girl knight zero

Chapter 3 Let's go to Windmill City!

Chapter 3 Let's go to Windmill City!
"I promised your grandma would not let you go!" the village head continued.

"Don't worry about the village chief." Cang Ling said confidently, "When I become an official knight, you will be proud of me."

"Your grandma hopes that you can live in peace. That's what every elder expects from younger generations, right? But you young people are always more willful than one." The village head handed over the registration form mournfully.

"Thank you, village chief!" Cang Ling happily took the watch.

"Wait a minute, Zero." The village head stopped Cang Ling, "Do you know why I backed down?"

"Because I caught a Black Mountain porcupine?"

"Of course not... At first you said that you wanted to be a knight, but everyone thought it was just a child's fantasy. After all, everyone would have said one or two similar rhetoric when they were young, right? But I really didn't expect you to persist for so long. Every time I see you running, I always think, I should give up in a few days, right? But you didn’t. Rain, snow, winter, summer... for six years without a day’s interruption. Adults do it too If you don’t see such a thing, what exactly is supporting you?”

"It's a hurricane."


"The hurricane has been calling me." Cang Ling said seriously, "Since six years ago, my fate has been linked to the hurricane. I know the meaning of my existence lies there! I will definitely become a hurricane knight! "

The village chief was stunned for a moment, and then put on a gratified smile: "Every time I rejected you before, I would ask myself, is it really okay to impose the adult's ideas on the child? I finally let go after the stamp was stamped today." Take a breath, maybe it's time for us grown-ups to let go."

"Thank you, village chief. I will definitely not let you regret your decision." Cang Ling said gratefully.

"You don't have to thank me. If it weren't for your persistence, I would never agree today. By the way, I have something for you." The village head returned to the table, opened the locked drawer, took out a box, and handed it to the Cang Ling hands.

"This is the money entrusted to me by your grandmother before she died, and I will give it to you on a monthly basis. I did this before, but now, I think you can control the money by yourself, so I will give the rest to you. You, come on, Cang Ling!" The village head stuffed the box into Cang Ling's hand.

"Thank you village head, thank you for taking care of me all the time, a good person like you will definitely find a girlfriend!" Cang Ling hugged the village head with tears in his eyes.

"Why do you bring up such a thing... Forget it! I wish you a smooth journey!" The village chief (who is single in Wannian) stretched out his fist.

Cang Ling also stretched out his hand, bumped fists with the village head, and strode out.

After returning home, Cang Ling packed up his luggage, then took out the treasured cufflink from the drawer, threaded it into a rope and put it around his neck.

Before leaving, she said to everyone's portraits: "Grandma, Dad, Mom, I'm leaving! I'm just an ordinary person standing here, but when I come back here again in the future, I will definitely become an upright knight!"

When they reached the entrance of the village, a young girl chased after her, followed by two little followers.

"Cang Ling, I heard from the village chief that you are going to apply for the Knight Academy. Is this true?" The girl named Hannah asked out of breath.

"That's right, I'll be leaving soon. I'm sorry that you won't be able to bully me anymore! Your life will definitely become monotonous because of this, right?" Cang Ling snorted.

Hannah was stunned for a while, then clenched her fists and said, "You will definitely not be admitted. I heard that the admission standards of Condon Knight Academy are super high. A mixed race like you will definitely not be admitted. Because your father is Despicable Gulei clan!"

As soon as the words were finished, Hannah was thrown over her shoulder by Cang Ling, which shocked the two little followers.

"If you dare to speak ill of my father again, I will beat you hard! I was afraid that the village head would blame me, so I never fought back. But it's different now, don't try to bully me again!"

After finishing speaking, Cang Ling walked out of the village without looking back.

"You will never pass the exam! You are a weird and unusual guy, you will never be a knight! You just touch your nose, I will wait to see your jokes, and I will wait for you to come back in despair!" Hannah Getting up from the ground, he shouted hoarsely behind his back.

The two little followers looked at Hannah, then at Cang Ling in the distance, and suddenly felt envious of Cang Ling.

Of course, they dare not show it.

Two days later, Cang Ling set off from the town and took the train to the city where the test center in the province is located: Windmill City.

"Wow, it's so fast! Is this the train?" Cang Ling looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, excitedly.

"Is this your first time taking a train?" the young man sitting opposite asked with a smile.

"Yeah. I've only seen it from a distance in the fields before." Cang Ling turned around and replied.

"Take the train alone, you are very brave! Where are you going?" the young man asked curiously.

"Go to Windmill City and take the spring admissions exam at Condon Knight Academy." Cang Ling replied.

"Are you going to be a knight?" the young man asked in surprise.

"Yes, my dream is to become a Hurricane Knight." Cang Ling looked out the window and said with longing.

The youth looked at Cang Ling from surprise to admiration.

"Hurricane Knight? Great ambition! I thought no one would want to do this kind of drudgery anymore," the young man said.

"That's not the case. I think there must be many people in the whole country who want to join the Hurricane Knights as much as I do." Cang Ling said affirmatively.

"You look young, but you are quite ambitious. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of courage. Good luck, little girl." The young man smiled.

"Thank you! By the way, can you help me look at my luggage? I want to go to the bathroom." Cang Ling asked.

"No problem, I will help you take care of it, don't worry." The young man vowed.

"Thank you, I'll be right back!" Cang Ling happily ran away.

In the evening, Windmill City arrived.Cang Ling dragged the suitcase and got off the train.

"Wow! What a big station!" Cang Ling exclaimed again.

The station in Windmill City is nearly 1 square meters, with a total of four tracks, and an average daily passenger flow of thousands of passengers. It is the busiest station in Eddington Province.

At the gate of the station, there are dozens of carriages soliciting passengers.

Cang Ling took out some change from his pocket, and took a carriage to the municipal square near the test site.

"It's really expensive. I charged me 20 yuan for a ten-minute journey." Cang Ling said depressedly, "It only costs me five yuan to go to the town."

After asking the coachman, Cang Ling found a cheap hotel in a nearby alley.

Although the village chief gave her all the money left by her grandmother, there will be many places to spend money in the future, and what can be saved should be saved.

"Hello, I want to check in." Cang Ling said as he opened the suitcase and took out the money box.

As soon as he opened the money box, Cang Ling was dumbfounded, all the money inside was gone!

(End of this chapter)

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