Chapter 57 Argument
"Are you crazy to give a Pulitzer to a kid?" Link Doug snarled.

"Please pay attention to your words. Although Mr. Chris is young, that is not the reason for you to despise him. He is the pioneer of federal crime literature and the leader of global crime novels."

"His writing is already a palace-level art. He is destined to achieve greatness. Pulitzer is just a small jewel on his laurels!"

"Biography of a drug lord is a story of an era, which is full of thoughts about life, irony of human nature, and discussion of social class contradictions."

"It's a dystopian fairy tale!"

"Mr. Bassarola is the protagonist of the story and a witness to the great changes of the times. From his perspective, I see reflections on history, inquiries and thoughts on war and peace. There is no doubt that this is a great, destined We must not miss a brilliant stroke in the history of federal literature!"

"Art and literature have no age distinction, and the Commonwealth is an inclusive society. As the judges of the Pulitzer Prize, we should embrace outstanding works with a broad chest." James Katona said sternly.

"The art of the palace? The jewel in the crown? Who do you think he is? Eugene O'Neill? Or Hemingway?"

"You lunatic, how much have you received from them? Doing so will cause a serious decline in the authority of the Pulitzer Prize!"

"There are countless excellent writers in the Federation, and they have created countless excellent works. Now you are refusing to accept these excellent works because of a child's boo-headed works, you greedy lunatic, you are not worthy of being a judge!" Doug looked Red rose and shouted loudly.

"Hmph! Mr. Doug, please doom your words. The Federation is a society ruled by law, and you should be responsible for your words!"

"If you don't want to receive a subpoena from the court and lose your face, please take back your slanderous words and apologize to me!"

As James Katona said, he stared at Doug with burning eyes.

Mr. Doug saw James Katona's hooked nose and gold-rimmed glasses glowing, and under the light there were sharp eyes.

He felt a little regretful, he had lost his mind just now, and he shouldn't have put these things on the table.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to apologize and prove his mistake. He would rather receive a subpoena from the court.

In Doug's opinion, James Katona was already a madman.

They were sent out some irrelevant nominations by public relations, or because of human accidents, this was something that was tacitly understood by each other.

After all, as the seniors in the industry, they did not give in vain to remind the younger generation. They also have family members and need to live.

But for a child to win the prize, this is completely at the risk of losing his job!
It is not easy for the Pulitzer Prize to come to this day. These people award the prize to a child, and they want to destroy the Pulitzer Prize.

Doug snorted coldly and remained silent!

James Katona stood up, looked at the [-] judges present, and continued to speak: "Listen to your ridiculous remarks, because of his age, Mr. Chris is directly judged to be ineligible!"

"What an absurd reason, even a haughty Englishman would laugh at your ignorance!"

"Rejecting Mr. Chris Jr. for this reason, we will be ridiculed the most!"

"Now let me tell you a set of statistics. Your so-called boo head literature has sold more than 600 million copies in Europe last year, including the arrogant British Isles. Countless writers have written for Mr. Chris. And shock, the laurels of crime literature is what the haughty Brits call it."

"Like O'Neill, he conquered Europe!"

James Katona spoke loudly about Payton's achievements and why he wanted to vote for Payton.

"So what, serious literature has never been something for the general public, we are not Hollywood, we don't need to pay for the sales volume, and objective reviews of literature itself are our basis!" Doug said coldly.

As he said, the sales volume does not have an advantage in the awards.

The huge sales volume will only reduce the evaluation of the judges. Literature is not something for the general public. The mainstream literature is serious and only for the minority.

In their view, once the sales volume is huge and recognized by the public, the artistry of writers' works will inevitably decrease!
Are those Muggles worthy of reading real literature?
Undoubtedly, everyone present had such thoughts in their hearts.

Spiritual aristocracy never disappears!
"Literature itself? The huge influence comes from itself. Put away your arrogance and read the works of Mr. Chris, and you will understand what real words are!"

"O'Neill's literature likewise appeals to both refined and popular tastes. The classics are words, not the comments of small circles, complacent!"

James Katona said sharply.

"Don't you think I haven't read it? No matter how vulgar detective crime novels are, it's hard to get into the room!"

"If I must find literature from vulgarity, I am looking forward to "The Long Farewell" written by Raymond a few years ago. It is a classic literature of tough guys like Hemingway, a model of the Federation."

"Then why didn't you present the award to Raymond?"

A rhetorical question made the audience speechless.


Sitting on the rostrum, the president of Columbia University and the chairman of the jury, Stocklin, looked helplessly at the two people who were fighting each other.

The scope of their quarrels has become wider and wider, and more writers have been involved from the very beginning.

Raymond, Hemingway, O'Neill... Indistinctly, they began to argue with each other on the standpoint of popular and serious literature.

The contradiction between popular fiction and serious literature explodes here, as for Raymond Chandler's "The Long Farewell".

That was an accident!
That year, many judges wanted to vote for "The Long Farewell". In their opinion, Chandler's writing was amazing, and popular literature could be written so brightly, truly entering the room.

This view was supported by most of the judges.

But Raymond Chandler once said that he would never accept the award, whether it is Nobel or Pulitzer, as a non-serious writer, the other party's arrogance far exceeds that of serious writers.

They once tried to test to see if the other party was just joking and realized the truth.

As a result, they were decisively rejected, and their lobbyist came back in disgrace.

Perhaps in the eyes of Raymond Chandler, the attitude towards this matter is three question marks.

Nobel?Pulitzer?What is this?
He is a free and unrestrained literati who never knows how to compromise, really fragrant?
Except for his rich wife, the rest is impossible.

The attitude is especially arrogant!

It must be known that even after their literary tough guy Hemingway won the Nobel, he respectfully arrived in Switzerland ahead of schedule, attended dinner after dinner, and enjoyed the grand coronation ceremony.

But Raymond is really arrogant like never before, repeatedly satirizing these awards, not to mention the slightest public relations.

It can be said to be notoriously arrogant.

Therefore, after their repeated hesitation that year, most of the judges unanimously chose to ignore Raymond's achievements, and like Nobel, he pointed a deer into a horse and fostered an experienced writer.

As a result, the incident was disclosed by reporters and became a joke.

So when it comes to Raymond Chandler, more than half of the judges present are embarrassed.

Among them was President Stocklin, the president of Columbia, who was also one of the original ignorers.

Bringing up this matter also means that the scope of the quarrel between each other has expanded, from a simple argument to a camp argument.

The popular versus serious fiction debate.

(End of this chapter)

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