Chapter 46 Shares
"Well, you mean he's willing to take a stake in Random House?"

Hearing the news from Mr. Broker, Payton asked in surprise, as if he was questioning the authenticity of the news.

"Yes, boss, you can buy 10% of the shares, and the other 5% will be donated by him and the rest of the shareholders. Thank you for your contributions over the years."

Ivoni Bernard also sighed a little. He didn't expect that the old gentleman from Random House would directly choose to bind his own boss.

But thinking about it carefully, this is also in line with Bennett Cerf's style in recent years. In the process of mergers and acquisitions and expansion of Random House in recent years, many group partners who have held shares have been added.

As long as your own boss is willing, he can also become the next one!
Moreover, 15% of the shares is not a small number. According to Ivoni Bernard's survey, it can at least rank in the forefront of all shareholders.

Among the individual shareholders, they can already be regarded as major shareholders.

Thinking in his heart, Ivoni Berner was a little curious about the choice of his boss.

Do you choose to become an individual major shareholder of a large publishing house directly, or build your own business from scratch?

If Ivoni Bernard had chosen himself, he might have chosen the former.

The latter is full of too many unknowns. Even with the original sin series, it does not mean that the new publishing house will develop smoothly and become a giant comparable to Random House.

Rengui is self-aware, and he does not think he is more capable than Mr. Bennett Cerf of Random House.

Peyton was also moved for a moment when he heard the words, but after a moment of contemplation, his thoughts became clear, and he said immediately: "Reject him!"

Ivoni Bernard was a little startled. He never expected his boss to be so decisive. It was a 15% stake in Random House, so he decided so quickly?

When he came back to his senses, seeing the firm gaze of his boss, Ivoni Bernard could only nod his head, "Yes, boss."

It was not until Ivoni Bernard left that Peyton let out a foul breath.

At that moment, didn't he go through a huge entanglement in his mind, should he choose success directly, or get more success through hard work?
Most people would definitely choose the former, but Peyton would not. He made his choice after thinking for a moment.

Not to mention anything else, just in terms of investment, is it worth spending a lot of money to invest in a 15% stake in Random House?
Clearly not worth it!

There are too many promising companies in Peyton's memory, and the publishing industry itself has limitations, so the market is not bright.

Instead of spending a huge amount of money in this industry and becoming a shareholder of a company, why not go to Tokyo to buy land?
Not to mention, Payton entered this industry because he wanted to use it as a medium to enter more media industries, expand his influence, and master more microphones. It is impossible for him to accept that he is only a major shareholder of the company, rather than controlling By.

In New York, Bennett Cerf put down the phone with a look of astonishment in his eyes. He didn't expect the other party to refuse?

15% of the shares, the complete personal treatment of major shareholders, actually refused?

"Peyton Chris?" Bennett Cerf murmured the name.

At this moment, he really couldn't understand this young man.

"What exactly do you want?"

Even though he was rejected, Bennett Cerf did not give up. He sought to go public. The original sin series is too important, which is an extremely important bargaining chip for going public.

This is why he "convinced" the remaining shareholders to sell shares to Payton.

Of course, most of the 15% of the shares are in the hands of the rest of the shareholders, especially some unhelpful small shareholders. Almost several of their major shareholders jointly suppressed them and had to sell their shares.


In the office, Peyton is finishing the second step of the original sin series - "Original Sin: Drug Lord".

This novel is the key to his development, and nothing can go wrong.

bell bell~
The sound of the phone interrupted Peyton's thoughts, and Peyton glanced at the phone on the table, an unknown number.

Although I don't know who it is, being able to call into his private number itself shows that this number is unusual.

Picking up the phone, Peyton said calmly, "Hello, this is Peyton Chris."

"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Chris Jr., I'm Bennett Cerf."

There was a vicissitudes of voice from the other end of the phone, amidst the vicissitudes, there was a sense of peace and kindness.

Payton was slightly taken aback, Bennett Cerf actually called him directly, was this trying to convince him?

"Hello, Mr. Cerf, what's the matter?"

Bennett Cerf smiled lightly: "You know people who are old, it is easy to lose sleep, especially when they are confused by some problems."

"I just wanted to find an answer when I made this call."

Answer?Peyton reacted.

"Why did you refuse? I thought you would agree. We have cooperated very happily all these years."

Peyton said: "However, the facts are usually not what we expected. Random House is a giant in the industry, and almost no one would refuse a 15% stake."

"Then, you refused." Bennett Cerf said in a complicated tone.

"Is it because something has gone wrong with our cooperation over the years? Something wrong with our friendship?"

Bennett Cerf said with some puzzlement.

"No! It's not because there is something wrong with Random House. Our cooperation is very good. I hope that the friendship between each other will remain. Now I am still grateful to the editors of Random House and Mr. Cerf for giving me during the period of "Devil Personality". Greatest support and great courtesy.”

"My refusal, you can regard it as the passion of a young man who wants to make a career to prove himself, rather than easily becoming a shareholder of a giant publishing house."

Bennett Cerf laughed: "I understand that young people want to prove themselves, but careers are never done alone. If you cooperate with Random House and become a partner of Random House, you can also prove yourself."

Hearing Bennett's solicitation again, Peyton pondered for a while and said: "Sir, I am very grateful, but I must say that even if I own 15% of the shares of Random House, it is still not enough to prove myself in my opinion." .”

"Huh?" Bennett Cerf expressed doubts.

"Random House is Random House, and it is your business, sir. Just because I own 15% of the shares, it will never become Chris Book House."

"No no! Random House has never been my business alone, it is everyone's business!"

Having said that, Bennett knew in his heart that this kid was too ambitious, and 15% could not satisfy him.

"So you want more shares?"

"No! I don't need shares, I need a career. If I can control a company, even if I only own 100% of the shares, it is enough, but if I can't control a company, what is even [-]% of the shares? What's the use?" Peyton said calmly.

Bennett heard the words, but he didn't know what to say.

At this point in the topic, it is obvious that this kid wants a company that can be controlled, not just become a shareholder of the company.

Obviously, Bennett can't satisfy Payton at this point.

For a man, career is very important, and Random House is his career. He has recruited many partners over the years, but he has always been in charge of the company.

He can give up certain shares and tie up valuable authors and partners, but he cannot allow the loss of his career.

After a while of silence, Bennett said, "Random House has plans to go public next year."

Speaking of this, he can pause for a moment, as if waiting for Peyton's reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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