girl knight zero

Chapter 125 Another Acquaintance

Chapter 125 Another Acquaintance

"The stalker was indeed killed by the Lisbon team, but Sterling was also on the scene at the time, and she assisted the Lisbon team. It may be heard by the hidden Night Demon when she told her companion about the matter afterwards." At this time, Lyon stood up to make a rescue.

"Yes, I went to Lisbon with Cang and Kali to watch the Luna Festival Gala, and we happened to meet the stalkers. After killing the Night Demon, I stood at the entrance of the alley and talked with them about the battle just now." Phoebe was busy nod.

"Did you also mention that you are from Hua Fei's team?"

"Yes, it is……"

"At that time she said, 'Although I belong to Huafei's team, since I have encountered Night Demon, I have the obligation to fight.'" Cang Ling explained to Phoebe.

Dian Yi glanced at Vasily at the side, and didn't ask any more questions.

"Where is that night devil hiding now?" Dian Yi continued to ask.

"People have been sent to block Wallenberg Forest and the nearby waters. According to the search results, it is highly suspected that the other party is still hiding in Huafei's territory." Vasily replied hurriedly.

"Isn't this brat the only one who can detect the opponent's evil spirit?" Dian Yi pulled Kali from behind, "Why didn't you let her go to the scene?"

"She has been on duty for a day and a night, and she just came back from her shift."

"It's just one day and one night. Now is an extraordinary period. Even if you don't close your eyes for three days and three nights in a row, you must stick to your post!"

"Yes! I will send her back to Wallenberg Forest immediately!"

"Take me to the map." Dian Yi continued to order.

Vasili hurriedly brought Dianyi to the command room. On the wall of the command room was a huge map of Hua Fei, on which the escape routes and blocked areas of the Night Demon were drawn with different colored pens.

"Have you checked this area?" Dian Yi asked, pointing to the waters of the Blue Bay River.

"The squadron has notified all units passing through the waters of the Lanwan River to block the river."

"Where is the mouth of the sea? The Blue Bay River is connected to the sea, and the other party may also dive into the sea."

"Six defense officers have been stationed at the mouth of the sea to conduct 24-hour uninterrupted detection, and no abnormal information has been received so far."

"Very well, as long as it doesn't escape into the sea, I can find it out!"


As soon as Dian Yi finished speaking, a familiar voice sounded from the door.

When everyone looked back, their eyes widened, and it was Qiu Yan who came.

"Qiu Yan, deputy head of Xianlin Squadron of Boya Brigade, is ordered to report!" Qiu Yan, dressed in military uniform, stood at the door and saluted bravely.

"Instructor Qiu!" Kali and Cang Ling showed surprise expressions.

"It's just in time, but there's no time for you to rest now, immediately set off with me to the scene!" Dian Yi strode towards the door.

"Yes!" Qiu Yan followed quickly without saying a word.

"Hurry up and keep up!" Vasily said to Leon while running.

Leon nodded, indicating that all the people present should set off with him.

After arriving in Wallenberg Forest, Dian Yi ordered Qiu Yan to open the detection shield and search for the escaped Night Demon.

"Qiuyan is the most sensitive defensive department in the whole regiment. As long as she is there, no night demon can escape." An official from the headquarters said on a horse.

"Instructor Qiu is so good?" Kali showed admiration.

"Don't talk!" Dian Yi turned around and reprimanded.

Everyone hurriedly held their breath, for fear of affecting Qiuyan's detection.

Qiuyan jumped off the horse, knelt down and put her hands on the ground, then slowly released the detection shield.

The area of ​​her shield is not large, only one kilometer in diameter, but her perception is extremely precise, and she can even detect the evil spirit left a week ago.

"I found the other party's evil spirit." A few minutes later, Qiu Yan said, "It's in the direction of 1 o'clock."

"Lead the way immediately." Dian Yi jumped off the horse.

The crowd followed Qiu Yan through the forest at high speed, and soon approached the hiding place of the Night Demon.

"So it's here?" Vasili looked very surprised at the church in front of him.

"Is she still in the church?" Cang Ling was also taken aback.

"In this pool." Qiu Yan followed the breath to a small pool in the backyard of the church.

"I see. This pool must be connected to the lake, so it swam back along the underground waterway." Dian Yi sneered, "He's a smart guy!"

"It has been hiding in the water, no wonder I can't detect its evil spirit." Kali suddenly realized.

"Let everyone prepare for battle," Vasily said to Lyon.

"Understood." Leon nodded.

All the knights immediately surrounded the pool, ready to attack.

"I'll lure it out, and you should pay attention to intercept it." After Dian Yi finished speaking, he fired a super-large aura bomb at the water pool.

This spiritual energy bomb blasted the water in the entire pool into the sky, and there was a crackling "torrential rain" all around.

After the "storm" stopped, a soaring demonic aura erupted from the bottom of the pool instantly, and at the same time, the centipede girl rushed out of the mud at high speed.

"The opponent has come out! Attack immediately!" Vasily ordered.

All the long-range artillery shells were fired at once, and the centipede girl was knocked down from the air. After the centipede girl landed, she immediately wanted to escape, but was intercepted by Kali's physical shield.

The centipede shook her head and slammed Kali's shield into pieces!
Before it could escape, Qiuyan's shield dropped from the sky, covering it tightly.

Seeing that she couldn't escape, the centipede woman simply showed her fierce face and opened her mouth wide to bite the crowd.

Leon and Cang Ling immediately flew forward, swiping their swords to block the centipede girl's attack.

The centipede woman saw that the two men had extraordinary skills, so she turned around and rushed towards the people in the headquarters.

The knight at the headquarters took it easy, and cut off one of its front paws with a sword.

"Get out of the way!"

At this moment, Dianyi once again used her unique skill: the Trident of the Sea God, and nailed it to the ground with one blow. The centipede woman's body was pierced in two, and she rolled on the ground in pain.

"Cut off its body, be careful not to hurt the center!" Dian Yi ordered.

Upon hearing the order, Leon immediately jumped onto the body of the centipede woman, and then cut off her body with a sword.

A large amount of foul-smelling blood gushed out from the centipede's body, and after the centipede shivered for a while, it slowly shrank into a human form.

"It seems that it can't maintain its body when it is seriously injured." Dian Yi took back the trident, grabbed the centipede girl by the neck and lifted her up, "Bring it back to me, and I will interrogate it myself."

The enhanced knights rushed forward and tied up the centipede girl with the enhanced rope.

After being brought back to the station, Vasily temporarily transformed the underground confinement room into a prison cell, and imprisoned the centipede girl in it.

Dianyi didn't eat any food, and interrogated the centipede woman overnight.

Cangling and Kali wanted to stay at the scene to listen to Dianyi's interrogation, but Vasily ordered them to go on patrol, and they couldn't resist the order, so they could only obey the order and go on duty.

Only Dian Yi, Qiu Yan, Vasily and Leon were left in the small interrogation room.

 High-energy warning: The content of the next chapter may cause discomfort to some readers.

(End of this chapter)

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