Chapter 45

After a long time, Bennett Cerf lay on the sofa with his eyes closed and meditated, while a young and graceful assistant massaged his temples.

He had only to open his eyes to see that the blond assistant had a big heart, and the scenery in it was fascinating.

But now, Bennett Cerf is not in the mood, he is slowly thinking about the development of his career over the years.

They have been quick over the years, and the reason for this quickness must be the help of Peyton Chris.

Every book from this talented author has been on the New York Times bestseller list.

"Devil's Personality" and "The Poet's Secret" are even rare phenomenal works, which greatly increased the influence of the publishing house.

Not to mention the current original sin series, the book "Empire of Money" alone has increased the valuation of Random Press by 20%.

Someone outside is talking about a book that made Random House tens of millions, right?
It's a bit exaggerated, but there must be tens of millions. This book almost exceeded Random House's profit in the past year.

Only people in the publishing house can understand the value of "Empire of Money".

For Random House, Empire of Money is the Ulysses of this age, and—it's a series!
Random House Needs Original Sin Series!
Yes, they need the original sin series, especially in this period, it is very important!

Bennett Cerf is planning to go public and needs the influence of the original sin series to drive up the stock price.

At the same time, Random House has never been owned by him alone. For decades of development, they have included many partners. Now some guys have become obstacles, and it is time to clean them up!
"Over the years, these shareholders have been enjoying the dividends brought by Little Chris, so it should be a headache for them."


In Peyton's office, Mr. Chris was reading a newspaper and shook his head when he saw a piece of news about rights protection.

"I don't know how long those African-American federal citizens will continue to make trouble?"

What Mr. Chris is talking about is the boycott of buses led by Martin Luther King. It has been almost half a year since last December.

That Mr. Martin Luther King achieved great prestige in this movement, and the black groups in the South have already regarded him as a leader.

Peyton couldn't help but smile when he heard that, an African-American federal citizen?
There is no mention of skin color, and it is an incomparably official title. From this title, it can be seen that after being a state legislator for so long, Mr. Chris still meets the standard in terms of political literacy.

"It won't end so soon. I heard that Kim is seeking the support of religion and believers. In the past two years, the economy has recovered and the international situation has changed dramatically. I have seen colonies become independent, including their hometowns. These African Americans There must be some delusions in my mind."

Hearing this, Mr. Chris sighed when he thought of the international situation: "There are more and more Africans in Birmingham, it's hard to control!"

Peyton didn't know what to say when he heard the words. Once the black rights movement started, Birmingham, as the largest city in Alabama and the place where the most African Americans gather in the state, must be the center of the wave.

Payton is even a little rejoiced now. Fortunately, Mr. Chris is no longer the chief of the police station, which can be regarded as getting rid of a big trouble.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. There are quite a few people looking for you these days. Several gentlemen in the party called me and asked me to ask about the situation." Mr. Chris laughed.

Peyton sighed a little: "These publishers are very powerful. A few days ago, Kevin and Mina both called me and said that someone from their college fraternity asked them to inquire. I didn't expect you to have it here too."

"Yeah, our family, except for your mother who stays in the community all year round, no one bothers you, and the rest of us have been entrusted with various aspects."

Speaking of it, money is still touching.

The news spread that Peyton and Random House hadn't completed the signing of the next book, and countless publishers were immediately ready to move.

Everyone knows that the upcoming Original Sin series is a gold mine.

The people at Random House could think of contacting people close to Peyton, and the rest of the publishers could think of it too.

In particular, the publishers in Alabama have a local advantage, and they quickly contacted Payton's relatives and friends to impress Payton from all aspects.

What Payton needs to be thankful for is that their family's education is very complete, and neither their parents nor brothers made any promises at will.

The initiative has always been in Payton's own hands.

"What are you going to do with this?"

After pondering for a while, Peyton said, "I plan to build my own publishing house."

"Build your own publishing house?" Mr. Chris frowned when he heard this.

