girl knight zero

Chapter 126 Torture

Chapter 126 Torture
"Where did you come from? Why did you become a human?" Dian Yi asked sharply standing in front of the centipede girl.

The centipede girl raised her head, looked at Dian Yi and sneered, but said nothing.

Without further ado, Dian Yi kicked the wound on the centipede woman's abdomen, and the centipede woman screamed in pain.

"Are you willing to answer now?" Dian Yi asked.

"Go to hell..." the centipede girl cursed in a low voice.

"Get charcoal and tongs." Dian Yi ordered calmly.

Vasily winked at Leon, and Leon immediately ran out to let Hume bring over a pot of charcoal.

Dian Yi put the tongs into the charcoal, and when the tongs became hot, he held it up to the centipede woman and said, "I have many ways to make your life worse than death, do you want to try it?"

The centipede girl looked at the poker in front of her in horror, and then her eyes suddenly turned red.

Seeing this, Dianyi immediately slapped her on the head, and at the same time twisted its arm vigorously. With the scream of the centipede girl, its right shoulder slumped limply.

"You still have the strength to return to your original shape. It seems that I am too lenient to you!" Dian Yi drew out his sword, cut off all the limbs of the centipede woman without hesitation, and then ordered Leon to use iron nails to fix it firmly. Securely fastened to stakes.

"Now you can no longer change shape, the night is still long, let me play with you." Dian Yi showed a cold smile on his face.

By the time Cang Ling and Kali returned from their patrol, the torture had already lasted for four hours.

"Have you recruited the centipede girl?" Cang Ling asked Connie and Hume who were standing guard at the door.

"I don't know, anyway, the screaming has not stopped." Connie said with a livid face.

As soon as the words fell, there was a heart-piercing scream from below, followed by several more screams.

"I don't know what method the sergeant major used to extract a confession. This cry is really scary." Hume also said with a livid face.

"It deserves it! Who told it to torture Phoebe, now it's getting retribution." Kali said gloatingly.

"It won't die before confessing, right?" Cang Ling was a little worried.

"Don't worry, the Sergeant Major is a well-known torture expert in the country, second only to Louis, the head of the Royal Knights in terms of technology," Connie said.

"Why are you two here?" At this moment, Leon came out.

Cang Ling and Kali turned their heads to see that Leon's hands and body were covered in blood.

"Squad leader, has the other party recruited?" Cang Ling hurriedly asked.

"Not yet, but the attitude has softened. Have you finished patrolling?"

"Well, just got back."

"Hurry up and take the time to rest. You will be on duty tomorrow."

"Yes!" Cang Ling and Kali didn't dare to disobey the order, and immediately turned and went upstairs.

Dian Yi's forced confession lasted all night, and at dawn, the centipede girl finally let go of the torture.

"Where do you come from?"

"West...far west..."

"Why can you become a human?"

"I don't know... I've been like this since I was born..."

"Who did you learn to speak from?"


"Where are the humans?"

"Humans in the free zone..."

"Free zone? What do you mean?"

"It's the area outside the 'net'..."

"How many night goblins like you are there?"

"Not many...I've only encountered a few...mostly half-human..."

"What do you mean half-human?"

"It's between humans and night devils..."

"Is that spider the same as you?"


"Then why didn't it take human form when it died?"


"What are the conditions for switching between different states?"


"Do you want me to puncture your left eardrum too?" Dian Yi raised the awl.

"...It takes a lot of mental power to change back into a human form, and you will lose your attack power...but...the consumption will also be reduced..."

"So, you changed into a human form just to preserve your strength?" Dian Yi punched the centipede woman in the face.

The centipede woman's nose was broken by Dian Yi, she was panting heavily and trembling all over.

"Why did you and that spider escape to Lisbon?" Dian Yi continued to ask.


"Tell me quickly, or I'll use the awl to stab your brain directly from the eye socket." Dian Yi pressed the awl on the eye socket of the centipede woman, it was hollow, and the eyeball of the right eye was gone.

"To avoid being hunted by Jersey..."

"Who is Jersey?"

"People who are much stronger than us, he has been robbing our territory, and those who are unwilling to give up the territory will die..."

"Can Jersey also change human form?"

"I don't know... I haven't seen him... He has many subordinates, many of us were killed by them..."

Hearing this, Dian Yi glanced at Qiu Yan who was in charge of recording, and Qiu Yan immediately wrote a name on the paper.

"Is it this word?" Qiuyan held up the notebook in front of the centipede girl.

"I can't read..." the centipede girl looked at the book with her only remaining eye and said.

"Let's go here first today. Deputy Chief Qiu stays on guard, and the shift changes every four hours. Also, remember to feed it some water so that it doesn't die." Dian Yi took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands, turned and left cell.

Two days later, Dian Yi returned to the headquarters with the centipede woman, where they will continue to interrogate the centipede woman and conduct experiments on her.

Another day later, the headquarters sent a telegram requesting all high-level executives to go to Beijing to attend an emergency meeting. At the meeting, this new species of night demon that would turn into a human form was named "Pretender" and a series of orders were issued at the same time.

After the order was issued to the unit, Vasily immediately organized everyone to hold a meeting to publicize it.

"As we said before, there is a new trend in the night devils in the West. A small number of high-level night devils are fighting around and grabbing territory, causing a large number of middle and low-level night devils to lose and abscond. These losers want to escape the high-level night devils Hunting, sneaking into the shield without hesitation, using camouflage skills to hide in the city."

"Why hide in the city? Isn't it safer in the wild?" Cang Ling asked.

"For'hunting'." Vasily replied, "In big cities, there are many migrants and homeless people. Even if these people disappear, no one will report. Moreover, the inspection intensity in cities is lower than that in the wild. The cities closer to the central part are more so."

"It seems that Ye Mo also knows that 'the more dangerous the place, the safer'." Kali said.

"So these pretenders are highly intelligent," Hume said.

"According to investigations, their language ability comes from humans outside the country. It seems that a considerable number of humans are willing to be servants of night devils in order to survive."

"Where do humans come from abroad?" Connie asked in surprise.

"Yes, aren't many prisoners exiled outside the shield?" Cang Ling replied.

"When the Holy City was attacked in 1512, tens of thousands of people had no time to evacuate and were abandoned in the wilderness." Leon continued.

"God, if all these people become night devil's lackeys, it would be really scary!" Connie said in shock.

"It's okay just to be a running dog, I'm afraid they will marry the Night Demon..." Kali snorted.

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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