Chapter 50 The Legend of the Hero ([-])


In June 1956, the second part of the Original Sin series - "Narcos" began to warm up, and many newspapers had advertisements.

"The debut of the legendary drug lord!"

"The biggest drug trafficking ever!"

Big headlines appeared on the cover one after another, and the word drug lords began to be widely mentioned on TV.

All of a sudden, those who have read the first novel of Original Sin are full of anticipation, waiting for the day when it will be released on July [-]st.

Drug lord, the two words have attracted many viewers.

Everyone wants to know what kind of legend it is?
Of course, Mr. Bennett is well aware of the secret of sales. According to the news from Random House, they are publicizing the mainstream awards, trying to add fire.

For the company's listing plan, Mr. Bennett traveled around on this day, attended countless receptions, and focused on getting through every key point.

Everyone is very confident in the quality of the novel, and the two editors-in-chief of Random House have given it an S-level rating.

Of course, Payton is also very confident.

The Story of a Drug Lord—You can tell what this novel is about from the name.

The background character of the story chosen by Peyton is Pablo Escobar, a famous drug lord in later generations.

That's right, it is the legendary figure who controls the international drug market, is known as the seventh richest man in the world, pioneered the business of transporting drugs by plane, and even ran for the president of Colombia.

Definitely an adaptation of real people.

Now the drug lord has not yet risen (accurately speaking, he is still a child of a few years old).

The story used by Peyton starts from the countryside, a child from a poor family, walks into the city, shines shoes with others, organizes fellow villagers, establishes fellow village associations, develops power, conducts tomb robbery, conducts smuggling trade, and accumulates the first pot of gold.

At this stage, Peyton referred to many stories of Du Yuesheng, after all, this is a legendary oriental godfather.

After that, international smuggling was carried out, and the federal navy was used to smuggle with warships, occupying a huge market.

Organize private armed forces, train pirates to control trade, establish armed forces, own warships, aircraft, and tens of thousands of armed forces, use the army to support poison, use the army to protect poison, use the army to transport poison, and use poison to support the army...

He owns a huge plantation, and the cultivation of poppies has become the economic backbone of the entire country.

The campaign starts from the mayor, step by step to rectify the country's economy, gain people's support, and become the country's president.

"You, a shoe shiner, also read newspapers, do you know how to read?"

"Being illiterate now does not mean illiterate in the future!"

"Those who collect comfort fees are here again!"

"Can I join them? Well, they refused, why did they refuse? Teams that don't know how to accept new blood will only be eliminated by history."

"I don't want to be charged with comfort fees, and neither do my fellow villagers. We need to unite and form a group of people from our hometown so that people in these big cities don't dare to bully us. As for the cost of maintaining the team... maybe we can protect those Poor people who don't want to be bullied, and then charge some reasonable fees to maintain our team."

"Make money? I've heard that behind great wealth lies evil. Maybe we should be more vicious and let them know what awe is!"

"I heard that there is a group of grave robbers who took the relics of the deceased. There is no doubt that this is immoral. We need to sanction them."

"Those international arms dealers are the devil in the world, but in order to protect our family, we must make a deal with the devil."

"Casino? Damn guy, dare to deceive my fellow countrymen?"

"I don't trust the judges of the court, but I believe in the laws of the country. I need a professional team of lawyers to tell me the legal boundaries of this country."

"The federation is banning alcohol. It is really a correct decision. Alcohol is the evil of the world!"

"Maybe we should let the gentlemen of the Federation taste our Colombian red bricks. By the way, don't tell these gentlemen that these red bricks will become sinful wine when they meet yeast under certain circumstances."

"I've decided that we want to develop fellow villagers, set up a professional trading company, and engage in foreign trade. Those damned gangs always bully their own people. It's a crime. Who can cut off their own limbs?"

"No, we can't smuggle. It's illegal. We have to trade within the rules. After all, there are always loopholes in the rules."

"I heard that wealth is obtained from the loopholes in the rules. Even if we can't catch the loopholes, we can change the rules. Next year, I will run for the city's consul, formulate more humane laws and regulations, and pass more reasonable bills. At the very least, restrictions on foreign trade should be relaxed."

"And the city's economy needs to develop. If I am the mayor, the whole city will become the largest entertainment city in the world. Gambling, striptease leagues, boxing, beast fighting... these can all become legal industries, and there will be no crime. Every street will be guarded by soldiers in full armed forces, 100% security will be provided here, and this will be the center of global tourism—it’s called the City of Angels.”

"Maybe we should have a professional football team, yes, I like football, call it FC Barcelona."

"I heard that the federal garrison on the coast is short of sources of living supplies. The captain is very troubled. Maybe we can make friends with them and let the captain see our generosity. I heard that he has a beautiful Wife, go find a brilliant diamond and give it to Mr. Captain."

"If a man is generous, he must express his generosity with affection."

"I heard that diamonds symbolize eternity, which symbolizes our friendship with each other."

"Perhaps gold is more suitable. Go and send a box of gold bars to the captain's children to pile up blocks."

(End of this chapter)

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