Chapter 51
"Their warships are a good tool for transporting supplies. Once the sea channel is opened up, foreign trade will become easier, and our goods can be sold farther."

"It's easy to make friends. Give him what he wants. If he wants to refuse, then give him a reason why he can't refuse."

"For the stubborn guy, send him to God!"

"Huh? The sheriff is eyeing us? Then let him close his eyes forever, a dog that can't be fed, why let him live?"

"I don't hate war. Without war, citizens will starve to death. With war, citizens will die on the battlefield for the country. It is worth it. Of course, I will go to the front in person, fight for the country, and fight for honor. .”

"I have an elite army of 20, it's time for them to show their courage!"

"This is not France, there is no habit of raising hands, Colombia will never give in!"

"Colombian fighters have the strongest hearts and extremely calm minds. This is the secret of our victory on the battlefield."

"Consul, underground emperor, warlord, drug lord, smuggler, I have too many labels, but I have always been Barcelona, ​​a citizen of Colombia!"

"That's right, gentlemen, listen up. I want to run for president. I have served as a consul, a military commander, defeated the German army, and built the most famous tourist paradise in the world. I have the qualifications and ability to lead the country to the Prosperity."

"I want to feed every Colombian citizen. This is Barcelona's presidential declaration!"

"Warships are really good things. I read in the newspaper that several warships of the Federation have been decommissioned. Can we gain the friendship of the Federation, join the Federation system, and let them sell the warships to us?"

"After all, the sea around here is very unsafe, there are many pirates, and federal warships are needed to maintain homeland security."

"Let me tell you that there can only be one sales network in the Americas. Who is in favor and who is against?"

"The Cubans want to compete with me? How naive? How many divisions does he have? Is he the Pope? I'm not Stalin."

"I heard that the waters of Cuba are not very safe, maybe their goods can't get out of the sea? What do they use to compete with us?"

"Of course, it can't be a warship. That's our means of transport. Didn't the Federation sell us some planes? Let the pirate pilots work hard. Those sailboats in Cuba are just the work of a few bombs."

"Of course, no one stipulates that pirates cannot own aircraft. Their bombers may be on our warships. If I say he is a pirate, he is a pirate."

"Besides, the Cubans are ignorant, and the pirates will always be patrolling their waters!"

"Want to join our sales network? The Cuban is finally sensible!"

"My God, technology is advancing so fast, these transport planes can already cross a large area of ​​sea, maybe we have a new means of transport!"

"Of course, we still need to maintain our friendship with the Federal Navy. Money is endless, long live the friendship!"

"Cocaine! What a treasure of God, I have seen the future of the country, maybe this is the wealth code of the citizens."

"The economy must develop! The military must develop! This is the task of the president!"

"As the president of the country, I have an obligation to feed every citizen."

"Everything done in my power, including some crimes, is just to make our country more prosperous."

"The curtain ends, of course! I am always ready and looking forward to this moment. Everyone who is ready to go on stage must have the determination to end the curtain."

"I hope the next leader can lead the people to find a brighter path."

"A person has only one destiny. My life should be wonderful and bright. I let every Colombian have enough to eat and not be bullied. It is my glory to end the curtain here!"

"Sin, illegal? What is that? What I did is completely in line with the laws of the country. You want to use the laws of other countries to judge me. My God, or should I take the initiative to go to hell and let the devil judge me, a sinner? President!"

From a country boy to the president of the country, he has been a smuggler, the president of the country association, the underground emperor, the consul, the military commander, the president of the country... until the final curtain, Mr. Barcelona's life is bright enough.

In 1895, Mr. Barcelona was born, very ordinary. In 1956, Mr. Barcelona died of illness and donated more than one billion US dollars of wealth. Citizens across the country cried bitterly and sang the national anthem to see him off. His sculpture was kept in every citizen's home , to become the god of the new world.

"He is our eternal apostle, the born Messiah!"

In this book, Peyton has written a lot of super-class things, whether it is the city of angels, warships, aircraft transportation activities... They are all cross-age things, especially the latter two means of transportation, which will sublimate the vision of every drug dealer.

Manufacturing has never been a difficult point in drug trafficking. There are many legal cultivation places in the world. The real difficulty lies in transportation, air transportation. There is no doubt that this is of pioneering significance.

Of course, at the end of the writing, Peyton did not forget to write a sentence - this is a fairy tale in a parallel space!

Similar to the point of view in the first book, in this book, Peyton also adopts the objective principle, but describes everything in detail without making too much judgment.

People are complex, there is no obvious distinction between black and white, there must be black spots where there are bright spots.

Peyton just recorded it. The novel really recorded Mr. Barcelona's crimes, and also recorded his best efforts as president. How to treat it, I will give it to the readers.

To Federalists only, maybe this is a very attractive figure, after all, drug control is not strict here.


Time passed slowly, and while Payton cooperated with the interview and publicity, a trial training also quietly arrived.

"Forrest, Peyton, don't forget." Joanna repeatedly urged.

Forrest nodded numbly.

Payton also said relaxedly: "Don't worry, I won't forget."

"I made an agreement with my grandfather, you two don't let the pigeons go."


What they were talking about was a tryout, a varsity tryout.

Originally, it was mandatory for Mr. Chris to practice a sport, but as Peyton grew up, this matter was no longer mandatory.

But this is the interest of Peyton and Forrest. Adding a school team, playing some games, and preferably winning a few championships, will not lose the practice of these years.

Playing professionally, Payton has no hope and no time, but playing a few years in school can be regarded as a good time.

(End of this chapter)

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