Chapter 64 Chapter 65

"Since you want to run for office, do you have a plan?"

Mr. Chris nodded: "I am planning to run for the election on education and economic issues. To be honest, civil rights and racial segregation are actually a very good direction, but they are too dangerous, and the emotions of those black people will explode."

Having said that, Mr. Chris obviously has some regrets.

If he was just a loner, he might become the vanguard of the Conservative Party. In pursuit of political ambitions, he is not afraid of danger.

It's just that he has to think about his family, these niggers are really dangerous.

Peyton nodded, it was indeed dangerous.

Wallace did not die, it was extremely lucky, coupled with Martin Luther King's restraint enough.

However, after several assassinations, he was still paralyzed for the rest of his life.

Peyton agreed: "The economy and education are indeed good directions. The red line of apartheid should not be touched lightly. Those niggers are too dangerous. We just need to be consistent with the attitude of the federal government."

"And the governor is not the end. The president of the Federation cannot be a supporter of racial segregation. This is not conducive to the image of the Federation in the world. The fifty states of the Federation and the rest of the vote must also win the support of the rest of the colored people."

Hearing Peyton's words, Mr. Chris's eyes lit up, and the regret in his heart gradually dissipated.

He is not a political genius who was in the White House in just six years like Nixon.

But he is not yet 50 years old, and his political career is still very long. Even as Payton said, he may not be able to compete for the presidency in the future.

It is better not to touch the red line of apartheid.

Mr. Chris said: "Give me some advice, Peyton!"

"Wait, let me clear my mind, this is too sudden!"

Mr. Chris smiled and said: "It's okay, take your time, anyway, next year is the election year, and the time is still long!"

At this time, after hearing his father's plan, Peyton began to think quickly.

Is it a good time to participate in this election?

After thinking for a moment, Peyton clearly realized that this was not only a good time, but probably the best time!

The current black civil rights movement is not too serious. Everything will reach its peak in the 60s, and it will be followed by the most acute racial contradictions.

Not surprisingly, Wallace will lose this time because of his too radical views, but the next governor must be Wallace, a daring and arrogant person.

This fearless fanatic holds the banner of apartheid and will win an unprecedented victory.

At that time, in Alabama, no one can compete with him!

This is definitely not an exaggeration. Wallace in the 60s can be called the leader of the Southern Conservative Party and the uncrowned king under the president.

If Payton remembers correctly, subject to state law, the governor cannot be re-elected.

This guy Wallace cannot be re-elected, so after four years, he was very smart to launch his wife to compete for the next governor.

It's hard to imagine, but it was successful.

It made his wife leap from an ordinary housewife to a rare female governor in the Federation.

Such a reputation is hard to compete with!

If you don't want to touch the red line of apartheid, avoiding Wallace is the best choice.

And Mr. Chris failed this time, and next time he will face Wallace directly, he will almost have no chance!
It's not that Peyton underestimated Mr. Chris, it's that those who wear shoes are afraid of bare feet.

The best opportunity for Mr. Chris is now to avoid the red line of racial segregation, serve as governor for one term, and improve the people's livelihood by actually improving people's livelihood. Running for president has more advantages than running for governor.

This is a road to the sky!

Payton is very clear that Mr. Chris's political career is not the ambition of one person, but the career of the entire Chris family.

His fate is connected with everything because of blood and emotion, and has the most stable hub.

He must support, not only for Mr. Chris, but also for himself!
If he has the ambition to reach the top, the farther Mr. Chris goes, the richer his political assets will be.

This is true of the Roosevelt family, and so is the Kennedy family!

Looking at his father's firm eyes, Peyton also became firm in his heart, and let out a breath slowly.

"Dad, I support you!"

"This is our business!"

Mr. Chris laughed: "Yes, this is a business belonging to the Chris family!"

Soon, the father and son began to explore their careers.

Payton asked: "Dad, do you have any specific plans for choosing education and economics?"

"Of course, I studied the bills of many states, and made some changes according to the local situation in Anabama..."

"I think that the economy of Analabama cannot be completely concentrated on agriculture and tourism. The times are changing rapidly. We need to embrace emerging industries and find the key to the future. Government resources need to be tilted to a certain extent in the fields of industry or emerging technologies. ..."

"Steel, textiles, clothing, food processing and wood processing industries, chemical and plastic industries, electronics industries...these sectors can undoubtedly increase economic income, jobs..."

"At the same time, the development of education is a must. The average level of quality in Analabama is too low, and there are too few institutions of higher learning."

"Of course, it is difficult to establish an institution of higher learning, but we can imitate the German vocational and technical colleges and train a group of workers with basic industrial capabilities in a short period of time. These workers can also play an important role in the industrial field... In the future With economic development, it may not be impossible to build a prestigious school comparable to the Ivy League..."

Obviously, Mr. Chris has not been a congressman for nothing in recent years, and the meetings of state congressmen are not for nothing.

Although Mr. Chris's above-mentioned views are a bit dreamy, many ideas cannot be completed in four years.

But these plans definitely have merit.

And Mr. Chris did fully consider the current situation in Anabama.

Steel, clothing, electronics industry, chemical industry...these are all fast-growing industries in Analabama, and many emerging capitalists and businessmen have been born in these industries.

Payton's clothing company is the most obvious example.

Mr. Chris's point of view can definitely be recognized and welcomed by these emerging capitalists.

The same is true for the education industry. It is difficult to build institutions of higher learning, but the difficulty of vocational technical colleges is greatly reduced.

Moreover, the development of industry provides many jobs, and these workers are also needed.

Peyton nodded, a little approving of Mr. Chris's plan, it sounds decent, it depends on the actual operation.

If it were the chairman's micromanagement, no matter how awesome the plan was, it would be in vain.

Anyway, let's talk.

Mr. Chris talked about his political appeal, expressed his political position, and also found out the cooperation goals he should strive for in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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