girl knight zero

Chapter 27 Let's go to see the sunrise!

Chapter 27 Let's go to see the sunrise!

"Hurry up, miss." Felton urged Skylark whose legs were shaking.

Skylark looked at everyone, then looked back at Urban.

Urban was staring at her eagerly, with obvious curse in his eyes.

"He wants me to fail... so I can be with him..." Skylark immediately saw through Urban's heart.

"I definitely don't want to be the bottom!" Skylark yelled, jumped over with his eyes closed.

When she opened her eyes nervously again, she found that she was already standing on the opposite bank.

"I jumped over here!" Skylark's mood turned 180 degrees in an instant, from loser to winner.

"Hey, Urban! You're the only one left, come here quickly. It's not difficult at all!" Lark turned around and shouted excitedly.

Just now she was in the same position as Urban, and now she proudly draws a clear line with Urban.

Urban's tears poured out like mountains and seas, and now he is completely alone, everyone is looking at him, watching him standing alone on the other side.

"I... I am No.1 in our village!" Urban suddenly said irrelevant words, "I am the only one in our village who passed the exam! I... I am not a waste!"

"Why talk so much? Jump!" Dewey urged impatiently.

Urban's face changed into a fierce expression, he wiped away tears, and stood there for a moment.

Suddenly, Urban roared wildly, and jumped into the air with a few strides.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!" Urban roared all the way in the air, his short legs posed in a strange dancer-like pose, and then leaped into the air over the bunker.

After his foot touched the edge, Urban still couldn't believe he jumped over, looked down at his toes, and fell unsteadily.

"Ah!" Everyone exclaimed in shock, but ran over to see that Urban was lying in Felton's arms trembling.

"Obviously it can be done. If you don't force you, you won't use your full strength, you guys who need to be beaten." Felton said supporting Urban.

After dinner, many people collapsed onto the bed without even taking a shower.

"I'm going to sleep. Don't call me even if the sky is falling, and don't call me even if it's on fire." Oscar buried his face in the quilt and said.

"Is Felton here?" Diego asked with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, Felton's voice rang in the corridor: "Everyone in class 13, the evening activities are about to start, gather at the playground within 5 minutes!"

"Isn't it? You crow's mouth!" Oscar wailed in despair.

Three minutes later, students from class 3 appeared on the playground one after another.

"Hey, the instructor is taking you to play again? I'm so envious!" The students in other classes joked.

"Don't be complacent, sooner or later you will have your share!" Dewey said angrily.

After the assembly, Felton ordered the assistant to push a basket of iron pots with long ropes tied to the handles.

"It's been a long time since I practiced arm strength, let's practice tonight!" Felton said, picking up an iron kettle.

"Didn't you just practice yesterday..." Everyone complained in their hearts.

"Look at it. Everyone like me, tie one end of the rope to the branch behind, and then throw the iron pot. When the branch is broken, it is time to call it a day." Felton said while demonstrating.

Everyone glanced at what Felton called the "twigs", which were 20 centimeters thick (diameter).

"Report!" Colin said.

"Why are you again? Talk!"

"First of all, I'm not against this kind of training, but the tree is innocent, right? If you pull the tree like this, it will be pulled down..." Colin whispered.

Felton glanced at Colin and walked over.

"Your kindness really touched me. In order to commend your kindness, all the staff changed to this iron pole until the iron pole was bent 45 degrees." Felton patted an abandoned climbing frame beside the playground .

After hearing this, everyone turned their heads and glared at Colin.

If eyes could kill, Colin must have died dozens of times by now.

Anger turned into anger, Felton's orders still had to be obeyed obediently, and everyone in a group of three took turns working hard and throwing them up.

"Paul, Anton, Zero, the three strong men in Class 13, it's all up to you!" Oscar grinned.

The three "muscle tyrants" nodded and threw with all their strength.

"Everyone help to stabilize the iron frame, so that the iron frame will not shake and lose force." Paul said.

After working hard for half an hour, the iron frame finally bent a little.

"It's five degrees, right?" Cang Ling wiped his sweat and measured it.

"No no, definitely ten degrees!" said Phoebe.

"I think it's twenty degrees!" said Dewey.

"How much?" Felton strode forward and pressed Dewey's head. "The standard bow is 45 degrees."

Everyone glanced at Dewey's "Human Flesh Triangle", compared it to the iron frame, and sighed.

Fighting from 45:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m., for two full hours, everyone finally bent the iron frame by [-] degrees.

Everyone was exhausted and collapsed on the ground, wishing they could sleep on the playground.

"Everyone is doing well. Go back and rest!" Felton rarely showed a satisfied expression.

Everyone supported each other and dragged their heavy steps back to the dormitory.

She fell asleep until four o'clock in the morning when she was woken up again by Felton.

"Kids, do you want to watch the sunrise?" Felton asked.

Everyone was still awake, and looked at Felton stupidly.

"You must have never seen the sunrise on the sea, have you? I'll take you to see it today. It's guaranteed to be spectacular." Felton said enthusiastically.

At this time, everyone has basically recovered, looked back at the dark dormitory building, and immediately reacted.

"Let's go! I've already borrowed a boat. It's a cruise ship specially in charge of the academy's reception. Are you surprised? Are you excited?" Felton was the only person in the audience with an expectant face.

This time, even Cang Ling, who was always tolerant, glared at Felton.

After running to the beach with great reluctance, everyone found that there was really a cruise ship parked by the beach.

"What a beautiful boat!" Everyone's eyes lit up.

At this time, a boatman got out of the cabin, and there was a big stupid dog standing beside him, wagging its tail at everyone.

"Let's get on the boat, everyone! Orange juice and apple juice have been prepared for you!" The boatman shouted, waving his hands.

This sentence immediately eliminated the resistance in the hearts of the students, and everyone turned their anger into joy, and rushed to board the boat.

After boarding the boat, the boatman slowly sailed the boat away from the coast and took everyone to the sea.

Ten minutes later, a round of red sun slowly rose from the junction of the sea and the sky, and sprinkled golden sunlight on the sea.

The scale-like waves combined with the gentle sea breeze and groups of seagulls form an oil painting-like picture.

As Tranquility Isle recedes, the panorama of the island unfolds.

Everyone lay on the side of the boat, enjoying the beautiful scenery while drinking drinks, it was very pleasant.

After traveling about five kilometers, the boatman stopped the boat.

(End of this chapter)

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