girl knight zero

Chapter 2 Cang 0's determination

Chapter 2 Cangling's Determination

Nine days later, Cang Ling's grandmother rushed to Hawkes Town in the border area from other places, and found Cang Ling in a temporary shelter.

"Zero!" With a trembling cry, grandma broke through the crowd and rushed over, hugging Cang Ling.

"Grandma!" Cang Ling also hugged grandma.

"I rushed over as soon as I received the telegram. Where are your mother and father?" Grandma asked with expectant eyes.

Zero didn't answer, she turned her head and glanced at the fire in front of her.

Grandma turned her head and saw dozens of corpses piled up there, being cremated together.

Grandma understood in an instant, and a mournful cry burst out of her throat. The mournful cry was so shrill that it was hardly a sound that a human being could make.

"Lina! Lina! My Lina!" Grandma rushed over while crying.

"I'm sorry, please don't get close, so as not to be polluted." The blue shield knight on the side immediately came to stop grandma.

Grandma was crying and struggling desperately.

It took a lot of effort for the blue shield knight to drag grandma away.

Grandma cried and cried for more than half an hour, and she collapsed to the ground after exhausting all her strength.

Cang Ling silently stepped forward to support grandma, and then wiped her tears.

"It's all because of Cang Xiong, it's all because of him! I said a long time ago not to marry far away, don't marry that man! If it wasn't for him, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. It's all your father's fault!" Grandma grabbed Cang Ling shoulders.

"No, it's not Dad's fault!" Cang Ling endured the pain and said, "Dad didn't forget to protect me and Mom until the last moment. It was those night demons who killed Dad and Mom! We live in our own What's wrong with your village? It's our home!"

After hearing Cang Ling's words, grandma was stunned for a moment, then lowered her hand weakly.

"Why...why is this happening? Obviously there is already the shield of Alifons. Doesn't it mean that night monsters above D level can't pass through? Why do they suddenly appear in the shield!" Grandma lowered her head and sobbed.

"I heard that the Night Demon was classified as B-level this time. A total of five villages were attacked, and thousands of people died. Even the Blue Shield Knights sacrificed dozens. Fortunately, this place is not far from the border, and the Queen just in time The Hurricane Knight was transferred back from the front line, and the situation did not deteriorate further." Said an uncle next to him.

"It's no longer safe inside the shield." Another uncle muttered to himself while looking at the fire.

Hearing this, grandma's face showed a look of fear.

This is no wonder, after all, it has been more than 90 years since the last Night Demon invasion.

Everyone has almost forgotten what war is like, and forgotten that most of the territory is still in the hands of Night Demon.

Although in history textbooks, story books, and stage plays, people often revisit the horror of night goblins and recall the thousands of years of war with night goblins, but that fear has become non-physical, and even faded into A kind of after-dinner conversation material.

At that time, everyone thought that this peaceful life could last forever.

"Grandma, I've decided. I want to join the Hurricane Knights." Cang Ling clenched his fists and said firmly, "I want to fight the Night Demons and defeat them!"

"What? Don't be kidding!" Grandma was taken aback. "How could you do such a desperate thing!"

"No, I want to do it. I want to become stronger, just like the knight who saved me. The next time the Night Demon reappears, I will never lie on the ground and wait to die. I want to fight like him!" Cang Zero yelled.

"Just let others do that kind of thing, you can't have such dangerous thoughts!" Grandma grabbed Cang Ling's shoulder in panic.

"It's not a question of whether you want to or not. The Night Demon has already invaded. Either fight or die. There are only two choices before us! I don't want to hide in the shield and wait to die. I want to choose to fight. I Kill all the night demons on this continent!"

Cang Ling's face showed hatred and determination that were not commensurate with his age.

The pain of losing her parents took her away from her childhood overnight at the age of eight, and she will never go back.

(six years later)
On the first day after the New Year's holiday, the mayor of Oak Village, York, sat on his beloved nanmu chair, checking last month's fruit sales list with his reading glasses as usual.

Suddenly, a loud noise shook the reading glasses in his hand, followed by an excited shout from downstairs.

"Village Chief! I brought what you asked for!"

As soon as he heard this familiar voice, the village head of York knew that it was the old man of Maggie's mother-in-law's family.

Annoyed, he picked up the reading glasses and put them on the table, then opened the window sill and shouted down:
"Zero, how many times have I told you, don't make noise in the village—!!"

Before he finished speaking, the eyes of Village Chief York froze.

At the same time, a few passers-by on the street also froze, all staring blankly at Cang Ling and the thing in front of her, with their mouths wide open.

"This is the Montenegro porcupine you asked me to catch, and I managed to catch it. Now can you stamp my registration form?" Cang Ling waved triumphantly.

The village chief of York rushed out of the village office, ran to Cang Ling and took a closer look, and it was indeed a Montenegro porcupine!
This porcupine weighed [-] kilograms, and the spines on its body were thick and long, with blood stains on them.

The village head glanced at Cang Ling. Her coat was completely torn, and there was blood all over her face. It was obvious that she had paid a huge price for this pig.

"I can't believe it, you really caught it!" The village head of York said, holding his head, "Do you really want to be a knight that much?"

"Of course." Cang Ling replied decisively, "I live for this goal!"

"Village chief, just agree to Ling. You see, she even killed the Black Mountain porcupine. If you refuse again, maybe her next target will be you." A woman chimed in.

"Thank you, Miss Emily." Cang Ling glanced at Emily gratefully.

"I can't betray my oath to your grandma!" the village chief said gloomily.

"My life should be decided by myself. I am already 14 years old. At this age, everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, right?" Cang Ling said seriously.

"A 14-year-old is still a kid in my eyes!" The village head is still resisting.

"Village chief, just let her go. Once the young people get up to speed, Nine Bulls won't be able to hold back. Anyway, she will definitely not pass the exam, and she will come back obediently after she hits the wall." An uncle said in Aside laughed.

"I will definitely pass the exam!" Cang Ling glared at him.

"Let me... think about it." The village chief sighed.

After thinking about it for three full days, to be precise, after being harassed by Cang Ling for three days, the village chief finally took out his big seal, and stamped Cang Ling's registration form while sighing.

(End of this chapter)

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