"Tell me about your plan!"

Payton didn't hide anything: "I bought a printing company before, and I have accumulated some contacts in the industry over the years. It is not difficult to build a basic operating framework. At the same time, with the original sin series as the foundation, there is no problem with the sales channels..."

Payton's plan is to dig out the wall first, find experienced managers in the industry, and build a framework for a publishing house as quickly as possible.

At the same time, use the next original sin series to open up channels, completely stabilize the position of the publishing house, and quickly establish a publishing house of its own.

Back then, Random House relied on a copy of Ulysses, and Paton could do it.

When Mr. Chris heard this, he couldn't help but nodded. From Peyton's words, he didn't find too many loopholes, only a little.

"Have you made a plan to run the publishing house?" Mr. Chris said seriously.

"Huh?" Peyton was a little puzzled. Didn't he just talk about his plan?
Mr. Chris explained: "I'm talking about the long-term business, your long-term goal of running this publisher? Want to become a giant in the industry?"

"Naturally!" Peyton nodded after thinking about it. Naturally, he wants to become bigger and stronger in his career. He is not only a giant in the industry, but he also wants to become a media tycoon based on his layout in the media industry.

Mr. Chris saw Peyton's confident appearance, but he had some concerns in his heart.

"Have you considered the issue of energy? Besides the publishing house, you also have the leather trade, and even your studies..."

In Mr. Chris' view, it is really not a good thing to disperse too much energy and engage in various industries.

Payton didn't care at all: "I entrust professional matters to professional people, and I mainly focus on finance and human resources."

A mature enterprise can leave anyone. Payton will not be confident that he must be comparable to professionals in management. He still needs to learn in various aspects. His greatest advantage is that he has a pair of eyes that can see through the future, which is enough to help him see the future. Clear the fog of the future and grasp the direction of development.
Especially in the publishing industry, there are too many best-selling books in Peyton's memory!

Hearing Peyton's words, Mr. Chris sighed in his heart, how could it be so easy in his opinion.

My youngest son has gone so smoothly, maybe it is a good thing to suffer some setbacks.

"By the way, Kevin and Rich seem to be doing business, how are they doing?" Payton asked, cutting the subject.

Mr. Chris also showed a gratified smile when he heard the words: "Not bad, these two guys started the second-hand book business with the pocket money accumulated in the past few years, and now their sales team has expanded to more than ten people. It is said that it occupies most of the second-hand book market in University City, Alabama..."

From Mr. Chris's words, Peyton learned about the business of his two older brothers in the university.

Both Rich and Kevin entered the university with full football scholarships, but their minds are obviously not all about sports. Perhaps they are influenced by Peyton. Both of them are studying business management, and they are both running for business to go.

Second-hand book market?

This market exists wherever there are schools. Small troubles may not lead to big things, but as long as they can be organized, this is a huge market.

Every year, new students will be admitted, and a batch of books will be eliminated... These professional academic books are very expensive.

Although knowledge is priceless, the price is not friendly to freshmen.

Second-hand books not only contain many notes, but the price may be less than 50% of the new book, and the difference in price has created a huge market.

Rich and Kevin were able to capture the industry and jump in and organize the people.

Obviously, Mr. Chris's education to them is still very effective.

What Mr. Chris said today reminded Peyton that publishing houses can also develop in this direction in the future, as long as they find a good relationship, academic books will never worry about buyers, and the educational book market is extremely broad.

If the sales volume of books is really counted, tens of millions of college students will buy some academic books every year.

Although inconspicuous, he is the real uncrowned king.

Basic education books, this is the real big market.

Of course, this market requires a huge network of relationships and government resources. It is the food on the plate of those federal education and university foundations, and it is not something Payton can covet now.

But isn't there Mr. Chris?
Peyton only hopes that his father will be more angry.

Isn't the position of the director of education more popular than that of a deputy director of the police department?
Peyton really wants to eat a bite of imperial food!


(End of this chapter)

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