girl knight zero

Chapter 5 Knight Exam Begins!

Chapter 5 Knight Exam Begins!
"Miss, don't do such a thing!" An old man in a housekeeper's uniform also squeezed in.

"Avery, take out ten yuan." The girl with ponytails said without looking back.

Although the butler Avery looked reluctant, he obediently took out ten yuan and put it on the table.

"Okay, I'm ready. Come on!" The girl with twin ponytails held Cang Ling's hand tightly.

Cang Ling glanced at the girl with ponytails, and saw that her face was full of excitement, and her eyes were fixed on Cang Ling, like a wild beast locking its prey.

"Get ready——! One, two, three, let's start!" The crowd watching nearby shouted slogans for Cang Ling.

As soon as the words fell, the girl with two ponytails suddenly pressed down on Cang Ling's hand, and Cang Ling tried his best to hold it steady.

"This girl is really extraordinary." Cang Ling gritted his teeth and thought.

Seeing that Cang Ling was not overwhelmed, the girl with two ponytails started to push harder.

Judging from her strength, she is definitely a practitioner, and her level is quite high.

Big beads of sweat oozed from Cang Ling's forehead, and the girl on the opposite side was also sweating.

"Wow! The black-haired girl has finally met her opponent! This pink-haired girl is also amazing!" The onlookers jumped up and down excitedly.

"I'm here to take the knight exam, how can I lose here!" Cang Ling gritted his teeth, tensed his whole body and began to exert force to death.

Finally, the girl with two ponytails couldn't hold on any longer, she lowered her right hand little by little, and was finally knocked down by Cang Ling on the table.

"It seems that you are still stronger, I admit defeat." The girl with two ponytails handed the money to Cangling, and then wiped off her sweat.

"You are also very strong. I have never met someone as powerful as you." Cang Ling also wiped his sweat.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Phoebe, Phoebe Sterling. What's your name?" The girl with twin ponytails stretched out her hand.

"My name is Cang Ling, my surname is Cang Ling, and my name is Ling." Cang Ling also extended his hand and shook hands with Phoebe in a friendly way.

"Cang Ling? What a unique name. I remember you, and I hope to see you again!" Phoebe held Cang Ling's hand for a while before letting go.

"Well, goodbye by fate!" Cang Ling said with a smile.

Phoebe and Cang Ling waved their hands, turned around and left with the housekeeper.

After walking more than 20 meters away, she turned her head and waved to Cang Ling with a smile.

"She seems like a very nice person." Cang Ling took a liking to Phoebe.

That night, Cangling had a full meal with the money he won, and went to a quiet and hygienic hotel for a good night's sleep, fully preparing for tomorrow's exam.

Early the next morning, Cang Ling got up and arrived at the location of the test center full of energy: Fenglu Mansion on the suburban mountain.

As soon as he entered the mansion, Cang Ling was stunned by the dense crowd.

The entire hall was crowded with thousands of people, more lively than the train station.

"There are so many people applying for the exam... Doesn't it mean that knights are no longer popular?" Cang Ling said in shock.

"The only ones who are not popular are the Hurricane Knight and the Silver Knight, and the Blue Shield Knight has always been very popular!" At this time, someone beside him interrupted.

Cang Ling turned his head and saw that it was a young boy with a cut head who was about her age, standing leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

"Are you an examinee too?" Cang Ling asked.

"Of course, otherwise, why are you here?" the boy replied.

"I'm also a candidate. My name is Cang Ling." Cang Ling offered his hand.

The boy hesitated for a moment, then held out his hand.

"My name is Anton." He introduced himself.

"Oh, Dewey, I need to eat breakfast, otherwise I won't have the energy later..." At this time, a middle-aged woman ran in after a candidate, holding a few pieces of bread in her hand.

"It's so noisy! I told you not to follow me!" the boy named Dewey said impatiently.

Cang Ling turned around and looked at the crowd in the hall, and found that most of the candidates were accompanied by their parents or servants.

Many parents looked worried and kept persuading their children to eat this and drink that.

"A bunch of unweaned guys!" Anton snorted disdainfully from behind.

After signing in, the parents were all kicked out of the hall, only the candidates were left, and the surroundings became much quieter in an instant.

"The culture test will start soon. Everyone sits at the corresponding table according to the serial number on the sign-in sheet!" The examiner shouted from the stage.

There was a commotion among the examinees, and their seats were lined up.

At eight o'clock, the written test officially began.

There are three papers in the written test, namely Mathematics (logical thinking), Chinese (comprehension and expression skills) and history (memory).

The overall difficulty of the test paper is similar to that of the fourth grade of middle school, with a full score of [-] and a pass of [-] or above.

The test time is three hours, and you can go to the toilet accompanied by the examiner in the middle, but you cannot rest or leave the test.

Just after an hour, someone handed in the paper.

Zero looked up and saw that he was a tall boy, and he should be a nobleman by his clothes.

"Mr. Downton, are you sure you want to hand in the paper?" the examiner asked.

"I've finished my answer," Downton replied.

His words caused a small commotion in the hall, and many people were made nervous by him, especially those who hadn't finished one sheet yet.

"Calm down, just do your own paper with peace of mind." Cang Ling encouraged himself.

Afterwards, others handed in papers one after another.

Cang Ling finished answering the paper in 10 hours and [-] minutes, and then spent another [-] minutes checking and revising it, and finally handed it in when the time was up.

Noon is the time for marking papers. Candidates can do their own activities, eat and rest.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the exam results were announced, and No.1 turned out to be the examinee who handed in the paper first: Paul Downton, with a total score of 291.

Cang Ling's total score is 266, ranking 23rd, passing the test smoothly.

Next to her name was the cropped boy Anton, who was only one point lower than Cang Ling.

The eliminated candidates broke out in mourning, and some even cried loudly.

But a very few people breathed a sigh of relief, apparently forced to come here by their parents.

"You can't even pass such a simple test, and you still want to be a knight? Go home and study hard, and come back next year!" the examiner shouted to the crying candidates.

More than 100 people were eliminated in the written test, and the remaining 500 people will enter the next round of tests: the endurance test.

The content of the endurance test is very simple, that is, running.

Under the leadership of the examiner, run in circles along the hill outside Windmill City (about 8 kilometers in one circle).

The speed of the first lap was six kilometers per hour, and everyone ran very easily.

The second lap began to accelerate to ten kilometers, and gradually some people could not keep up with the team.

The third lap accelerated again, with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, and a large number of candidates began to pant and sweat profusely.

The fourth lap accelerated to 1 kilometers, and the No.[-] eliminated appeared.

On the fifth lap, the speed was eighteen kilometers per hour. Everyone was sprinting desperately, and countless people fell behind halfway and were eliminated.

On the sixth lap, the speed resumed to ten kilometers per hour, and the candidates who were out of breath took the opportunity to adjust.

At this time, there were more than 400 people left in the team.

"Cang Ling!"

At this time, a surprised voice came from behind Cang Ling.

Cang Ling looked back, it was Phoebe!
(End of this chapter)

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