Chapter 44 Partner


Random House, founded in 1925, has an obvious gap in heritage compared with those with a long history, such as the University of Chicago Press and New York Press.

In later generations, Random House developed into the world's largest mass book publishing group.

Naturally, I have to mention its most powerful founder, Bennett Cerf.

This is a great old gentleman, with all the qualities of a publisher.

In particular, his accurate judgment on the development of popular culture and his jaw-dropping planning ability enabled him to turn his best-selling works into legends.

Starting from a set of modern libraries, let President Roosevelt advertise his books, and begged the customs to confiscate his books in order to break through the prohibition of American law...

Unbelievable and ingenious planning time and time again made readers interested in his books, and even remembered the brand of Random House, making Random House a famous large-scale publishing house today, catching up with countless predecessors.

Bennett Cerf is a businessman, a smart businessman, who strives to package himself as a cultural person, and is generally recognized by the public and academic circles.

During his long publishing career, he became good friends with many writers, poets, and playwrights. He treated authors and editors with sincerity, and won business and friendship.

This kind of sincere friendship made him the writer's first reader and seized the opportunity to publish.

He befriended and expanded his contacts with mainstream literary figures, and his network spread throughout the entire literary world.

To a certain extent, he was able to influence the awarding of the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize... many mainstream awards.

The nomination of "Devil Personality" was promoted by this gentleman.

New York, Union Buildings.

"What did Yvonne Bernard say?"

An old gentleman with gray hair and gold-rimmed glasses said plainly that he was very well dressed, with a meticulous hairstyle, a decent dark suit and a white shirt with a lining, and a pen with a golden frame on his chest. It also supports a cultural atmosphere.

While speaking, the old gentleman did not raise his head at all, and continued to complete the movements in his hands seriously.

I saw him cut a cigar slowly, using a "cigar cutter" to gently cut off the top, he cut it very flat, must keep the cut clean and smooth, otherwise it will not be smooth to smoke, this is what he has been doing for many years experience of.

As for the cowboys in the west who smoke cigars, they simply bite them open with their teeth, which is really vulgar!
What a trample on cigars!
Can't those low-quality tobacco and marijuana satisfy them?
Cutting cigars—although assistants beside him can help him complete this process, he insists on doing it himself. In his opinion, only cigars cut by himself are truly soulful!

Of course, the assistant can help light cigarettes!
The old gentleman liked the appearance of the young blonde assistant wearing red high heels and light clothes squatting in front of the sofa obediently lighting a cigarette for him.

Although at his age, his body needs to be maintained and it is not suitable for hard work, and the big sofa in the office has not been shaken for a long time, but it does not affect his attitude of appreciating beautiful things in the slightest.

It's always possible to move your hands and keep your eyes.

So were most of his writer friends.

Literati nature, he claims to be a cultural person, so naturally!

Stand before the old gentleman and report to him that it is Jonathan, his son.

Jonathan shook his head: "That guy has been procrastinating. Before he let out the wind, the rest of the publishers gave high royalties. I thought he wanted higher royalties."

"But before I contacted him and said to re-sign a more advanced contract, this guy was not too tempted."

"At the same time, some friends in the publishing industry in Alabama told me that last year, Chris Jr. bought a printing house, and I think he should start his own publishing house."

Bennett Cerf raised his head and took a serious look at his son in front of him, with inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"Friends in Alabama publishing? I don't remember my family having friends in Alabama publishing!"

"Remember that in the face of interests, we have no friends. We are businessmen and capitalists. Don't communicate with those cultural people too much, just bring their ethos."

"Original Sin is a gold mine, and Peyton Chriss is a gold mine, and those guys in Alabama publishing lost it and now they're trying to drive us apart?"

Bennett Cerf's tone was extremely contemptuous, and Jonathan couldn't help retorting: "I know those rednecks in Alabama can't believe it, so I have confirmed the facts from other aspects. The printing house is real, and they definitely want to create their own. publishing house."

Hearing this, I realized that my son is not a fool who simply believes in his competitors.

Bennett Cerf lit the cigar, took a puff, and said with a smile: "So what? Haven't you established your own publishing house yet? Besides, who doesn't want to make more money?"

"Besides, we know that Peyton Chris is a real best-selling novel genius, with strong autonomy and doesn't like to be restrained by others. His agent is just a puppet on the table."

"It's normal for such people to have ambitions and want to set up their own publishing house!"

"But before everything becomes a reality, when it's just an idea, what we need to do is to dispel his idea, instead of just giving away the genius we've unearthed at the hands of some people's instigation!"

Jonathan listened and nodded slightly in agreement.

"Do you know what to do?" Bennett Cerf looked at Jonathan.

After thinking for a while, Jonathan replied: "We can't directly threaten Chris Jr. We can contact his family and friends to persuade him and give him a higher contract."

"If it doesn't work, we can suppress him from public opinion and sales channels, and let him understand that leaving Random House is not worth the loss!"

"Well, it's a way. It's enough to deal with ordinary people, but it's not enough for Chris and the original sin series!" Bennett Cerf shook his head and said.

Jonathan was a little confused, and looked at his father in confusion.

"There is no doubt that Peyton Chris is a genius. After "Devil Personality" was published, I thought about tying him up through family and friends, just like Eugene O'Neill and others, but the other party's age and Character puts my plans on hold."

"The other party is very independent, and it is difficult to influence him through other people, including family members!"

Huairou's method will not work.

"As for the threat, it is even more difficult to establish."

"Chris's book is the guarantee of sales volume. Everyone knows that original sin is a gold mine, and distributors will not give up this benefit. It will not work for distributors to suppress him."

"It's like, when we owned "Ulysses", all the channels came to us automatically."

(Note: In 1934, Random House published the first authorized version of James Joyce's novel "Ulysses", and the sales were booming. Since then, Random House has established 20 years of glory!)

"As for public opinion? What advantage can we have? You have his scandal in your hands? Forcibly creating public opinion, it actually helps the other party."

"Besides, once we make a move, those 'friends' in the publishing industry will not watch in vain. If we are not careful, the fire will burn ourselves."

"Father, what should we do then?"

Bennett Cerf blows smoke rings: "Talk down and give him a deal he can't refuse!"

"How much royalties? Small publishers outside are willing to give him 35% royalties. Are we really going to give him 35%?"

As Jonathan said, he couldn't help shaking his head. Obviously, this price was not something they could agree to at all.

Usually, after deducting the costs of publicity, taxation, labor, channels, etc., the final profit of a publisher is about 65% - 40%.

The gap is very large, mainly reflected in the strength of the publishers themselves.

Today, Payton gets 15 percent of that, the usual amount for top-selling authors.

But if it is really 35%, it is obviously not acceptable to them, it will destroy the market!
Small publishers can promise big profits they never had, but Random House can't and can't!
Payton is not the only writer under their umbrella.

Bennett Cerf shook his head: "Ask him, if he is interested in the shares of Random House!"

"Father!" Jonathan wanted to say something.

Without giving Jonathan a chance to speak, Bennett Cerf said: "Okay, needless to say, this is the best way to tie him up!"

"It is impossible for us to give him 35% of the royalties, and other writers will not be willing, but we can make him a part of us, become our partner, and let him see our sincerity."

"So many partners have been brought in over the years, and little Chris is more important than them!"

(End of this chapter)

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