girl knight zero

Chapter 4 Don't Underestimate the Little Ghost

Chapter 4 Don't Underestimate the Little Ghost

"Huh? No way?" Cang Ling broke out in a cold sweat, that was all her funds!
After searching the entire box seven or eight times, Cang Ling finally realized the reality: her money had been stolen.

"How did this happen? Who did it..." Cang Ling collapsed on the ground.

Thinking back carefully, the box was basically with me the whole time, and the only time I left the box was when I went to the toilet.

"Could it be that person?" Cang Ling couldn't believe it.

The young man had a look of kindness, and even praised her for her ambition!
"Guest, would you like to continue checking in?" the girl at the front desk asked.

" money seems to have been stolen. Could you please let me stay for one night temporarily? I will report to the gendarmerie tomorrow. If that happens, I should be able to get the money back..." Said so, Cang Ling himself also No confidence.

"Sorry, we don't accept credit here." The girl at the front desk replied politely.

"Can you let me sleep on the sofa in the hall for one night? I still have some change." Cang Ling made the last effort.

"You will embarrass us by doing this." The girl at the front desk politely refused.

Cang Ling bit her lip, she was about to cry.

I just arrived in a strange city and lost my money, what should I do next?
"How about you go over there and have a look." The girl at the front desk said, pointing to the alley in the distance, "There are several cheap hotels there, and you can stay for 40 yuan."

"Thank you, I'll go right away." Cang Ling wiped away his tears, packed his suitcase and walked out.

After reaching the alley opposite, Cang Ling found that there were indeed several cheap hotels there.It's dark and dirty, but cheap.

Cang Ling asked around, and finally chose the one in the innermost place, where he could have a bed for only 30 yuan.

"63, 64, 65..." Cangling counted his change and found that he only had 67 yuan.

Even without food or drink, she can only stay for two nights, while the exam lasts three days.

"What should I do? Should I find a job first? I won't take the exam until the day after tomorrow anyway. Or send a telegram to the village head and ask him to borrow some money? No, if the village head knows, I'll kill him as soon as he entrusts me with the money." Lost, how should I face him..."

Cang Ling lay on the cold and hard bed tossing and turning all night, but he couldn't think of any ideas.

The next day, Cang Ling went to the gendarmerie to report the case with the idea of ​​giving it a try, but after careful questioning, the gendarmerie told her that the possibility of recovering the money was basically zero.

After coming out of the gendarmerie, Cang Ling walked around the market and commercial street again, asking if there was any need for temporary workers.As a result, others said that they would not hire minors.

Cang Ling, who had a dusty nose, didn't eat any depressed meals, and sat by the fountain in the center of the square, sinking into deep despair.

Just then, two young men caught her eye.

The two were betting with arm wrestling not far away, and there were some people watching the excitement.

"John, although you are taller than me, you are definitely not as good as me in wrist strength." The short young man challenged.

"Haha, it's up to you? I can win with just one finger." The tall young man named John snorted.

"Do you want to bet? Bet ten dollars."

"Just bet! You will definitely lose!"

As they spoke, the two young men competed on a wine barrel.

Soon the short young man defeated John, and proudly took ten yuan from John amidst the booing of others.

"Excuse me, can you compete with me?" Cang Ling rushed over immediately.

"What?" The short young man looked back at Cang Ling.

"Compared to arm wrestling, ten yuan." Cang Ling raised his hand and said.

"I don't bully children." The short young man put away the money and turned to leave.

"20 yuan!" Cang Ling said harshly.

The short young man stopped suddenly.

"Little devil, don't make fun of your parents' money. If you lose, you will be beaten." John kindly persuaded.

"I won't lose. Compete with me if you don't believe me!" Cang Ling put his right hand on the barrel.

"Although I really want to win the 20 yuan, it would be disgraceful if the other party is a child, so forget it!" The short young man turned around again.

"You must be scared, right? Afraid of losing to me, afraid of losing face to a child!" Cang Ling became anxious and resorted to aggressive tactics.

"What?" The short young man was displeased.

"If I win, just give me ten yuan. If you win, I'll give you 20 yuan!" Cang Ling continued to seduce.

"It seems that you little brat is very confident in yourself. Today I will show you how powerful an adult is." The short young man got angry, and he stretched out his hand to grab Cangling's hand.

"Prepare: one, two, three, start!" Everyone shouted slogans in unison.

As soon as "Start" yelled, Cang Ling exerted all his strength, and the short young man's hand was instantly pressed against the wooden barrel, and even the wooden board was smashed into cracks.

The people around were all stunned for a few seconds before cheering.

"No way?" The short young man was dumbfounded.

"Ten yuan." Cang Ling smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Damn it, why are you so strong, brat?" The short young man took out the money resentfully.

"I can pass six years of special training." Cang Ling happily stuffed the money into his pocket.

"Little devil! Let's compete with me too!" At this time, another young man squeezed over.

"No problem, as many games as you want, all comers are welcome." Cang Ling stretched out his hand readily.

Two minutes later, the money in Cang Ling's pocket became 2 yuan.

"Great, I can use this method to make money!" Cang Ling thought excitedly.

The next day, Cang Ling found a place with a lot of people, rented a table and set up an arm wrestling game.

At the beginning, everyone saw that she was too young, so they didn't bother to talk to her. Only a few gangsters who wanted to steal money from children came to challenge, but they all lost.

Although Cang Ling is only 14 years old, he has insisted on high-intensity exercise for six years. He imitates the daily training of the Rider Academy, runs [-] kilometers, and does hundreds of push-ups, weightlifting, leapfrogs, and deadlifts.

It can be said that it is no problem to kill ordinary adults in seconds.

Gradually, more and more people were attracted, and many strong men came here admiringly, wanting to challenge this rumored little girl.

Six hours passed, and Cang Ling faced more than 100 people in total, without losing a single time.

"I really can't tell, it's obviously a thin little girl." The crowd of onlookers were speechless.

At this moment, a person pushed through the crowd and squeezed in.

"You are the girl with strange power in everyone's mouth? Come and compete with me!" The other party said enthusiastically.

Cang Ling looked up, and saw that the other party was a girl about her age, half a head taller than her, with light pink hair and double ponytails, and the clothes she wore looked very high-end.

For some reason, as soon as Cang Ling saw her, he subconsciously felt that this girl was difficult to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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