girl knight zero

Chapter 25 A Wonderful Sunday

Chapter 25 A Wonderful Sunday

In the afternoon, everyone continued to accept the "trial" of the pressure chamber.

"Let me tell you, everyone, why do you all want to be knights?" Oscar asked.

"Well, of course it is to become the strongest knight!" Dewey made a domineering posture, and then quickly bent down in pain.

"I want to be the guardian of the holy city." Paul replied calmly.

"Wow? Do you want to be a Templar Knight? I heard it's very difficult to get into..." Skylark looked adoring.

"I want to protect my family, protect the people..." Colin said while sobbing.

"I want to join the Hurricane Knights, and then go abroad to fight!" Phoebe said with bright eyes.

"I'm going abroad too, and I'll meet those night devils with D and above, especially A-level ones." Jia Li said leaning against the bulkhead.

"I don't have such lofty ambitions as yours. I just want to be a Blue Shield Knight and find a job..." Diego said, clutching his stomach.

"I want to make money. Whether it's the Hurricane Knight or the Silver Knight, I can go wherever the income is high." Anton said frankly.

"Haha, I'm a little more greedy than you. Besides money, I also want titles. After all, for common people, this is the only chance to get ahead..." Tabetha endured the pain and said.

"Are you the only one who still wants to be knighted? Don't laugh at me to death!" Oscar laughed wildly a few times after he finished speaking, but ended up losing his temper.

"Cangling, what about you?" Anton asked.

Cang Ling was silent for a while, then replied in a low voice: "I want to kill all the night demons in this continent, so that they will only exist in history textbooks from now on."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

After a moment of silence, Dewey took the lead in applauding: "Domineering, domineering, these are the most domineering words I have ever heard! 'Let them only exist in history textbooks'!"

"That's beautiful, I appreciate you more and more." Paul also applauded.

"Humans will definitely defeat the night devil! Everyone, let us fight together to eliminate the night devil!" Phoebe raised her fist and shouted.

"Yeah!" Everyone raised their fists excitedly.

"Everyone is in a good mood. It seems that the exercise in the morning has worked." Felton said from the side, "Lan Ping, you can increase the amount."

"No!" Everyone wailed in unison.

In the next few days, everyone repeated physical and spiritual training like this.

Except for the indoor class in the evening, which can take a little breather, the rest of the time is almost overloaded.

After a week, even the top three in endurance: Paul, Cang Ling and Anton have reached their limits.

Not to mention Urban, Skylark and Clive who have been hanging at the tail.

"You three, be careful. You cannot pass the weekly exam in this state. If you fail the weekly exam four times in a row, you will be expelled." Felton looked at the notebook and reminded.

Urban didn't answer, his face was ashen.

Skylark lowered his head and remained silent.

Clive didn't show any expression, he just stood there quietly.

After class in the evening, the girls leaned against the window and chatted.

Suddenly, Cang Ling saw a familiar figure running downstairs.

Looking down, it turned out to be Clive.

He was running laps around the playground by himself, and after a few laps he started doing push-ups and horizontal bars.

"Clive is increasing his dose!" Cang Ling said unexpectedly.

"Really?" Phoebe quickly looked down and said, "Really. He must have been frightened by Felton's words during the day."

"He can take the initiative to increase the amount of practice, he is quite strong, although his foundation is a bit weak." Jiali said from the side.

"Skylark, you have to work hard, or you won't be able to pass the exam." Tai Beisha said to Skylark.

"What's none of your business? Just take care of yourself!" Skylark said angrily.

"I'm just kindly reminding..." Tabetha was taken aback by Skylark's expression.

"Do you think you have a sense of superiority? Don't forget that you are also at the bottom. It's only a week now, and you don't know who will be at the bottom in the end!" After finishing speaking, Skylark ran out angrily.

"What's wrong with her?" Tabetha was stunned.

"Skylark must be under a lot of pressure." Cang Ling said.

"Is there any pressure for people who secretly put on lipstick every day?" Kali snorted.

On Saturday, Felton gave everyone a comprehensive test, the content of the test is what they learned and practiced this week.

Everyone was very nervous at first, but Felton did not announce the scores, nor did he say who failed.

The next day was Sunday. Everyone thought they could finally rest (the college has one day off every week), but Felton called out.

"Today we do strength training," Felton said.



"Instructor Felton, isn't today... a Sunday?" Colin asked boldly.

"Sunday?" Felton frowned. "How dare you spend the weekend. Your scores are already at the bottom. If nothing else, you will be the ones cleaning the toilets and helping the kitchen next week. How dare you talk about Sunday!"

"However, we are also human beings, our bodies need to rest..." Colin was anxious.

"The instructor has the right to make changes. Besides, haven't you already slept in?"

"It's only six o'clock..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense. I sacrificed my time to accompany you, you should be grateful. Let's run ten kilometers first."

"Report, we really can't run anymore!" Skylark said with a sad face.

"Can't run? Then 20 kilometers. Anyone else have an opinion?"

Everyone fell silent.

So, under the leadership of Felton, everyone ran along the coastal road.

"Skylark, it's all your fault for talking too much, you unlucky woman." After running to the finish line, Dewey cursed out of breath.

"You have the ability to complain to Felton? What's the use of getting angry with me? Useless man!" Skylark retorted.

"Everyone, don't say a few words." Paul stopped them.

After eating, Felton took everyone to the playground again.

"Today we'll change the trick and play a game of lifting logs." Felton said, pointing to a few large logs on the ground. "A group of 7 people, carry the log on the left shoulder. Take a 10-minute break and switch sides."

Everyone reluctantly lifted the logs and found that a log weighed at least two hundred kilograms.

"Separate your legs and stand firm. I don't care if you fall and hit someone." After speaking, Felton sat aside and read the novel.

Everyone dared not speak out, and everyone was full of anger.

After carrying for more than half an hour, the sky began to heat up.

Although it is February, Tranquility Island is located in the South China Sea, and the temperature in winter is also very high.

Everyone was carrying the wood under the scorching sun, not to mention how hard it was.

The most unbearable thing was that from time to time, students from other classes walked past them leisurely and cast surprised glances.

"Hey Zon, what do you think they are doing?"

At this time, two boys came over and gathered around to comment.

"It must have been punished for making a mistake, hahaha!"

Cang Ling looked up and saw that it was the two boys who bullied Urban on the boat.

(End of this chapter)

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