Witness of the film and television world

Chapter 36 The Times Interview

Chapter 36 The Times Interview
"Boss, they are here!" Sklin walked to Peyton's side and said.

Chuck and Scolin were Payton's first two bodyguards, and now Chuck is the head of security at the leather factory.

And Sklin became the commander of Payton's security team, responsible for all of Payton's travel and security work.

"Okay, I know!"

"Please come in!"

"Time Magazine", also known as "Time", was founded in 1923. It is one of the first weekly news magazines to appear in the past century. It focuses on the reports of hot events and people, and has a strong international influence.

Today's "Time" has not been flooded, and the people on the list are carefully selected, and the people on the list are all truly influential people.

Past listees, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-shek...

Most of them are political figures, after all, this is the mainstream of the times.

Of course, the situation has changed in the past two years. With the stability of the bipolar situation and the passing of the older generation, the color of politics has gradually dissipated, and the public's attention to politics is not as good as before.

For example, last year's Time Person of the Year was Harold Curtis.

This person is not a political figure. He is the president of General Motors, a top figure in the Federation, and a real big capitalist.

This time it was the editor-in-chief of Time Magazine who came to visit for the purpose of interviewing Peyton.

As the most popular and special gifted writer in recent years, there are many aspects of Peyton that are worth interviewing.

In addition, "Original Sin: Money Empire" not long ago has completely attracted the attention of all media.

Thousands of newspaper workers fly to Birmingham every day, wanting to interview him.

For these media, Payton only chose a few influential newspapers for interviews, such as "Atlantic Monthly" and "Time"...

For Payton, being on the cover of Time magazine, even if it is not the man of the year, is a good opportunity to expand his influence, and it can cooperate with publicity. He has no reason to refuse.

After a while, two men were brought into the living room by Sterling. One had two stacks of sexy mustaches, golden eyes, and was well-dressed. He was dressed in a neat suit and a white shirt. He was a perfectly decent middle-aged man. people.

The other is a young man, who is also dressed more casually, with a gray coat on his upper body, simple overalls on his lower body, and a pair of leather boots. He is a full-fledged pragmatist.

The young man was carrying a bulging backpack filled with various work supplies. He looked like an assistant or something.

"Hello, Mr. Chris, I am Rodolph, the editor-in-chief of Times, and this is my assistant Decker!"

With a smile on his face, Rodolph extended his hand friendly.

Peyton smiled and shook their hands, and asked his assistant to bring coffee.

"Please sit down!"

The three sat on the sofa, and Rodolph smiled and said, "Mr. Chris, I am a fan of your books. I have read all your works. They are great. I especially love Mr. Charles."

Mr. Charles, the original poet in "The Poet's Secret", is a romantic poet who has devoted everything to his love.

He is elegant, dedicated, humorous, and responsible. He is a very attractive guy.

In the eyes of many Federation women, this is the perfect lover!
It's also an enviable guy to some men.

Peyton took a sip of his tea and said, "What an unexpected answer. I thought all men in the Federation would like Mr. Duke."

Rodolphe smiled and explained: "I am also a writer, and I have more sympathy for Mr. Charles!"

Peyton nodded irrefutably: "Of course, empathy is human nature."

The two only had a rough conversation, and they still left a good impression on each other.

In Rodolfo's view, this little Mr. Chris is indeed as mature as the outside reports, and his conversation can reflect it.

"We will conduct the interview in the form of dialogue, are you ready?"

"Of course, but I won't be at your mercy!" Peyton said, unable to help but smile.

Roldov also smiled. He didn't know if Peyton was joking, but that didn't matter. They wanted to show the real Peyton Chris.

"It's every citizen's freedom."

The assistant Decker on the side quickly took out the small tape recorder and began to prepare for recording.

"Mr. Chris, in the past four years, you have written many best-selling books. According to official statistics, the sales of these books in the United States have reached 2000 million copies."

"What do you think is the secret to your success at this age? Everyone in the Federation says you are a genius with a high IQ. Is this the main reason?"

At the beginning of the interview, Rodolphe chose the label most familiar to the public, genius!

If a 50-[-]-year-old writer achieves Paton's achievements, although people in the Federation will admire them, they will not feel the slightest abnormality. His age and achievements are quite commensurate.

But Payton's age has added too much legend to his achievements. The topic of genius is of interest to many people.

