Chapter 65

"I have nothing to say about the subject of the campaign, but in other respects, perhaps I can offer you some advice and support," Payton said.

Mr. Chris is a little curious. His plan is perfect enough. This is the plan he has been perfecting for several years.

Although, initially, this was not a plan to run for governor.

In fact, participating in the gubernatorial election was never an idea that came to him suddenly.

At least it's a gradual process.

The realization of each goal, the superposition of various advantages!
Years ago, after a successful run for the state House of Representatives, he realized his strengths.

However, at that time, he had no idea of ​​running for governor. He just wanted to enter the state senate and work hard for it.

But a year ago, because of Payton, his reputation in the political arena soared, and he was even recognized by several veterans of the Democratic Party, making him a new political star in the state of Alabama.

Coupled with understanding the situation within the party, his goal became to assist John Patterson to become the next lieutenant governor.

Not long ago, stimulated by George.

Mr. Chris looked at the governor's throne, and an unprecedented ambition was born in his heart.

John Patterson is indeed favored by many people in the party, and it is not that he, John Chris, has no supporters in the party.

Moreover, outside the party and among the people, his advantage will be magnified!

Even, his efforts over the years and his well-established plans can add weight to him in this campaign.

"Tell me."

Payton: "The first is the social welfare and assistance system. This system involves many interests and there is not much room for operation, but it can be improved in terms of the basics that citizens can clearly feel."

"For example, the taste and nutritional issues of those relief foods can be completely related to children's growth and development, and to education."

"We have a slogan - to bring enough fresh and nutritious food to children receiving education."

Mr. Chris's eyes lit up, which is indeed a good aspect.

Compared with those unseen policies that seem like big cakes, this is indeed an important measure that can win votes.

Don't overestimate the people's culture and vision, and don't treat them as fools.

They may not understand the benefits of higher technical colleges and industrialization reforms, but they must be able to deeply appreciate the changes in relief food.

Citizens at the bottom may not see the inevitable connection between economic development and their lives, nor the slow improvements in education.

But they must be able to personally feel the taste and quality of the aided food when they receive the aid.

This policy is simple, specific, and clearly visible, but it can win the support of countless people at the bottom and get a vote that belongs to them.

Realizing the benefits, Mr. Chris asked: "Is it easy to solve?"

Peyton nodded: "It's not difficult to complete, and I even have related investment plans."

Excluding the cultural industry that is being deployed, for the traditional fields, basic necessities of life.

After apparel, the food business itself is what Payton wants to be in next.

In his view, the current food market is simply infinite.

The food field chosen by Peyton is the most common in later generations, and it has also been proven by the market countless times in the fast food field.

These days, McDonald's, the largest fast-food chain in the future, only exists in a corner of Chicago, and it is still some years away from massive expansion.

Such a huge market, as long as we can seize the opportunity, can solve many problems.

Among other things, a large number of jobs will be solved. With the help of the welfare system, it is the best time to enter.

As we all know, there are huge profit points in the government's mission projects, and the government's money can easily be put into one's own pocket.

Making money from the poor is not as good as making money from the rich, let alone making money from policies.

Capitalists are passionate about politics, not for the sake of losing money.

Whether it is government civil engineering, transportation facilities, or even various welfare subsidies, there are a large number of "investors" in various fields where the government participates, sucking blood.

Relying on the relationship of Mr. Chris, Peyton is also fortunate to be one of this group of vampires.

The same goes for the welfare system. This is a government project, and with the implementation of it, there is almost no chance of losing money.

Of course, to promote welfare, even if it doesn't make money, Payton will open a chain of fast food restaurants.

This is an incomparably vast market, and if you take the first step, you will occupy a dominant position.

Moreover, the label of welfare assistance will undoubtedly increase the value of the brand rapidly.

Peyton has already thought of the name of the brand——

Regarding education and experience, these two aspects are already commonplace issues.

But in fact, the operation is extremely difficult, almost equal to drawing cakes. In Peyton's view, the welfare system is the best direction for campaigning. This is tangible, and starting from the welfare system, a little Improving the economy and education is not necessarily impossible.

He intends to persuade Mr. Chris to leave education and the economy behind and focus on the welfare system.

And Payton's plan is far more than that. He is also trying to lay out the supermarket. The example of Wal-Mart is in front of him. It is hard for him not to be tempted.

The giants who can hire workers from all over the world are of great help to the bottom employment.

At the same time, the supermarket plan can also start in conjunction with the implementation of the welfare system - the government plans to increase jobs!
The relief food system and the plan to provide low-level jobs, these two are already big killers!
A model that has been manipulated countless times in the future.

It is far more popular than the education and economy of the presidential campaign!

Of course, if you want to be successful in the election, there is more than that.

History has taught us that improving ourselves is far less convenient than solving our opponents.

Jiang Gong's bribe and assassination is the best portrayal.

Knowing yourself, knowing your enemy, and winning every battle, what Payton needs to do next is to understand the opponent, collect relevant intelligence, and give him a fatal blow at the critical moment.

Of course, Payton has another advantage, public opinion, and Mr. Chris's opponent does not have such a strong public opinion influence as him.

As the major shareholder of Random House, Payton has a strong influence on public opinion.


Having confirmed their determination to run for office, Peyton and Mr. Chris soon got busy.

Chris needs to build his own campaign team, win over supporters, and collect more information about his opponents.

Payton ordered his team to form a company as soon as possible, acquire a food processing prepare for future plans.

There is still a year to go, the real competition has not yet started, and they are all preparing in advance.

The next year is very important, whether it is a dragon or a worm depends on this time!

The Chris family business!

(End of this chapter)

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