Witness of the film and television world

Chapter 92 "Biography of President Chris 4"

Chapter 92 "Biography of President Chris IV"

The story continues and reaches the climax of the story, the presidential election.

The federal presidential election is a very complicated matter, not only involving the two major parties, but also the politics of dozens of states.

It also involves capital business and the tendencies and laws of various presidential candidates.

As a capital-dominated country, every general election is a wild dance of countless capitalists, infinitely crazy.

Bet right once, and you may turn over!

Of course, the essence of the election itself is also a large-scale commercial event.

Campaign teams, political fundraising, media promotion... This is a large-scale event with a volume exceeding hundreds of millions!

Countless people rely on this matter to make a living.

From the beginning of the campaign, under the manipulation of an experienced campaign team, Chekhov began to frequently use various small methods to attack and discredit Governor Chris from the newspapers.

As a well-known radical iron-handed governor, Governor Chris can find too many loopholes worth attacking.

Extremely partisan, hot-tempered...it's all petty.

During the governor's period, the war manipulation against neighboring countries, the selfishness of mineral resources, and the black fundraising that existed secretly were the main targets of media attacks.

They even pointed out in the newspaper that Governor Chris is the biggest umbrella behind the gray network centered on Colombia and spread all over the world. He himself is inextricably involved with the Colombian Barcelona family!
A personal friendship existed with the late Founding Father of Colombia!
Political leaning unknown!

In addition to these attacks, there are also many traditional methods of discrediting.

With the cooperation of capital, they chose to use a method that looks like polls but is actually a means of discrediting.

For example, the staff will call voters on the grounds of doing polls, and after asking a few routine questions, they will ask a leading false question, such as "If XXX (candidate name) is XXX (some negative identity), Will you still support him?"

Although the question is purely hypothetical, it will create a psychological suggestion for the listener, so that it will unconsciously associate the candidate with the content of the question.

And began to control public opinion and release scandals.

While attacking his opponents, Chekov did not forget to solicit votes for himself. He cooperated with many companies and capitalists with party backgrounds, made promises, recruited political donations, completed interest exchanges, and won votes for himself.

There was a lot of momentum for a while, and in the previous two polls of non-governmental organizations, he had a clear overwhelming advantage over Governor Chris.

Of course, if you don't explode in silence, you die in silence.

Mr. Chris is obviously not the latter!
After years of operation, he also has a large number of supporters, especially in the southern region, where his reputation is extremely high.

There is no lack of emerging capitalists he fostered in the Alabama region and the southern region, and these are his advantageous arms.

In recent years, using the resources of neighboring countries, the southern economy has developed greatly. Many southern governors are his pawns, and the people even regard him as a southern lion.

Moreover, when the other party slanders you for possessing nuclear weapons, you better really have them!

Financial support from Colombia!
Gray Internet umbrellas all over the world!

The No. [-] family in Colombia—the friendship of the Barcelona family!

The manipulator of the neighboring war!
Supporter of the largest warlord in Latin America!
Naturally, these names are not groundless!
"The Barcelona family from Colombia appeared again. It is a pity that Mr. Barcelona has passed away. He and Mr. Chris should have never met. He passed away in 56 years."

"Before, it should be the top of the rest of the Democratic Party who supported Mr. Barcelona, ​​and now Mr. Chris succeeded."

"This is passing the drug lords to Yuanshang, and only with the support of the federal bigwigs can the gray network centered on Colombia sweep the world." The eyes of the man with eyes shone brightly.

"Umbrella? That's a good word."

"The biggest warlord in Latin America has almost never appeared before. Is this a dark thread? The dark thread of the next Original Sin series?"


Who is not a capitalist?

There is only one consortium in Alabama, and that is the Chris Consortium!

Chekov is not everything.

Created his scandal with the other party, Mr. Chris also began to collect the other party's scandal, especially the scandal of power and money.

What politician is a white rabbit without a hint of scandal?

Moreover, it is normal for three people to become tigers and create something out of nothing!
Finally, before the general election, Mr. Chris began to exert force.

Eavesdropping incident!

Grab the loopholes, and in just three days, unleash all your strength and give a fatal blow!
In just three days, the atmosphere of the entire federation has undergone a shocking change!
Under the exaggeration of the media, everyone paid attention to Chekhov's seemingly unblemished political career in the past, which was full of stench.

