Witness of the film and television world

Chapter 56 Take up the Arms of the Law

Chapter 56 Take up the weapon of the law (add more, ask for votes, very important!)

Check out today's headline!

"The Bureau of Investigation finally made a move: Mr. Smith, a senior agent of the FBI, is preparing to infiltrate the population crime group and collect relevant evidence!"

The content under this headline is particularly comprehensive, including the senior agent's internal number, name, and photo.

Perhaps with more information, the detective's entire family would appear in the papers.

Looking at the serious photos of the agent in the newspaper, Peyton only found it inexplicably funny.

A senior agent of the Bureau of Investigation is doing latent work. Is it okay for you to publicize it in the newspaper so openly?

Could this newspaper be the mouthpiece of a human trafficking group?
This report immediately reminded Peyton of a joke 20 years ago!
At that time, in order to further ascertain the criminal evidence of Don Vito and his mafia group, the New York Police Department decided to send officers to Sicily to conduct in-depth investigation and evidence collection, and to find out Don Vito's possible criminal intentions in the future.

The detective who went to Sicily was named Petrosino, the captain of the Italian detective unit of the New York Police Department.

This person is not only shrewd and capable, but also has a unique advantage. He himself is a descendant of Sicilians, so he has the basic qualifications to enter the core of the family.

Because of these, when the New York press learned of the deployment of the police department, many people had high hopes for Petrosino.

At that time, the "New York Times" published a comment in a very prominent position-"Petrosino tried to collect intelligence on Italian criminals who immigrated to the United States, and this information means that thousands of people will lose their freedom."

There is no doubt that the Mafia is not illiterate, they also read newspapers, and this information directly caused our poor Mr. Police Detective to die on the pier in Sicily.

Therefore, looking at the current reports, Payton felt inexplicably sorry for this agent.

Also, has the FBI gotten to this level?The plan that has not yet been implemented is known by people in the press?
Are they already the same as the NYPD as a core intelligence agency?

Peyton could have expected Mr. Hoover's wrath!Continuing to read the newspaper, Peyton soon learned about the so-called human trafficking ring.

"Auckland's illegal bodily fluid exchange market is over 3000 million, more than taxed last year."

"Oakland, Manhattan...a bodily fluid trading empire hidden in the dark!"

Since Peyton's money counterfeiting empire has become famous as a drug trafficking empire, these illegal industries have been labeled as empires at every turn.

imperialism?An unorthodox doctrine.

Still, sex empire?Are you polite?

The women's street in Oakland Station has always been famous, whether it is now or in the future, it has a lot of fame in the fifty states of the federation.

In the eyes of some professionals, Oakland and Manhattan's entertainment streets have professional status, comparable to Las Vegas when it comes to gambling.

There are a variety of businesses there, from ordinary women who have lost their lives on the street to girls in strip clubs, and even workers in the adult film industry...

There is the real golden heaven!
In later generations, our great Warcraft Howard, who had many illegitimate children, liked to look for "good women" in the high-end places on this street when he was in the Oakland Magic.

The euphemism is - I save their souls!
In the end, whether the soul was saved or not is unknown, but there are many more illegitimate children. The huge maintenance fee makes the poor monster face the threat of bankruptcy at any time, and has to become a veteran who trains hard.

The illegal bodily fluid exchange trade in Auckland was well reported in the newspapers.

The beginning of the story begins with the appeal of a wronged woman to a middle-class university professor.

In court, the woman claimed that the respectable Mr. Professor had not paid enough.

Of course, Mr. Professor said he paid, which is a greedy blackmail. (Note: Similar to Kobe's Eagle County incident!)

"I came here to save her soul in a humanitarian spirit. I didn't expect her to fall into the abyss. After learning about my profession, she wanted to blackmail me!"

"I'm not going to let it go, I'm going to sue her!"

And scholars are scholars, educated people are worthy of admiration,

In the court, Mr. Professor said: the exchange of bodily fluids is an illegal activity, even if he did not pay, it should not be illegal.

"This is an illegal transaction that is not protected by law. Don't say that I paid the fee, even if I didn't pay, people can only condemn me morally. Now I want to sue her for extortion!"

Seeing this, Peyton couldn't help shaking his head. This woman who stumbled is not smart enough. She should sue the professor for rape. This is the most perfect thing.

