girl knight zero

Chapter 239 Reaching a Consensus

Chapter 239 Reaching a Consensus
"In fact, I have been monitoring his son Miles Sanch." Louis said, "His son is a nerd who doesn't like to go out on the surface, but he has been under house arrest by the other party. The other party may use Miles Sanch Hostage to force Kadir Sanchi to cooperate."

"Miles Sanchee..." A pale, decadent, slightly fat face flashed in the queen's mind.

That face had strange eyes with one blue pupil and one green, and it was rumored that Kadir Sanchi had been annoyed by it.

"When I was a child." Duke Demer leaned back and leaned on the sofa, "When I was a child, I thought that all people could live in peace, and even conflicts could be resolved. Now I understand that people and people There will always be irreconcilable contradictions between people, whether it is as big as a country or as small as a family. It is not feelings that bind us together, but interests. Interests determine whether we face each other with swords or smiles."

After speaking, a melancholy expression appeared on his face.

"You're right." Louis shrugged. "There is an irreconcilable conflict between us and the Conservative Party. If one party wants to live, the other party must die. There is no gray space between life and death. There is only the absolute limit of black and white."

Duke Demer didn't answer, he looked very haggard, as if he had aged several years in an instant.

It's no wonder that several of the names on the table are his former colleagues or friends. They were also high-spirited, standing on the top of the university building, looking at the sky and imagining the future.

However, with the passage of time, the former boy has become a gray-haired old man, and the former friends have gradually drifted away. The friendship is like the words slowly evaporating on the table, and finally disappeared without a trace.

No, no, everyone's orbits were not parallel in the beginning.

It's just that he mistakenly thought that he had known them before.

In fact, he never knew.

"What are you going to do?" Duke Demer asked after a long silence.

"What else can I do, wait." Louis replied, "Wait for them to show their feet first. They need an opportunity, and we need it too."

"I still have too few cards in my hand now." The Queen said, "There are only three people on my side in the Senate, of course, four with you. The other side is more than half. Most of the dukes are ambiguous. And the marquises tend to act according to the attitude of the duke. The most important thing is military power, which is not in my hands. This is why the dukes dare to confront me."

"Queen Eaton (the founding queen) shouldn't have given military power to the Seven Dukes." Louis interjected, "It's tantamount to handing the handle of the knife to someone else."

"But if they hadn't been given autonomy and military power, they wouldn't have obeyed Queen Eaton." The queen defended her ancestors.

"If you want to take back the military power, you need to change the constitution." Duke Demer said, "As long as the Senate still exists, this will not be possible."

"So I will dissolve the Senate," said the Queen firmly, "and form Parliament."

"Duke von Riedermann will definitely not allow you to do this..." Duke Demer opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"It's okay, I can wait." The queen smiled sadly, "I have been waiting for this day for more than 20 years, do you still care about waiting a few more years?"

"Your Majesty, you don't need to despair." Louis said, "After all, you still have a few cards in your hand. We and the hurricane belong to you. As long as you give the order, we will go through fire and water."

"There are also businessmen." Wolfe continued, "Those who bought overseas land will never stand on the side of the Senate."

"Yes, Arsen is right. They have money, and you have a title. You can sell to merchants what they cannot buy from the Senate. With all due respect, this is a lucrative business. You are a born merchant." " said Louis grinningly.

Hearing what Louis said, the queen laughed.

"Let's study the next step." Louis snapped his fingers and asked the butler to pour himself tea again.

After the meeting, Wolf returned to the Hurricane headquarters and convened everyone to convey the spirit of the meeting.

"Isn't it? They want to assassinate the queen and make a new king?" Ryan exclaimed.

"The Duke of Downton is also involved? Paul's father?" Phoebe also widened her eyes in surprise.

"Kadir Sanchee is still alive? Wasn't he captured by the Night Demon a long time ago?" Cang Ling's surprise was different from everyone else's.

"I knew that this matter has something to do with the Senate." Kali said, "Those people won't be reconciled if they don't ruin this country."

"God, they have been plotting for more than ten years for this plan. It's really terrible patience." Charlene said.

"Why is the navy involved in these things..." Diego, a descendant of the navy, was still brooding.

"The navy is gone, and they must be trying to make a comeback!" Phoebe replied.

"Then what should we do next?" Cang Ling asked Wolff.

"The Royal Knights will continue to monitor the Duke of Downton and the Navy. They will start with the expedition team and investigate their contact with Sandia. We are researching new weapons and imitating them as soon as possible according to the drawings." Wolfe replied.

"Aren't you going to arrest them? The evidence is already in hand, so why let them go?" Phoebe asked.

"Evidence? We have no fatal evidence at all."

"Building a base, cultivating pretenders, privately manufacturing weapons, hiding the prince, any one of them is enough to behead you?"

"These are not deadly enough. We have no proof of breeding pretenders. The navy itself has an independent weapon research institute. As long as the elders stand up and say that he approved them, they are not considered private. Hiding the prince is not a felony, unless the prince accuses them .”

"Damn...then let them continue to get away with it?"

"Sooner or later, they will show themselves. Before that, we must not startle the snake. Otherwise, we will not win this war."


Hearing this word, a shadow passed over the faces of several young people.

I thought this word would only be used between humans and night devils, but now it is used on humans themselves.

"Sifley is almost occupying the west, and we're still fighting among ourselves..." Phoebe complained angrily.

"We have to defeat the internal enemies before we can mobilize more forces to deal with Sifli. Everyone, get ready and go back to Lagrange tomorrow." Wolfe ordered.

"Back to Lagrange?"

"Yes, we have to wait there, waiting for the next mission." Wolff said.

 Thanks to the green tea cake shop for the reward~ I am very grateful (ω) and I will make up for it every weekend. Please forgive me if I can’t make it up (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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