girl knight zero

Chapter 238 All Mysteries Solved

Chapter 238 All Mysteries Solved

"Now we can basically identify the mastermind behind the scenes." Louis put his finger into the teacup, then dipped in the water and wrote a few names on the table.

The Queen and Duke Demer looked down at the names. The expression on the Queen's face remained unchanged, and Duke Demer raised his eyebrows.

"Is Downton also involved?" the gray-haired Duke Demer asked in a low voice.

"The people who catch the night monsters, the people who deliver the orders, and the people who regularly deliver supplies are all regular visitors to his house. If the Duke of Downton summoned them just for a tea party, I wouldn't believe it." Louis crossed his legs explain.

"The Duke of Downton has covered it up very well over the years," the Queen said. "He supported my policies, he supported business, and he donated to Condon. But he still left a loophole."

"You mean his son?" Duke Demer asked.

"No, it's accounts." The Queen replied, holding her forehead, "He has two sets of accounts, light and dark. Although this is no longer a secret among the nobles, the discrepancy in his accounts is so large that it cannot be explained. .”

"Do you guys remember his wife's case?" Lewis went on, "that stupid secretary got too drunk and told the prostitute about his fraudulent accounting in bed, but he didn't know that the prostitute was sent by us. informant."

"If this matter is revealed, Downton will face prosecution and recovery from the tax office. Of course, fines are not a fear for him. What he fears is how to explain the whereabouts of those huge sums of money." The queen said.

"So...he pushed it to his wife." Duke Demer looked at the names on the table.

This name used to be one of the pioneers of the Federation, the oldest noble in the Star Sea.

However, it is now coming to an end.

Towards the destination that all long, glorious, and mighty families will eventually go to.

"Let's clarify the context." Louis leaned forward and wrote on the table with water, "There are 9 people in the other party, including 4 members of the Senate, 3 members of the Duke, 1 member of the Navy, and 1 member of the Marquis. 3 Dukes is the main funder, the Senate is the mastermind, and the others are the executors."

"Their goals are two-fold: one is to cultivate high-level night demons who can obey orders and freely enter and exit the shield of Alfons by establishing bases abroad; Weapons of class night goblin."

"If these two goals are achieved, they will start to act immediately. Let the high-level night goblins pass through the square shield, sneak all the way to the capital and assassinate the queen, and then they will use new weapons to destroy the night goblins as suppressors. "

"This plan was first tested in 1686, the year when the Crotor incident occurred. At that time, several night demons had approached the capital, but it ended in failure."

"Then they abandoned the No. [-] base and established No. [-] and No. [-] bases at the same time. The No. [-] base is in the northern mine and is responsible for cultivating night demons. The No. [-] base is in Rainbow Island and is responsible for producing and testing new weapons."

"This time, their goal is to breed a night devil that can completely change into a human form, that is, a pretender. Because it can change into a human form, it can escape the pursuit of the defense department. The pretender test has basically been successful, but because of weapons It has been lagging behind, unable to cause fatal damage to the pretender, so they have not done it."

"Their ideal state should be: the pretender can perfectly carry out the assassination, and then they can perfectly control the pretender with their new weapons."

"There's a problem here," Duke Demer interjected. "If they sent a pretender to kill the queen, everyone would ask the same question: 'What's the reason why the pretender did it?'"

"Yes, that's the problem. No matter how well a pretender disguises himself, he's just a night goblin after all. Night goblins have no political appeals. To them, the queen is no different from other ordinary humans, they are just food. It is impossible for them to make such complex and directional movements without human instructions."

"Could it be... that's the real purpose of their experiments with new weapons?" Duke Demer suddenly thought of something.

"Your reactions are always so fast." Louis glanced at Duke Demer appreciatively. "The following is our guess. Although it is a guess, it should be close to ten. Wolfe, tell me."

Wolfe, who had been silent all this time, turned around from the curtain, walked to the table and sat down.

"I speculate that they want to create unrest within the border."


"Yes, creating chaos by introducing large numbers of night goblins into the shield. If hundreds or even thousands of night goblins invaded the shield, then a few of them accidentally ran into the palace and killed the queen. Pass. Like the Crotor affair."

"This is to gamble the entire Federation, which is tantamount to leading wolves into the house!" Duke Demer stood up in shock.

"Yes, so they need to develop new weapons." Louis said, "Because the whole country will inevitably enter a state of war. If they can't suppress this state, they will lose a lot of land and population. This is obviously not the result they want. .”

"That's why they haven't done it for a long time." Wolfe explained, "Because the new weapons are not enough to deal with this kind of scene."

"I don't understand." Duke Demer slumped back to his seat, "I don't understand what they are thinking? Could it be that they can sit on the throne after assassinating the queen? Even if the queen is dead, the constitution is still there, the Church A man without royal blood will not be crowned!"

"Of course not. But what if they have a direct heir of the royal family?" Louis sneered.

"...Who?" Duke Demer sat up straight in surprise.

"Kadir Sanchee."

Hearing this name, the faces of the Queen and Duke Demer turned pale.

"No, no, Kadir Sanchee is dead!" Duke Demer turned his head and glanced at the queen. "He died more than ten years ago!"

"No, he's not dead. He's still alive. He's on Rainbow Island. I saw it with my own eyes." Wolfe said calmly.

(If you don’t remember who Kadir Sanchi is, you can read back to Chapter 61)
"Are you sure it's him?" The queen clenched her fists unconsciously.

"I'm sure. I saw him up close when he went to Condon for an inspection. Although his appearance has changed, I can still recognize him." Wolfe replied.

"So that's how it is... They carefully planned a disappearance scene, the purpose is to support my uncle on stage..." The Queen's body trembled slightly with anger.

 Duke Demer was one of the Ten Elders and the father of Sergeant-Major Philip of the Knights Templar.

(End of this chapter)

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