girl knight zero

Chapter 12 Board the boat and go to Tranquility Island!

Chapter 12 Board the boat and go to Tranquility Island!
"Yeah!" All the candidates applauded thunderously, cheering for Cang Ling.

"Finally passed!" Cang Ling lay down on the ground, panting heavily.

"Congratulations to number 413. Although your spiritual power is low, there is still a lot of room for improvement after scientific training. I hope you will not be discouraged." Hai Sen stretched out his hand and pulled Cang Ling up.

"Thank you, examiner Haisen, I will definitely work hard." Cang Ling felt like tears were about to come out.

She had used too much spiritual power just now, and the backlash was biting her whole body like ants.

"It's great Cangling, we can go to Condon Knight Academy together!" Phoebe rushed over and hugged Cangling.

"Ah - pain, pain, pain!" Cang Ling burst into tears immediately.

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited." Phoebe stuck out her tongue and put Cang Ling down.

After all the tests were over, Heisen said to everyone: "Now I announce that the 1692 admissions exams for Conton Knights are all over! All 85 people here, welcome to join Condon Knights Academy!"

"Yeah!" All the candidates jumped up happily.

"Tomorrow, I will rest and pack your luggage for everyone. Come to the hall on the first floor at [-]:[-] p.m. to collect your student ID card and measure your height and weight. Gather at the train station at [-]:[-] a.m. the day after tomorrow, take the train to Wensenburg together, and then take a boat to the location of the college: Tranquility Island. The college will prepare all daily necessities and uniforms for everyone, so please don’t transport things to the island in large and small bags. Especially snacks, you are not allowed to bring a single piece, and it will be confiscated if you bring it over. Do you understand? "Hayson asked.

"Yes! I understand!" All the candidates answered in unison.

"Very well, see you tomorrow night. Disband now!"

The next day, Cang Ling and Phoebe happily had a big meal, and this time Cang Ling invited him back.

"I didn't expect the kebab to be so delicious," Phoebe said, holding the kebab.

"Haha, that's what I used to eat when I was hunting in the mountains. Just sprinkle a little salt on it and roast it on the fire and it's super delicious. Grilled meat is much more flavorful than fried, isn't it? " Cang Ling said proudly.

"You're so smart and a good cook. Thanks for the barbecue," Phoebe said with a smile.

Seeing that Phoebe likes to eat so much, Cang Ling was immediately satisfied.

The two of them sat on the top of the mountain, watching the huge group of windmills whirling in the distance, eating and chatting, running to digest food along the way, and spent the whole day.

At five o'clock, all candidates went to collect their student ID cards.

"Wow, the 129th student of Condon Knight Academy. We finally have an official status!" Phoebe happily kissed and kissed the student ID.

"There is also a congratulatory message from the current dean Mark Duncan: Dear student Cangling, congratulations on becoming a member of Condon Knight Academy. Condon will provide you with the best environment and help for your growth, and I hope you will live up to it. In the past two years, he worked hard and trained hard, and became an excellent knight that Condon is proud of." Cang Ling read out the words of the dean.

"All the telegrams for file transfer have been sent out, and the files of each of you will be handed over to the college. I hope that you will not do anything that violates the school rules during the two years of studying in the college, otherwise it will remain on the file. Do you remember? ?” Heisen warned.

"Yes! We will strictly abide by the discipline!" Candidates replied confidently.

The next day, everyone took the train to the seaside city of Vinsonburg, and took the ship sent by the college to Tranquility Island.

The pier was crowded with freshmen from all over the country, as well as crying parents.

"Lily, if you are sick, you must ask the instructor for leave!"

"Mark, bring these beef jerky, it's not heavy..."

"Amin, the family's hope depends on you! You must become a Blue Shield Knight!"

"Gina, if the instructor bullies you, send a telegram to Dad, and Dad will fly over to find him right away!"

The parents chattered and talked non-stop around their children.

"It's so noisy, these mothers!" Anton said impatiently from behind.

"Can I bring cosmetics? Should I be able to use cosmetics?" At this moment, a girl in a cake skirt walked past them.

"Oh, where's my student ID card? Oops, where did I lose it..." A boy with a middle score scratched his head and searched all over the place.

"Hey! Walk carefully!" A big man scolded a short and fat boy.The boy's backpack scratched him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The chunky boy apologized repeatedly.

"It's so lively! Are these all students from the first class with us?" Cang Ling looked at the crowd around him and said excitedly, "Some people said that knights are no longer popular, it seems that's not the case at all!"

"It's already much less. There are more than 400 new students this year, and the number was two or three times more than a few years ago." Oscar interjected.

"They're all cowards who run away from danger." Anton snorted.

At this time, the whistle sounded, and Hai Sen greeted everyone to get on board.

All the freshmen boarded the big ship of Condon Knight Academy, waved goodbye to their parents, and went to the place where they will stay for two years in the future with anticipation and excitement - Tranquility Island.

On the ship, Cang Ling and Phoebe leaned on the railing to enjoy the sea view, and a tall boy came over to say hello.

"Hello, Miss Sterling." The other party bowed politely.

Cang Ling and Phoebe looked back, and it turned out to be Paul.

"I thought you looked familiar when I was in the examination room, but I didn't dare to confirm it until I saw your housekeeper yesterday. It's been a long time, how have you been?" Paul asked with a smile.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Phoebe obviously had no impression of Paul, nor had he paid attention to it.

"I'm Paul Downton, and my father is William Downton. I talked to you at the Queen's Luna Festival four years ago." Paul introduced himself.

"Huh? William Downton?" Hearing the name, Cang Ling was startled.

William Downton is one of the seven Dukes of the Star Sea Federation: the Duke of Reines, and the lord of the Province of Reines.

Phoebe recalled it for a while, then suddenly remembered: "Huh? You're that sneezing brat?"

As soon as the words fell, she immediately realized that she was too abrupt, and hurriedly replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Downton. Have you also applied for the Knight Academy?"

"Yes. It is my honor to study with you in Condon. I am looking forward to the future life as a classmate." Paul said with a smile.

"To each other, please teach me more in the future." Phoebe said politely.

"Then, I won't bother you." Paul saluted again, then turned and walked away.

"Phoebe, do you know him?" Cang Ling asked after Paul left.

"I just met him once, not an acquaintance." Phoebe said looking at Paul's back. "At that time, he was not as tall as me. I robbed his cake, and he even cried and said that he would tell his mother."

"You have done this kind of thing..." Cang Ling dripped sweat.

"This guy must have applied for the exam because he wanted to get a knight title." Phoebe snorted.

"What does that mean?" Cang Ling asked.

(End of this chapter)

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