girl knight zero

Chapter 118 An Unbelievable Thing Has Happened

Chapter 118 An Unbelievable Thing Has Happened

The speed of this spider reached about 40 kilometers per hour. It injured countless pedestrians along the way, and trampled down many buildings.

"Strange, why didn't it attack us? It just ran away?" Cang Ling thought while chasing.

At this moment, local knights from Lisbon rushed over. They quickly jumped to the roof and attacked the spider from above.

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, the spider turned around decisively and got into an alley, and quickly crawled sideways from the wall.

"Phoebe, you attack it from the left, and Kali and I intercept it from the right!" Cang Ling said while running.

Phoebe nodded, jumped onto the roof in a few steps, and bombarded the spiders below.

Cangling and Jiali took a shortcut at full speed, preparing to stop the spider in front of the church.

The spider was covered in blood by Phoebe, but instead of turning right, it rushed to the left alley against the attack.

"No way. Could it be that it can understand our words?" Cang Ling was dumbfounded.

"Ling, there are horses here!" Jiali said, pointing to a horse pulling goods by the side of the road.

"Great!" Cang Ling immediately got on his horse and quickly chased after him.

With the help of the horse, Cang Ling quickly caught up with the spider and blocked it in a dead-end alley.

"Where do you go to escape, die!" Cang Ling jumped off his horse and slashed at him with his sword.

"Damn! The result is still..." At this moment, the spider spoke suddenly.

Cang Ling was stunned for a moment, and the raised sword stopped in the air instantly.

"Get out of the way, little girl!"

At this time, the knights of Lisbon caught up. They pushed Cang Ling away, rushed into the alley and began to besiege the spider.

Seeing that there were so many of them, the spider didn't dare to fight, so he immediately turned over the wall, trying to escape by climbing onto the roof.

"Where to escape!" Phoebe chased over from the roof, and aimed at the spider's head below and shot a shuttle-shaped aura bomb.

This aura bomb blasted the spider's nerve center into pieces, and the spider instantly fell on its back to the ground, its limbs twitched a few times, and then collapsed.

"Yeah! I'm victorious! I killed the C-class night monster, hahahahaha!" Phoebe jumped up excitedly on the roof.

The Lisbon knights below were all furious. They were about to kill the spider, but the outsiders who came out halfway picked up the head.

"Hey, the one with the pink hair last time, which team are you from?" Jonathan, the captain of the Lisbon team, shouted angrily.

"I'm from Hua Fei's team. My name is Phoebe, Phoebe Sterling." Phoebe thought that Jonathan was going to praise her, so she hurriedly jumped down and saluted as a knight.

"Who told you to do it?" Jonathan grabbed Phoebe, "Do you know what you did?"

"I killed the C-level night devil that sneaked into the city!" Phoebe said proudly.

"This is the stalker! The stalker must stay alive, understand? You ruined our battle plan!" Jonathan angrily pushed Phoebe back.

"Sorry, what's going on?" Cang Ling hurried over to help Phoebe up, and then stepped forward to ask.

"Which onion are you?"

"I'm Cang Ling of Hua Fei's team."

"It's Hua Fei's team again? Why did Hua Fei's team come to us?"

"We came to Lisbon for vacation, and we happened to meet Night Demon. Just now you said it was a stalker, do you know its details?" Cang Ling asked politely.

"Sorry, I have no obligation to disclose to you. As outsiders, you acted without assistance or help, destroying our original combat plan, and I will respond to your captain properly!" Said After finishing, Jonathan pushed Cang Ling away and went forward to check the body.

"Go away!" The other knights forced Cang Ling and Phoebe out of the alley, and then pulled up the cordon.

"Zero, Phoebe! Have you caught up with that spider?" At this moment, Kali rushed over panting.

"I've already killed that spider!" Phoebe bragged immediately.

"No way? The opponent has at least C rank!" Kali was taken aback.

"Before Phoebe attacked, the knights of Lisbon had already attacked it for a round." Cang Ling explained.

"Hey, it was still alive and kicking when I attacked it!" Phoebe said dissatisfied.

At this time, the gendarmerie also rushed over and began to block the scene.

"Has the Night Stalker been caught?"

"how is the situation?"

"There were no casualties, were there?"

"Is the body in there?"

"Can we go take a look?"

Many daring residents surrounded them one after another.

"Everyone disperse, entry is forbidden here now! The city government will issue an announcement tomorrow for details, please don't spread rumors!" The gendarmerie captain commanded his men to seal off the entire street.

"Come with me." Seeing the commotion at the scene, Cang Ling hurriedly dragged Phoebe and Jiali to a secluded corner far away.

"When I just caught up with that spider, the other party seemed to talk." Cang Ling said in a low voice.

"Speak? What did you say?" Phoebe asked wonderingly.

"Didn't catch it, it was like 'Damn...' or something."

"Did you hear it wrong? It's impossible for the Night Demon to speak." Jiali said.

"That's right, is it what the knights behind or the residents in the alley said?"

"This..." Cang Ling recalled it again, and was not sure for a while.

"Judging from its attack power, it should be a low-level stalker. It is less likely that this kind of stalker has intelligence." Phoebe thought for a while and said.

"That's right. Even if it can speak, it's impossible for you to understand it. It's impossible for it to learn our language on purpose." Jia Li analyzed.

"It's true... Maybe I really misheard." Cang Ling felt a little unconfident.

"Haha, no matter what, I killed a C-level night devil. The squad leader will definitely look at me with admiration!" Phoebe couldn't help but feel complacent again.

"You killed someone else's prey on someone else's territory. I'm afraid this will cause trouble for the team." Kali said, crossing her arms.

"What kind of Lisbon and Huafei teams are there to eliminate the Night Demon? Everyone is a knight and has an obligation to fight, right?" Phoebe argued.

"You are so simple. Killing the stalker is a military achievement. You are stealing merit. It is a big taboo."

"Let's go back quickly and report to the team leader before the opponent finds him, otherwise the team leader will be very passive." Cang Ling suggested.

"I agree, you can catch the last train if you arrive at the station now, let's go!" Kali voted in favor.

"Please don't speak so seriously, okay..." Phoebe followed anxiously.

After they left, a figure flashed from behind the wall, and then quickly disappeared into the night.

An hour later, Cang Ling and the others caught the last train at 10:30 and returned to Hua Fei.

"Zero! Phoebe! Kali! Where are you? Why don't you come over? I don't have enough money with me!"

At the door of the Green Hotel, Connie let out a desperate cry.

(End of this chapter)

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