girl knight zero

Chapter 26 Felton's Provocative Method

Chapter 26 Felton's Provocative Method
"Short hair, you look so embarrassed." Zon laughed at Kali.

"Still again? Why don't you stop?" Another boy named Xiwen also booed.

"Three bird women, look at your current..."

Zon hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly felt a chill behind his back.

Turning their heads, the two were almost startled. Felton, who had a murderous look on his face, was standing behind them.

"Little devil, are you in a good mood? Do you want me to play with you?" Felton pressed their heads.

"Wow! I'm sorry! Let's go now!" The two boys fled as if their buttocks were on fire.

Felton snorted, clapped his hands and sat down again.

As soon as he sat down, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He took a careful look at the student in front of him, and anger gradually appeared in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Felton called, stepping up to the front of the queue. "Did I make you squat?"

Everyone glanced at each other and found that there were indeed a few people squatting, so that they could secretly transfer the weight to others.

"Okay, okay, you guys are really smart! Why didn't I think of this trick when I was in school?" Felton pulled out the squatting students one by one, there were four in total.

"The rest of you are resting on the spot, and the four of you continue to carry it. Also, all of you squat. Don't you like squatting? I'll let you squat as much as you want!" Felton scolded.

The four lazy students almost cried when they heard this.

After carrying it for a full two hours, Felton announced the dissolution.

This incident taught everyone a great lesson, and no student would dare to be lazy in Felton's training in the future.

After eating and returning to the dormitory, Cang Ling helped Yunque apply the medicine.

Her palms and shoulders were all worn out.


"Ling, don't help her, she's doing it on her own." Jia Li pulled Cang Ling over.

"Has she been punished?" Cang Ling said.

"It is right to be punished. Can you do whatever you want just because you are punished?" Jiali said coldly.

"That's right, we don't need slow-moving people in our class, especially those who are slow-moving and unrepentant!" Phoebe also stood up and said.

Skylark's face flushed suddenly, she grabbed the medicine box and ran out.

The other girl who was punished in the room also had a face that turned blue and white.

In the afternoon, Felton took everyone to jump into the bunker.

After standing in line, Colin suddenly noticed that Urban next to him had a bruised nose and a swollen face, with obvious signs of beating on his face.

"Report!" Colin hurriedly said.


"Urban's face is hurt." Colin pointed to Urban's face.

"It's none of your business if he gets hurt?" Felton said indifferently.

"But...his injury seems to be from a beating..."

"Urben, have you been beaten?" Felton looked at Urban and asked.

"No, no, I accidentally fell..." Urban replied in a low voice.

"Walk carefully next time." Felton said coldly.


"Okay, let's continue! Today's long jump will be carried out in this bunker. The rules are very simple, just jump from one end to the other. If you can't jump over, you can jump a few more times. Don't worry, I am a very tolerant person. said Felton.

Everyone stretched their heads and estimated that the bunker was almost 10 meters long.

"I should be able to jump over." Cang Ling thought to himself.

"The first team goes forward, the other two teams get ready, start!" Felton ordered.

Soon, Paul passed the test first and successfully jumped over the bunker.

Immediately afterwards, Anton, Cangling, Phoebe, and Jiali also passed the test smoothly.

The first one to fall to the bottom of the pit was Dewey. He grinned and crawled out, and then shouted loudly: "I'm sorry instructor, please give me another chance!"

Felton nodded his approval, and Dewey jumped again, this time just to the side, but just barely, and he was hanging on the wall of the pit.

"If you haven't passed the level, queue up at the back, and continue to dance later!" Felton said.

"Haha, I will definitely pass the test once. I am the person with the best jumping ability in the class." Oscar waved his arms confidently, and then dashed a few steps over.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, Oscar fell to the bottom of the pit and fell to the ground.

"Ahem... It seems that I don't know myself well enough..." Oscar lying at the bottom of the pit said embarrassingly.

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed unceremoniously.

When it was Urban's turn, he jumped the worst result in the class: 8 meters.

One meter shorter than the skylark.

"Fatty, you'd better be serious, or I'll bury you in this sandpit." Felton said sullenly.

Urban bit his lip and said nothing.

After a few rounds, most people have jumped over, only a few are still struggling.

"Do you know what is the worst result of our team in the long jump? It's 12 meters. You still want to be a knight?" Felton sneered as he paced back and forth by the sandpit with his hands behind his back.

"Come on! It's almost there!" Cang Ling and Diego cheered Clive together.

Clive has jumped eight times, each time missing by half a meter.

He wiped the blood from his knee, and ran back resolutely to prepare to jump again.

"The run-up must be fast, the take-off must be high, stretch the body and straighten the calves, and finally the center of gravity must move forward!" Cang Ling shouted.

Clive gritted his teeth and took another run-up at the fastest speed, then jumped up, stretched his legs desperately, and finally successfully landed on the edge.

"Yeah! Passed!" Everyone applauded and cheered for him.

Now it was just Urban, Skylark, and two others.

After Urban failed to challenge again, Felton stood up.

"I can see, you are all kidding me. Every time I get stuck on the last half meter, I can't believe this half meter is so difficult to jump."

After finishing speaking, Felton drew out his own sword, inserted the blade upward into the last half-meter bunker, and then ordered: "I don't want to put pressure on you, just keep jumping!"

Urban and the other four looked at the sword in the bunker dumbfounded. If it fell, it would immediately turn into a skewer!

"Teacher, instructor... Will this kill someone?" Colin asked fearfully.

"Don't worry, if you do fall, I will save you." Felton finished speaking and jumped off the bunker, "Of course I can't guarantee whether I will make it in time!"

Urban and the others looked at Felton's expression and felt that Felton was expecting them to be strung onto the sword.

Several students lined up slowly, and then "went to the execution ground" one by one.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The first student cried and jumped.

A miracle happened, this time he succeeded in one attempt, and it was ten centimeters beyond the edge.

"I succeeded! I jumped over!" The student fell into ecstasy instantly.

"Continue! Don't delay everyone's meal." Felton urged impatiently.

Another student gritted his teeth and jumped over, then joined the ecstatic team.

Now only Urban and Skylark remained.

 Dear readers, the first batch of character designs has been released!There are 13 pictures in total of the protagonist group + Felton + students from Class 17.You can see it in the book review area.

(End of this chapter)

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