Chapter 93 Top Stream
"Peak of Power" was quickly fermented throughout the Federation, and people's discussions could be heard in the streets and alleys.

You can hear legends about President Chris in various newspapers and TV stations.

Payton has also accepted many interviews during this period, and the New York Times gave him a headline on the front page.

Almost at the same time, the Commonwealth launched the first artificial earth satellite "Explorer 1" and Egypt and Syria united to become the United Arab Republic. These two big news can only be placed in the second section.

The former is a response to the other pole. The other side successfully launched the first artificial satellite on October 1957, 10, and the Federation quickly followed.

And the United Arab Republic!
The nonsense of Arabia and Israel and the Middle East issue have always been the focus of national attention.

It must be known that wars in the Middle East have broken out several times, which is an extremely rare operation after World War II.

In the past few years, the federal media has been paying continuous attention to it. A small friction can quickly make the headlines of major newspapers, let alone such a big event.

In the past, this kind of thing would definitely make headlines on the front pages of various newspapers and periodicals, but it was widely publicized, and the next situation was analyzed.

I didn't expect it, but now I'm about to be crushed!
By a novel!
There is no doubt that the influence of "Peak of Power" is super phenomenal.

To a certain extent, his popularity has completely surpassed the biography of drug lords, after all, this is the story of a politician.

Drug lord?

This is still a relatively unfamiliar industry for the public.

And the stories of politicians, whether they are people or dogs, can say a few words.

"The sales volume has been counted, half a month, 500 million copies, it's crazy!" The agent kept sighing.

This number is already enough to be in the top five of the New York Times sales list, and this is only half a month. I can't imagine how much sales will be in the whole year.

Payton seemed very calm: "It's normal. After all, the number of pre-sales in advance is close to 200 million. This half month is also the time when the heat is the highest, and the follow-up will not be so crazy."

The agent still sighed: "Boss, I think this book will definitely set a sales record."

Peyton nodded and said no more, he was really tired during this time.

As for the record, this record is now his!
"Okay, go and cooperate with Random House's publicity plan, and let me be quiet for a while."

"Okay, boss."

After a while, Peyton was the only one left in the living room again, squinting his eyes, he rarely relaxed for a while.

During this period of time, he was very busy. Apart from the promotion and marketing of "Peak of Power", he also needed to take care of his own business.

But fortunately, it's all busy!

Today, Payton's chemical industry is gradually on the right track.

Power (power), a clothing brand made of new chemical materials launched with the help of heat, is selling well in Alabama and has become a trendy brand.

Businessmen from the remaining states of the Federation have already been contacted, wanting to become regional agents.

The first step in opening up the federal market is considered complete!
In Japan, relying on the good reputation built over the years and huge publicity, the new style of clothing has become a popular benchmark as soon as it is launched.

Payton's clothing business is booming, and both the Federation and Japan have achieved good results.

"Next, you can relax for a while."

Payton thought to himself and turned on the TV.

On the TV, the figure of Mr. Chris suddenly appeared.

Peyton slapped his head, looking a little helpless.

He couldn't remember how many programs Mr. Chris had been on.

Local Alabama TV has him, Southern Network has him, CBS has him...  

ABC also specially created a talk show for Mr. Chris.

Mr. Chris has completely entered thousands of households in the Federation, and he has received a new title - "The greatest Mr. Chris President in the history of the Federation."

Mr. Chris seems to have become a traffic code, and various TVs and newspapers are full of him.

Well, during this time, it's not just Peyton who is busy, Mr. Chris is really busy.

After all, Peyton is just an author, and Mr. Chris is the protagonist!
The pinnacle of power!

What power does Peyton know as an author?What politics do you know?Obviously, the one who understands all this best is Mr. Chris.

Newspapers and TV are non-stop, and they are also busy giving speeches in various regions.

Watching Mr. Chris talking on the show,

It is worthy of being "the greatest Mr. Chris President in the history of the Federation".

Even the title of future president was taken away.

It's okay to be idle, and Peyton didn't change the channel, watching this episode of the program.

"Hi everyone, I'm John Cleese!"

"Hello, Mr. President Chris." The host joked.

Mr. Chris smiled: "Thank you for the title, I like it very much."

His frankness made the host helpless in an instant, so he could only say, "Sir, you are worthy of being a politician."

Subtext, thick-skinned!

Mr. Chris said with a smile: "To be honest, I didn't get used to it at first, but these days, I've given speeches all over the state, and I got used to the whole appellation, so I got used to it."

"Of course, this title is really dreamy. When I was giving a speech for the governor's election, I was a little skeptical. I am a president, and now I am running for governor. Isn't it too embarrassing for Alabama?"

The host nodded: "Well, it sounds like a dream."

"However, Alabama is the land promised by Mr. President, and the people here should naturally be more favored by you."

Mr. Chris laughed loudly: "Sir, you are right, but now, I am still worrying about the votes in the hands of all the people in my promised land. After all, Alabama is my home, and my feelings for him are always so special, and I am always worried that the children at home will not be satisfied with me."

The host smiled: "Please rest assured, your people will not abandon you. I really can't think of the reason why they don't vote for you. After all, you are the greatest president."

Mr. Chris restrained his smile, raised his hand, and said with a serious face: "Sir, thank you for canvassing for me."

"After I succeed in the election, I will award you a medal, which is called the Return to Glory Aid Medal, referred to as the Medal of Glory. Thank you for your contribution to the great President Chris becoming President again. "

"Of course, Mr. President Chris, this is my honor!"

As the host spoke, he bowed his waist slightly and saluted Mr. Chris slightly.

It was like meeting His Majesty the Emperor.

Seeing this, Peyton couldn't help laughing.

This host is proficient in program effects!
 The previous chapter was sealed again. I don’t know if you have seen it. It probably tells the story of Mr. Chris establishing hegemony after he took office and being re-elected for five terms.

  As for whether it can be released, alas, let’s talk.

  As I wrote this book, I was getting more and more tired. I felt that there was no future, no guarantee, and maybe it would be completely sealed that day.

  Whatever, whatever...

(End of this chapter)

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