sitting on the sofa, Peyton was watching a new program launched by ABC TV station a few days ago-into the life of Mr. Duke.

That's right, which program Peyton proposed.

After all, professionals are professionals. Payton just made a suggestion, and ABC TV has already planned all the plans.

They adopted the FBI and directly created a program of legal crimes.

In it, the way of biography is used to answer Mr. Duke's life.

It sounds absurd to answer a fictional character with a biography, but the effect of the program is excellent.

A well-mannered and professional bald criminal expert, and a tall host with a sharp tongue and even a bit acrid tone.

Two hosts, hosting the show, one good and one evil directly make the show full of effect.

"Welcome everyone to watch today's Into the Life of the legendary philanthropist Mr. Duke. I am the host, Bernard, and next to me is my partner and top federal criminal expert, Mr. Chalco, a senior adviser to the FBI."

When he said the word philanthropist, Bernard's tone obviously strengthened, and the audience in the audience also smiled knowingly.

This can be regarded as a stalk of the novel. In the later stage of the novel, Mr. Duke successfully laundered and invested in countless philanthropic fields. He is considered the greatest philanthropist.

"We all know that the birth of the legendary philanthropist Mr. Duke has stimulated many fields. A few days ago, the Chicago police cracked a case of making counterfeit currency. The criminal suspect's dictation, the criminal operation process and ideas are all derived from "Money empire"."

"My God, what a bad news. Are there so many people who want to engage in charity work? They are not Mr. Duke! And don't they think that the detectives in the police station don't read books?" The tall host Bernard said in a mocking tone.

"That's right. Although the method we deciphered in the book is real and can be copied, please note that this was before Mr. Duke was born."

"After the birth of Mr. Duke, relevant federal government personnel, including bank personnel, have been working hard to adjust and correct these problems. Not everyone is Duke and can embark on the path of a philanthropist!"

The tall host smiled: "Of course, I can give them a suggestion. They can visit Mr. Peyton Chris and get the next book in the Original Sin series in advance, so that they can operate one step ahead of the federal agents. , Maybe they can become the prototype characters in Mr. Chris's works!"

Hearing this, the audience in the audience all smiled.

Payton cursed, "Fack!"

He didn't want anyone looking for him, he was afraid of thieves stealing, even if he had an experienced security team, he still needed to be very careful about his own safety.

The crime expert on the stage also smiled slightly, then restrained his smile, and said seriously: "As a consultant to the FBI, I sincerely hope that in the next book, Mr. Chris can omit some specific criminal operation procedures, which will be of great help to the Federal Bureau of Investigation." It has a great impact on public security!"

"Oh, no! Chalco, you can't deprive books of their souls. Without those criminal procedures, how can we understand how Mr. Duke embarked on the road of charity?"

"As we all know, Mr. Peyton Chris is a realistic author, and he will definitely not listen to your opinion!"

Bernard first yelled and protested, and then looked at the TV sincerely, as if he was begging Peyton not to modify it.

The audience in the audience also echoed, in their opinion, these realistic crime steps are the soul of the novel!

Seeing the manufacturing process of those counterfeit banknotes, they all learned.

These are all knowledge!

Charco shook his head helplessly: "Well, I'm just suggesting that creation is free."

"By the way, it is said that Mr. Duke has a prototype character. As the top criminal expert of the Federation, Charco, can you give us an analysis?"

Chalco spread his hands helplessly: "I don't know. In fact, many of our colleagues have talked about this issue, but we haven't been able to get a clear answer. Perhaps only Mr. Chris knows the answer."

"Is that so? Although Mr. Duke is engaged in charity, he is a charismatic character. Before, I thought that Mr. Chris had received funding from a certain banker before he got his inspiration."

"Quoting the headlines of those tabloids—White Duke, how much charitable aid did the author get from bankers?" Bernard's eyes widened, and he joked in a very special tone.

The audience in the audience heard a little amazed and funny tone, and suddenly burst into laughter.

Payton in front of the TV station also smiled slightly.

As for whitewashing public relations?

Those bloody bankers didn't pay!

However, with the fermentation of the Duke incident, maybe someone should contact me to send money, and there will always be someone who is willing to label a prototype of Mr. Duke.

As for worrying about the impact, as long as the money is enough, Payton doesn't mind explaining for his platform: "There are not many references to crime, and it is purely fictional, but in terms of charity and international business, this is the prototype."

(End of this chapter)

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