girl knight zero

Chapter 119 The fog is heavy

Chapter 119 The fog is heavy
After returning to Hua Fei, Cang Ling immediately reported the Lisbon incident to Vasily.

"A stalker appeared in the city?" Vasily asked in surprise.

"That's right. And it popped up suddenly in the urban area. Before that, I hardly noticed any aura." Jia Li said.

"And the other party seems to be different from ordinary stalkers." Cang Ling stepped forward and said, "When I was about to attack it, it spoke."

"Speak?" Vasily was surprised again.

"I recalled it for a long time on the train to make sure I was not mistaken. It was in a cul-de-sac with no one around and no windows. The other party said clearly, 'Damn it, it turned out to be...', saying After finishing these words, the knights of Lisbon chased from behind."

Hearing this, Vasily's expression became serious, he pulled his chair and sat down, and opened his notebook.

"Tell me what happened from beginning to end, and don't miss any details." Vasili dipped his quill in ink and took a recording pose.

Jiali signaled Cang Ling to speak, Cang Ling nodded, and began to describe the experience of that night in detail.

After everything was said, Vasily carefully read the record several times, and then asked many questions, such as:
"When the spider first appeared, was there any injury on its body?"

"Apart from the mouthparts, is there any blood on other parts?"

"The gendarme first, or the knight?"

"How many people did the Lisbon team dispatch? How long did the attack take?"

"The first time the spider appeared, where exactly was it?"

Cang Ling recalled one by one, and gave an answer: "The spider appeared near the bar street, and there was no human blood in it except for the mouthparts. When I attacked it, it had no other trauma on the body surface, but it was obviously not moving freely. Weakness. After it appeared, the nearby military police launched an attack first, and then the knights dispatched 10 minutes later, the number of them was about 10, and it took 20 minutes to subdue the opponent."

"From the perspective of the number of people, this stalker should not be the target of their tracking." Vasily analyzed, "10 people are the regular number of people left behind, and the patrolling people did not rush back. This shows that this incident is a sudden incident for them. event."

"So, they don't really have any plans at all, right?" Phoebe felt relieved when she heard this.

"From your description, it should be like this."

"Then I'm relieved." Phoebe winked happily at Sorei and Kali.

"When the stalker appeared, you were closer to the scene than the local knights, so it was right for you to attack. But after the opponent arrives, you should obey the command of the opponent's team leader. This time you may not be credited, and you may even be punished. However I will try my best to coordinate with the team leader of the other side, and when the time comes, I will say that you are assisting, and the final kill will be counted on them."

"Squad leader, I didn't intentionally take credit. I hit it to prevent the spider from escaping! At that time, they were encircling the ground, but completely ignored the top. It was their tactics that gave the spider a chance to take advantage of it." Opportunity!" Phoebe said angrily.

"I know, I didn't blame you, and I think what you did was right." Vasily said calmly, "If they protest later, I will deal with it myself."

"Thank you, team leader, I knew you would be able to tell right from wrong." Phoebe said emotionally.

In the early morning of the next day, the team leader of the opposing team sent a telegram of protest.

Without saying a word, Vasily took Cang Ling with him decisively and went to Lisbon himself.

"The talk about that stalker is very important. Although it is not in our jurisdiction, we are also obliged to respond upwards." On the way, Vasily explained to Cang Ling.

"I know, I will cooperate with their investigation." Cang Ling nodded.

I didn't expect the sub-captain to go out in person. It seems that this matter is really not trivial...

Cang Ling thought in his heart.

After arriving at the Lisbon station, Vasily talked with Jonathan alone for more than half an hour, and then Jonathan talked with Cang Ling alone for more than ten minutes.

"Are you sure it spoke? This matter is very important!" Jonathan asked seriously.

"I guarantee with my personality, I didn't lie, it did speak." Cang Ling replied seriously.

"The content of the saying is really 'Damn, the result is still...'?"

"That's right, I recalled it many times, these words are correct. Its pronunciation is very clear."

"Does it say anything else?"

"No more, just this sentence."

"Okay, I will report this important discovery to the squadron. During the investigation, you should stay in Lisbon and not go back."

"Yes! I will fully cooperate."

Soon, the people in the squadron sent a telegram, saying that the squadron leader was very shocked by the stalker appearing in the city and speaking, and he would personally lead the team to investigate.

While waiting for the investigation team of the squadron, Jonathan sent all the defensive knights in the station to conduct a carpet search of the entire city together with the gendarmerie, and found another major discovery: they found the stalker's hiding place in the basement of Bar Street !

This hideout is an old whore's quarters, converted from an abandoned wine cellar.

The owner has been missing for two months and it is not known if he was killed.

Inside the house, there are some women's clothes and accessories, probably left by old prostitutes.

In addition, there is another unbelievable thing: there are a lot of bones of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep piled up in the house!

"According to the investigation of the gendarmerie, there have been only two cases of disappearance in Lisbon in the past two months. One is the owner of the house, and the other has been found." The deputy head of the team said.

"So, this stalker has been hiding here for two months, but he hasn't eaten anyone." Jonathan frowned.

"Very likely. That's why there are so many animal bones here."

"Who did it eat the night before?"

"It was a female college student, 17 years old, a foreigner. At that time, her class held a party in the bar upstairs. The victim drank too much and went outside to blow the air. As a result, she was eaten."

"It seems that I haven't eaten people for two months, so I've suffocated it."

"The stalker was discovered by the victim's classmates when he was eating the victim, and then he was besieged by everyone. According to the report of the students present, the stalker was very aggressive at first, but when he saw the gendarmerie coming, he immediately turned his head and ran away."

"Did anyone hurt anyone?"

"More than a dozen people were injured, but none of them were life-threatening."

"A C-level stalker should not be weak, why didn't he fight back?" Jonathan was lost in thought.

"We'll know when the results of the autopsy come out tonight." The deputy chief pushed his glasses and said.

In the evening, the results of the autopsy came out, and the investigation team of the squadron also arrived. Everyone gathered in the autopsy room to listen to the report of the investigation conclusion by the chief surgeon and executioner.

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(End of this chapter)

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