Witness of the film and television world

Chapter 66 The Trip to Hollywood

Chapter 66 The Trip to Hollywood

Several cars parked at the gate of the airport in Los Angeles, California.

As Peyton walked out of the airport, he soon saw several men in suits and leather shoes standing in a neat row, holding a big sign in their hands - welcome Mr. Peyton Chris.

Beside these men, Payton saw a familiar figure with a cigarette stick in his mouth—Raymond Chandler.

Chandler leaned against the car, wearing a jacket and smoking a cigarette, looking cynical.

Peyton smiled and walked up with the bodyguard beside him.

Raymond Chandler next to the car saw Peyton's figure and laughed: "It's finally here, I can't wait."

"You guys are such a big scene!"

Peyton glanced at the men in black suits next to him. He always felt that these men had a sharp aura, and they didn't look like good-looking ones.

The two bodyguards beside Peyton also stared at these people with burning eyes.

They were born in the army and went to the battlefield, and they vaguely felt the danger from these men in black.

Chandler smiled: "I didn't arrange these, this is Joe's."


"That's right, it's the producer who invited you over."

Peyton suddenly realized, the Padmon people?

This is normal.

Paramount is one of the six major film companies in Hollywood, and it has an obvious mafia background behind it.

The most typical evidence is that it launched the "Godfather Series" in the 70s, which completely changed the image of the mafia among ordinary people.

Even formed a series of cultural beliefs!
Peyton does not reject the mafia culture, mostly for ridicule, but he also has some understanding.

However, in this case, these guys in suits and ties are likely to be the local mafia.

It's quite normal to say that, where is Hollywood?
Golden Cave!Money laundering!
Even more eye-catching than Atlantic City, the invasion of gray forces is indispensable.

Except for Paramount, most of the other production companies also have gray supporters behind them.

"Okay, let's go, the film festival is about to start."

Peyton nodded: "Let's go!"

Payton's purpose in coming to Los Angeles this time is very simple.

The first is to see Chandler, a guy who doesn't live long, and the second is to be invited to participate in the Hollywood Film Festival and watch his work being put on the screen.

A year earlier, Chandler had been in touch with the Padmon men via the cable on the front axle.

The boss of Paramount is generous and wants to package all the copyrights of Peyton's works at one time.

It's a pity that Payton has his own plans and plans, and he didn't agree.

Of course, it was mainly because this guy didn't give enough to Payton to break his plan.

After a while of discussion, among several works, the Padmon people chose "The Poet's Secret".

This is Payton's second work out of the circle, and it was also the highest-selling work at that time except "Empire of Money".

The filming cost of "Empire of Money" is too high, Padmon intends to test the waters with "The Poet's Secret", and the other major production companies may also have the same plan.

Peyton's "The Poet's Secret" was filmed by Padmon, and after nearly a year of filming, it finally appeared on the screen.

In the car, Peyton and Chandler were sitting in the back row. Their destination was Hollywood in the northwest suburbs, but there was a distance.

The two talked slowly.

"Raymond, you look pretty good!"

Chandler said with a smile: "As long as I leave the hospital, I feel that I am alive. As long as I don't stop drinking and can smoke, I will always be a romantic gentleman."

Seeing Chandler's unrestrained appearance, Peyton didn't know what to say.

The complexion is not fake, but the obvious thinness of the figure is also true.

This guy is born with a natural and unrestrained temperament, which can be seen from his writing style and attitude.

Ordinary people will not marry a rich woman who is 18 years older than themselves when they are successful in their careers.

Avoiding his physical condition, Chandler smiled and said, "By the way, Chris, let me tell you quietly that there is a surprise for this film festival."

"Surprise!" Peyton was a little puzzled.

Chandler smiled mysteriously: "After a while, you will know!"

Peyton was curious, but Chandler fired a cannon, lifted his pants and said nothing, so he could only wait.

The car gradually approached Hollywood, and Payton was a little surprised to see the big white characters HOLLYWOOD on the hillside from a long distance away.

Chandler introduced to Peyton familiarly: "This was originally an advertising billboard set up by a construction company to promote a newly built residential community. There are four letters LAND behind it, but the letters were erased later. This Standing here, the advertisement has become a symbol."

The car slowly drove into Hollywood. Although Hollywood at this time was not as prosperous as later generations, it still showed the courage of the world's movie capital.

All the way forward, there are layers of tall buildings, the site of the studio, and the buildings are in pieces.

In addition to the shooting location, there should be hotels, TV stations, cinemas, and housing buildings. The roads are wide, there are many vehicles, and it is prosperous.

"A few years ago, CBS built a TV City at the junction of Fairfax Street and Beverly Street. It was completed last year. Once the TV City was completed, the housing prices in the vicinity rose by [-]%."

"These realtors are really making money!"

"That's not to congratulate you?" Peyton laughed.

Chandler's hometown is Chicago, and later settled in Los Angeles, California because of his novel writing and screenwriting identity.

There are two of his properties near Hollywood, and a small one was bought with his screenwriting fee.

Another luxurious villa is said to have been bought for him by his wife.


Chandler shook his head: "It's impossible for me to sell. No matter how hot real estate is, I'm not interested."

"By the way, I heard people from the guild say that in a few months, the city government plans to build a road as a landmark building to enhance the image of the city."

"At that time, the prices of those surrounding office buildings will probably increase. If you have money, you can consider investing in it."

Peyton nodded. He knew the way—the Avenue of Stars.

Chandler's vision is indeed good, this is indeed a lucrative business.

Such a building is like a label, and can even become a symbol of a family, such as the Lakers of the Bass family.

If Payton's pocket is rich, he can come and invest a fortune.

However, it is difficult to buy this street!

There are not too many smart businessmen in the Federation. Now that the construction plan of this street has started, it is natural that someone has settled the interests of the government and the local guild.

This piece of meat already belongs to someone else!

It is not difficult to drink soup, but it is not easy to grab other people's meat.

As for drinking soup, let’s not talk about whether others will let it go, even if it is, Payton is unwilling to beg for food. There are too many places for the Federation to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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