girl knight zero

Chapter 11 I'm Just Different From You

Chapter 11 I'm Just Different From You
"He's a good seedling." After Cang Ling left, the rabbit examiner said to the bald examiner.

"It's called Cang Ling, right? From the outside, it should be of Donghai race. That race has the most traits, I don't know if she is." The bald examiner said, holding his chin.

"We'll find out after the test." Rabbit examiner replied.

When it was almost five o'clock, all the candidates had finished the test, and the 85 people who won the final came to the hall together to accept the last test: the spiritual power test.

"Everyone here, congratulations on passing the entrance examination of Condon Knight Academy. I am Peter Lynch, the instructor of Condon Knight Academy. Please allow me to extend my sincere congratulations to you." On the stage, the bald examiner greeted all candidates Said.

"Wow, so he is the chief instructor!" Cang Ling said in surprise.

"I heard that Peter Lynch used to be a Hurricane Knight." Phoebe whispered.

"The next test is the last test: the spiritual power test. The main purpose of the spiritual power test is to understand everyone's spiritual power value and spiritual power type. Candidates who can reach this stage basically have good spiritual power, so don't be nervous, just take it easy. Good." Lynch said.

Hearing the words "spiritual power test", Cang Ling became inexplicably nervous.

"Haisen, let's start." Lynch handed the scene back to Rabbit examiner.

Rabbit examiner walked to the front of the stage and signaled the staff on the side to open the curtain behind.

After the curtain was drawn, everyone found a huge double door on the stage, 3 meters high, 2.5 meters wide, and 80 cm thick. There were strips like thermometers on the door frames on both sides, and there were scales on it.

"I'm Craig Heisen who is in charge of the last test. Look here." Heisen pointed to the giant door and said, "This is a trial door specially used to evaluate spiritual power. Everyone needs to push this door hard door, and hold on for 10 seconds to complete the evaluation."

"Just push the door?" Cang Ling was a little surprised.

"Don't underestimate that door, it's a door that can only be opened with spiritual power." Oscar, who came over, said.

"Out of 100, 60 is a pass. Let me demonstrate." After Heisen finished speaking, he walked to the door, and put his hands on the door.

"Remember, this door must be pushed with spiritual power, and physical strength alone will never open it." Heisen pushed the door lightly after speaking, and pushed the door open.

At the same time, the bottom of the test strip by the door immediately lit up with a purple light, and it went up along the test strip until it was full.

"Purple means that my spiritual power is a trait type. Red is a reinforcement type, blue is a long-range type, and green is a defense type. It's very simple, right? Next, please arrange them according to the serial number and go to the stage to test one by one." Heisen said and left door of trials.

The first person to go to the test was a thin boy.

Although the person looks very inconspicuous, it has measured a high value of 88, and it is still a strengthening system.

"Very good. Next!" Heisen shouted while registering.

As there were fewer and fewer people in front of him, Cang Ling's heart gradually lifted.

As Lynch said, no one is below 60 yet, not even below 70.

After all, these people are all the best who have passed through the test and rose all the way.

However, Cang Ling is different from others, she has a fatal point on her body, which may affect her spiritual power.

"It doesn't matter, if I can get here, it means that I have no problem at all." Cang Ling comforted himself in his heart.

At this time, there was a sudden exclamation on the field.

Cang Ling hurriedly looked up and saw Phoebe standing on the stage.

She measured the highest value of 96 in the audience!
"Have you ever received overload training?" Heisen asked.

"No." Phoebe shook her head.

"Without training, it is quite rare to be able to reach this value. It seems that your talent is very good, congratulations." Hai Sen smiled slightly.

"Oye!" Phoebe excitedly made a triumphant gesture.

"That pair of ponytails has such a high spiritual power? She must be a pure-blood Constantine." Oscar said, crossing his arms.

Hearing his words, Cang Ling became even more nervous.

After dozens of people passed, it was finally Cang Ling's turn.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I want to be calm!" Cang Ling clenched his fists and walked to the door of the trial.

"Are you ready? Let's start!" Heisen took a pen and got ready to record.

Cang Ling took a deep breath, pressed his hands tightly against the door, then made a forward lunge, and pushed hard.

Surprisingly, the door didn't budge.

"No. 413, use spiritual power, not physical power." Hai Sen reminded.

"Yes..." Cang Ling hastily withdrew his hand and blew on his palm, then pushed the door again with all his strength.

The door of trial was much heavier than expected, Cang Ling was sweating all over, and only opened a crack in the door.

"Relax, gather your spiritual energy and concentrate it on the palm of your hand." Hai Sen kindly reminded.

Cang Ling's heart was already in a mess, she glanced at the spiritual power display area, the red spiritual power bar had just reached 20.

"Keep pushing hard, don't stop!" Heisen ordered.

Cang Ling gritted his teeth and pushed the door with all his might.

The spiritual power bar climbed up little by little, and finally stopped at 40, and never moved again.

"I can't do it!" Cang Ling tried his best to let go, and the door bounced Cang Ling to the ground a few meters away.

"Zero! Are you alright?" Phoebe immediately rushed out of the queue, and turned back when she saw Heisen.

"No. 413, your spiritual power is 40. This value is unqualified." Heisen picked up the pen and prepared to write down the number.

"Wait a minute, examiner! Please let me try again!" Cang Ling immediately got up.

"You have tried your best, but the result is still the same. It can only be said that your talent is not enough." Hai Sen said regretfully.

"I was too nervous just now, so I didn't perform well, please give me a chance!" Cang Ling pleaded.

"Yes, instructor, can you give her another test? Didn't you say this is just an inspection? It's not an exam. So it doesn't matter if you take another test?" Phoebe chimed in.

"I said Hai Sen, let her test it again." Lynch stood up at this moment, "Young people, it is inevitable that you will lose the chain sometimes."

"This... alright. No. 413, I'll give you one last chance." Seeing that the instructor had spoken, Heisen made a concession.

"Thank you, Chief Instructor! Thank you, Examiner Haisen!" Cang Ling clenched his fists, walked firmly to the door again, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and put his hands on the door again.

"It's so easy for me to get to this point, how can I give up at the last moment! I have to open this door!" Cang Ling encouraged himself in his heart.

"Let's start." Heisen ordered.

"Drink!" Cang Ling yelled, pushing to death with all his strength.

"A mixed race like you will definitely not pass the exam. Because your father is a lowly Gulei!" Hannah's words came to mind involuntarily.

wrong!My blood is not humble!
I'm just... different from you!

Although my father is a Gulei who has no spiritual power at all, but my mother is a Constan with high spiritual power.

So, I also have spiritual power!
I will never give up!
Definitely won't fall here!

Cang Ling's face was flushed red, all the blood vessels on his face and arms burst out, and the muscles in his legs collapsed as hard as a rock.

"It's 55, Cangling, come on!" Phoebe shouted from below.

"Come on, come on! 56, 57, 58..." the candidates below shouted together.

Just when Cang Ling felt that the blood vessels on his arm were about to burst, the damn spiritual power bar finally climbed to the 60 position, and let out a "beep!".

(End of this chapter)

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