In particular, the wiretapping incident became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Generally speaking, Mr. Chris has a mixed reputation, and most people have the impression that he is extremely capable.

The degree of collapse of human settings is very low!

Just like, after you know that the crow takes drugs, you even take it for granted in your heart!

Most people's impression of Chekhov is a star-like politician.

Once this layer of skin is pierced, the whole character will completely collapse!

He will fall into the abyss!

For this, Mr. Chris can even achieve the effect of crushing!
"It's a really good play, so wonderfully written!"

"Sure enough, it's still Governor Chris. If you make a move, it will be your deathbed."

"I don't understand. Was this wiretapping scandal directed and acted by Governor Chris himself?"

"Yes, I also think it's too coincidental."

"No, look at the main point. It doesn't matter whether it is self-directed or self-acted. According to the investigation results, Chekov himself ordered the installation of wiretapping systems in government offices in order to record the conversations and phone calls with his subordinates since his early years. This incident true."

"I am more inclined that Governor Chris has seized this loophole long ago, but has been waiting for the opportunity to erupt. The black three days after that are the best proof."

"Eavesdropping on government secrets, especially at the time of the general election."

"This is a taboo!"

"Mr. Chris detonated it, but it was just a matter of course. Countless people in the Republican Party also stood up to attack Chekhov. No big man can allow himself to be bugged and his handle to be grasped."

"Okay, now I am more sure about Chekov's image. He is indeed a tragic hero. It is very difficult to get to this point with such a background. It is a pity that he is not the protagonist. He met Senator Chris."

"Chekov is indeed inspirational and tragic."

"It's just that he was wrong from the very beginning. He doesn't care about any way of governing the country at all. He just wants to win and climb to the top of power."

"It's actually ironic. If you study the history of politics, you will find that many presidents are like this."

"Their campaign methods are flying, winning people's hearts and exchanging interests. For example, the current five-star general president has won the election and ruled the country so lonely."

"Senator Chris is right - how can a group of insects do a good job in politics and govern the country?"

Next, Chekov was completely overthrown by Senator Chris's combination of punches, and was taken away by the Federal Supreme Prosecutor's Center for investigation.

In the end, he committed suicide directly by swallowing a gun.

And President Chris quickly completed his summit plan.

Along with cleaning up certain capital forces, they manipulated the Alabama Southern Consortium to occupy the leading position in the Federation.

"How should I put it? It's a bit too much. I don't even talk about the unspoken political rules, and I just kill people."

Mustache shook his head: "You're thinking wrong, Mr. Chris didn't kill him, there are two possibilities, the first is suicide, the second is the backlash of capital behind him, the backlash of the wiretapping incident, of course, it may also be both combine."

"Anyway, Mr. Chris couldn't have done it."

"I prefer the first option. It is actually a good thing that Chekov died here."

"When he was young, he was so high-spirited, so righteous, and so disdainful of capital."

"He yearned for the peak of power because of the ridiculous 'little capriciousness of power', and wanted to get rid of the shackles of fate and control his own destiny. In fact, this point was reached when he became a senator. His The governor's father-in-law and his family are honest with him."

"But when he was coerced by capital, was he really happy? Is this really what he wanted?"

"He has always been obsessed with the president. Let's make a bold guess. He chose to eavesdrop on government secrets, especially the big bosses in the party. Maybe he didn't want to learn from President Roosevelt. After reaching the top, use power and these eavesdropping handles to remove the shackles of capital."

"I think when he sees Senator Chris, he must be envious!"

"Both parties have basically similar backgrounds, but MP Chris can control everything, control capital, and truly benefit the country. This is exactly his ideal appearance when he was young. This is his ideal self."

"He died here, he lost, but he won even more. He overcame the shackles of fate, and also witnessed another self reaching the peak."

"Suicide means that he really defeated himself. He refused to accept the arrangement of fate. He wanted to fight against the sky, against this world that was impossible for him, and he was willing to pay the full price for it. He died and won. Victory over Tianbanzi, at the price of life."

The blond youth sighed all over his face: "You understand, I give you full marks, don't be proud."

The man with glasses still sighed a little: "But I still think he doesn't have to die. In fact, he is not a bad person."