Peyton shook his head and asked, "Sir, I don't know your definition of success, nor the inevitable relationship between success and age."

"Is there an inevitable relationship between a person's age and achievements? Some people have been mediocre all their lives and have no trace of their mark in history, but the 27-year-old Napoleon has won victories one after another and has become a French general and hero."

"I never think that a person's achievements have anything to do with his age!"

"Besides, I never think that I am a successful person. This is not modesty. Maybe I have some achievements, but this does not mean that I am successful."

"What is success? Is it money and reputation? If it were that simple, then many people would be successful from birth. Prince Charles of the British royal family enjoys fame and money that are difficult for ordinary people to touch. He is only seven years old now. Has his social status surpassed 99% of the world's people?"

With that said, Peyton stared at the man in front of him, expecting his answer?

Meeting Peyton's bright eyes, Rodolph felt a little confused, not because of his poor mental quality, but because Peyton caught him off guard.

He didn't expect Payton to be so "strong".

Yes, strong, not only did not follow his question to answer, but picked out the flaws from his question, seized two loopholes, and asked two interesting questions.

But this is in line with Rodolfo's perception of genius, he is proud of his talent!

Geniuses are strong, and Payton also said before that he would not "let him be at his mercy."

After a while, he recovered his thoughts, but Roldov didn't know how to answer.

Does achievement have anything to do with age?
It seems that the mainstream must exist, but it is true that most people have repeatedly done nothing throughout their lives.

What is success?

Money, fame?Although I don't want to admit it, this is what Roldov is after, but it would be too cheap for him, a decent writer, to define it as success.

This is not in line with the mainstream thinking of the Federation. They are a federation of freedom and equality, not an empire with a clear class.

They cannot define a newborn child as superior, even the president's child.

Of course, at least on the surface it is like this!

Coughing, Roldoff said: "It seems that there is a problem with my question, but for me, being able to write a work that everyone recognizes is success."

"I don't know how Mr. Chris sees success?"

Peyton looked at Roldov seriously, then shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know."

"Isn't it too obvious for a person who hasn't succeeded to talk about success here in general?"

Roldov was a little sluggish. He really didn't expect Peyton to slap him in the face like this. Isn't this just mocking himself?

It was only in the last second that I said my successful point of view.

Looking into Peyton's serious eyes, it seemed that everything was the way it was, and Roaldolph couldn't get angry.

"Can you tell me about the success you desire? The success you desire?"

Looking at Roldov, who was trying to stay calm, Peyton smiled slightly: "Although I don't know why you must be entangled in this problem, I can share a little bit with you."

"Do you know The Old Man and the Sea?"

"Of course, the year before last, I also interviewed Mr. Hemingway. I really like that spirit of struggle. This is the spirit of the Federation!"

"In my opinion, Santiago in it is successful. Yes, he does not have the wealth and fame defined by ordinary people, but he can struggle again and again, and persist again and again. In my opinion, success is doing things in the ordinary. Extraordinary persistence."

"There is no doubt that Santiago was successful even though he was penniless and the poorest man in the world."

"Many people have been mediocre all their lives, have never done earth-shattering events, and have not achieved achievements that are understood and recognized by the world, but you must not define them as a loser."

"Successful people don't need the approval of others, they only need their own persistence."

"A person who insists on himself is a success, even if he is ordinary."

"On this point, in my opinion, Napoleon is not more successful than most hard-working workers in the Federation. Proclaiming the emperor is a violation of the original insistence!"

Peyton's words were not loud, but they completely attracted the attention of Rodolfo and Decker.

There seems to be a unique power in his words, which is convincing.

"Success is to make extraordinary persistence in the ordinary!" Repeating this sentence in his heart, Roldoff felt very complicated and even a little ashamed. Once upon a time, he also dreamed of becoming an outstanding reporter, but then he sank and started Chasing worldly fame and fortune.

The young Decker's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. As a young reporter, he is still very innocent and has a firm heart of dreams.

When he came back to his senses, Roaldolph looked at Peyton in front of him with some envy. In his opinion, Peyton might be able to insist on himself and not bow to the world.

Peyton looked at the two men's thoughts, and sneered in his heart. For him, chicken soup was something he had learned since he was a child, and what he said just now was very false.

But it is indeed in the spirit of the Federation!
It is very beneficial for Peyton to sell people.

(End of this chapter)

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