Professor Rape?
It sounds like a hot issue, so that public opinion will be bigger, and it will completely turn to the poor, raped woman, and the Women's Rights Association will take the initiative to step in to help her.

It even used the power of other aspects to completely lock up and teach the rape case, which became a classic case of the rise of women's rights.

Now, a illicit trade between a lost woman and a respectable university professor, to whom?The balance in the minds of the judges and jury is already obvious.

The stumbled woman argued: "I am a legal taxpayer and my transaction should be protected!"

According to this woman, although they are engaged in illegal industries, they still pay taxes, and taxpayers should be protected.

She also provided the tax bills of these years as evidence, hoping to be supported by the court.

It's a pity that the court still declared her failure in the end, and illegal industries should not be protected.

But this is just the beginning. Some sensitive reporters soon went to interview this lady, wanting to get more secrets of this industry, including how they pay taxes?

I have to say that this reporter is really sharp enough, and the interview value he got may help him win this year's Pulitzer Prize for journalism!
They learned a lot of market secrets from this lady. At the same time, they kept visiting, acted as customers of prostitutes, and sorted out various materials, basically exposing the inside story of this industry.

This industry includes girls, pimps, manual workers...human traffickers, and many people shine in suitable positions, providing a suitable platform for the federal exchange of body fluids.

"Your girls are your family, you need to take care of them," said a pimp new to the industry.

"If you want to hang out with me, then hand over every penny, we grow together, this is an unshakable principle!"

It sounds good!

You make money and we spend it together and grow together. This is a good idea!

But as the insider investigation revealed, more of the dark side of the industry was revealed.

A pimp often uses violence to control his girls and get free favors from them.

In their view, this is an industry with lower risks and higher returns than drug trafficking.

Compared with the cost of drug trafficking, their income will be higher. As long as they dare to exploit, this is [-]% profit.

Pimping is related to their wallets, and the quantity and quality of girls is related to their income.

They will try every means to control young girls through violent means such as kidnapping and human trafficking, and become their money-making tools.

Mature pimps will become "bosses" in people's eyes. They open brothels, strip clubs, recruit a large number of young people, and even set up companies to become decent bosses in society and pay legal taxes.

Even in the Oakland area, it was vaguely revealed that a city councilor was one of the biggest pimps in the area. This councilor also made several proposals for the entertainment industrialization bill, but was rejected.

The MP is also said to have served many respectable gentlemen in politics, including college students...

Some reporters want to dig deeper and explore more malignant tumors in California politics?

Unfortunately, not long after the report appeared, the congressman was involved in a car accident and passed away unfortunately. All of this has become a vague rumor.

Seeing these inside stories, Peyton was not surprised, which in itself was in his expectation.

Even, Peyton is also clear that in the mines in the west, there are still slaves, who are engaged in the most dangerous and hard work.

Human traffickers trafficked people from all over the world, either Mexico or Colombia...

Bought by the mine owner and made a slave.

How can a civilized society be so ugly?

When I think about it, I take it for granted. Compared with mine owners, slaves are much easier to use than workers. They don’t need wages, no complaints, and even accidents don’t require a high amount of compensation.

These pimps control women, don't they the same?

According to reports, it is even more normal that the huge interests comparable to drug trafficking involve the umbrella in the political arena!

This is a typical resource exchange. The essence of society is the same, but the national conditions are different, and the essence will not change.

I looked through a few more newspapers, and there was no doubt that the incident was reported.

The inside story is too scary. It is not so much an illegal bodily fluid exchange trading empire as it is a dark market for human trafficking.

Moreover, it also involves a political scandal that the Federation loves to see, which has attracted everyone's attention. This is the current hot event.

As the reports have read, Payton has seen the leaders of the Women's Rights Association speak out several times, calling for a full investigation.

If nothing else, there will be another parade in Manhattan, New York and Oakland, California!

"The demons are dancing!" Peyton exclaimed.

The black rights movement is still going on.

The religions of the South have begun to show their humanism.

As expected, a few months later, our Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. will establish the Southern Christian Leadership Council and be elected as its chairman.

Now women's rights organizations are also here. In a few years, the Vietnam War will break out on a large scale

Alas, the environment is tense!

Under the background of the Cold War, there are too many demons and ghosts.

"But it's not a bad thing. Times make heroes. The more complicated the environment, the more you can pan for gold!"

(End of this chapter)

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