"And he is really capable. A politician who can walk among the capital, calmly pull, use, and maintain a good image is amazing!"

"He can definitely serve as the vice president for Congressman Chris, just like Nixon, a pro and an iron fist, the combination of the two is simply perfect."

"Ah! You're so naive, you don't belong to a party."

"What's wrong? Look at the author's settings. It's not impossible to change the party."

"Anyway, I just think it's a pity."

"Forget it, I don't want to argue with you. Now I want to see the development of Congressman Chris becoming the president. Doesn't it mean that the dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon?"

"This is definitely inevitable. Congressman Chris also has family members, and the helm of the Alabama consortium is his son."

"In fact, it doesn't matter whether capital is capital or not. Even if you are the spokesperson of capital, it doesn't matter. As long as the country can be governed well, who cares about these things?"

"Even the people have long been used to it, and even subconsciously support capital, which is the end point of their struggle, to realize the expectation of class transition, step by step, from the bottom to the middle class, to enter the upper class, this is what they subconsciously support."

"After all, an elite lives like a bum? No one would want to."

"A rich man's son has the same starting point as you and me, so what's the point of struggling?"

"As long as the class is not completely solidified, I don't reject capital!"

"Haha, you boy is a typical example. I hate capital unless I am capital."

"Okay, read, read."

After becoming president, Senator Chris set out to change the federation, turning him into his own image.

Foreign aid first, try out the banknote kidnapping plan, cooperate with international organizations such as the International Monetary Organization as a savior, and propose and implement a set of neoliberal political and economic theories called "Chris Consensus" for Latin American countries and Eastern European countries in transition and policy propositions.

These include financial and trade liberalization, deregulation of government, liberalization of foreign direct investment entry, removal of barriers to market entry and exit, interest rate liberalization, and adoption of a competitive exchange rate regime.

At the same time, war means are used to control the Middle East, obtain important materials, deeply bind crude oil and federal currency, and lock the world with a financial noose, allowing the world to pay for the books.

At the same time, manipulate the politics of neighboring countries, control the independence of certain regions, establish an international integration system, bind industrial bases in many regions, and establish hegemony...

In the end, it was through internal conflicts and secretly manipulated to promote the disintegration of the Soviet Union...

He also built the Federation into his shape like the inaugural declaration!

"The Democratic Party is awesome!"

"President Chris is amazing!"

"I still have to follow President Chris's choice. I have decided that if I want to join the Republican Party, I will join the Democratic Party."

"Stop bragging, you say that the federal currency kidnaps the global and Middle East wars and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. How likely is it?"

"I don't study economics, and I don't understand analysis, but I think the war in the Middle East is not bad. It's better than fighting Vietnam. I don't know what the government thinks. What is there to fight in Vietnam?"

"Isn't Middle Eastern oil fragrant?"

"As for the collapse of the Soviet Union, it's kind of magical."

"Using internal conflicts and political means to promote the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the economic layout to reap the wealth of the Soviet Union... This is a novel, a superpower, how can such a small means destroy it?"

"Later, the writing is magical, not as realistic as the biography of drug lords."

"It's okay, it's Mr. Duke who did the layout and micro-manipulation."

"Mr. Duke? Has Mr. Duke appeared?"

"Of course, you didn't see that in the chapter describing the expansion of the Alabama consortium's overseas influence, it proposed to support a virtual economy DK. Later, this economy gradually manipulated local politics, destroyed the local economic system, and provided for the federal government. Currency hijacked the world and made great achievements. The disintegration of the Soviet Union was DK's in-depth layout and financial layout-Wantaa plan."

"DK, Duke? This is too cryptic? I'm still looking forward to Mr. Duke's appearance." Mustache shook his head, a little dissatisfied.

"Normal, isn't this the Money Empire?"

"However, Mr. Duke has the support of the Alabama consortium behind him, which makes sense. After all, if you want to make the money empire so big, the support of the hegemony is naturally indispensable."

"It doesn't matter, let's be more obscure. Mr. Duke, Mr. Barcelona, ​​and President Chris are dead. The three protagonists of original sin are combined, and the fantasy is linked. The world view of original sin is now established."

"Okay, let's unlock a new achievement for Mr. Duke, the great agent of the Federation and the direct destroyer of the Soviet economy!"

(End of this chapter)

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