girl knight zero

Chapter 13 Kali Appears

Chapter 13 Kali Appears
"It's the title." Phoebe explained, "The title of the nobility is decreasing from generation to generation. Many children of nobles want to get into the Knights Templar and the Royal Knights in order to keep their titles. After all, they only rely on living there A place where you can make military achievements... Eh, no. The titles of the Seven Dukes are not diminished. He is the only son, so he should be the next Duke without any suspense? Then why did he come to the Knight Academy... "

"His total score is the first in our province, I think he must be a person with ambition." Cang Ling guessed.

After thinking for a few seconds, Phoebe waved her hand: "Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway. Leave him alone!"

"Wait, he is from the province of Rhines, why did he come to our province to take the exam?" Cang Ling asked curiously.

"That's because there is a rule that the children of the Seventh Duke are not allowed to apply for the exam in this province or in neighboring provinces." Phoebe explained.

"Hey, fat man! You're eating poop, it smells so bad!" At this moment, there was a loud noise from behind.

Cang Ling and Phoebe turned their heads and saw two tall boys surrounding a short and fat boy, and one of them grabbed his collar.

"Really, I can't forget to eat anywhere, no wonder you're so fat. How did you pass the exam? Didn't you bribe the examiner with money?" asked the boy pulling his collar.

"Hahahaha!" The surrounding students laughed together.

"It stinks, what kind of food is this?" Another boy grabbed the short and fat man's backpack, unbuttoned it and poured it all out.The contents were spilled all over the floor.

"My durian cake!" The short and fat boy wailed suddenly.

"So much food, are you a pig?" The boy kicked the food bags all over the floor, "Didn't you hear the instructor say that you can't bring snacks to the island?"

"The instructor was talking about snacks, but what this guy eats is obviously pig food!" The boy pulling his collar laughed.

"Hey!" Cang Ling was about to step forward when a figure rushed past him first.

"I don't mind you bullying this guy, but you stained my clothes." The figure grabbed the arm of the boy who kicked up the food and said, "Today is the first time I wear it, and it got dirty. How are you going to apologize? ah."

After finishing speaking, the man grabbed the boy by the arm and threw him flying. The boy flew in the air for several meters and stopped when he hit the side of the boat.

"Wow!" The crowd of onlookers exclaimed.

Cang Ling looked in surprise at the figure that appeared halfway - a girl with short white hair and red eyes.

"Really, I hate dirty clothes the most." The short-haired girl frowned at the mud on her sleeves.

"Tsk!" The boy pulling the collar saw that the situation was not good, and immediately put down the short and fat boy to run away.

"Wait, you haven't apologized yet. You have to apologize if you offend others. Didn't your parents teach you?" The short-haired girl grabbed his collar - this time it was his turn to be grabbed.

"Hey! What are you doing?" An instructor rushed over, "It's very courageous to make trouble before disembarking!"

The instructor obviously mistook the short-haired girl as the instigator.

"It was those two boys who bullied this boy. She was just complaining." Cang Ling on the side immediately stepped forward to explain to the instructor.

"Arguing against injustice? You think too much of me." The short-haired girl let go of her hand.

"Is that so?" the instructor asked the short, fat man sitting on the ground.

"..." The short and fat man was speechless.

"Those two boys should be taught a lesson, they are too arrogant." Phoebe also said at this time.

"It's also the fat man's fault. You shouldn't be eating such stinky things on the boat." Some of the onlookers said.

"Listen to me, all of you. Although you haven't disembarked yet, you are already Conton's students. Conton's students must abide by the school's discipline. Any act of picking a fight and fighting will be punished and recorded. Then But the ones that stay on the file forever, understand?" the instructor said sharply.

"Understood, I will remember." The short-haired girl shrugged.

The two boys didn't dare to make a fuss in front of the instructor, so they got up and rolled away quickly.

The chunky boy picked up the durian cakes with tears in his eyes, stuffed them into his backpack and was about to leave.

"Classmate, she helped you just now, shouldn't you say thank you." Cang Ling reminded kindly.

The short and fat man stopped for a while, but in the end he didn't say anything, and walked away without looking back.

"Really..." Cang Ling felt that the short and fat man was a little rude.

"Forget it, I'm not for him anyway." The short-haired girl said indifferently.

"You're amazing, what's your name?" asked Phoebe on the side.

"My name is Kali. Thank you for helping me explain to the instructor." The short-haired girl said friendly.

"Jiali? What a strange surname. I thought my surname was rare, but I didn't expect yours to be even rarer." Cang Ling smiled.

"No, my surname is not Jia. I don't have a surname, so I'm just called Jiali." Jiali explained.

Upon hearing this, expressions of fear and rejection suddenly appeared on the faces of the people around them, and then they all walked away quickly.

"What's wrong?" Cang Ling wondered.

"Haha, it seems that you don't know." Jiali raised her arms to look at the dirt on her sleeves, and spat.

"Want a handkerchief?" Cang Ling hurriedly took out his own handkerchief and handed it over.

"Thank you, I will wash it and return it to you." Kali gratefully took the handkerchief.

"You're from the Hangman family?" Phoebe asked.

Obviously, she knows the meaning behind "no last name".

"It seems that you understand it very well. That's right, I am indeed from the executioner's family." Jiali said while rubbing.

"The executioner's family?" Cang Ling was still in a daze.

"It is said that executioners kill too many people and are easily targeted by resentful spirits, so executioners don't have surnames, even their children." Jia Li said (the Star Sea Federation has many duplicate names, but the surnames are rarely repeated).

"That's it." Cang Ling suddenly realized.

"I'm Phoebe Sterling. Nice to meet you," Phoebe introduced herself.

"I'm Cang Ling, my last name is Cang Ling." Cang Ling also introduced.

"Very happy to meet all of you."

The three girls immediately became acquainted, and they walked to the side of the boat and chatted together.

"By the way, Jiali, what department are you in? The reinforcement department?" Cang Ling asked.

"No, I'm in the defense department." Kali replied.

"Huh? I saw your strength just now, and thought you were from the enhancement department."

"Haha, when I found out that I was in the defensive department, I was also taken aback, because my parents are both in the enhanced department. But my grandma is in the defensive department, maybe it's passed down from generation to generation." Kali said leaning on the railing.

"Cang Ling is the reinforcement system, I am the long-distance system, and you are the defense system. The three of us just formed a combat team. This must be fate!" Phoebe said happily.

"Both Phoebe and I want to join the Hurricane Knights. Kali, how about you?" Cang Ling asked expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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