girl knight zero

Chapter 28 Blood in the Urine

Chapter 28 Blood in the Urine
"How are you guys? Are you fully awake now?" Felton jumped from the top and walked to the deck and asked.


"Thank you instructor for the juice!"

“The scenery at sunrise is really beautiful!”

Everyone said in a hurry.

"Okay then, let's exercise a little bit." Felton changed his expression instantly, "Everyone listen to the order, take off the training boots, and swim back from here!"


The students who were immersed in heaven just now fell into hell in a second.

"Report to the instructor, I can't swim!" Colin hurriedly raised his hand.

Urban, Tai Beisha, Cangling, Jiali and others also raised their hands.

"Didn't you teach swimming lessons on Thursday?"

"But we haven't quite learned..."

"Being able to breathe is equivalent to being able to swim. Don't worry, if you drown, I will ask Tata to rescue you," Felton said.

"Who is Tata?" Everyone looked at the boatman in doubt.

"It is it." Felton pointed to the big dog next to the boatman.

The faces of several people who couldn't swim were immediately covered with black lines.

"Okay, don't waste time, I'll give you two hours to gather at the gate of the academy," Felton said.

After dawdling for a while, everyone took off their boots and went into the water one after another.

"Oh my god! The water is so icy!" Dewey couldn't help shivering a few times.

"Which direction is Tranquility Island in?" Diego looked towards the vast sea, unable to tell north from south at all.

Anton has the best water skills. He checked his direction against the sun, and then swam quickly and decisively.

Others immediately followed.

"Hmm... cough cough! Gulu gulu... help!" Tabetha sank as soon as she hit the water.

"Tata, get on!" Felton immediately dispatched the big dog.

Tata jumped into the water one by one, then swam to Taibetha's side and bit her arm.

"Whoa whoa!" Tabetha let out a scream that echoed through the sky.

When she took her arm out of Tata's mouth, she found that there were two rows of bloody teeth marks on it.

Seeing this, several other non-swimmers suddenly knew how to swim in a second, and rushed to swim forward, fearing that they would be "warmly assisted" by Tata.

After struggling to swim in the icy water for more than an hour, the exhausted people finally arrived at Tranquility Island.

"It's much more tiring than running. At least you don't have to soak in cold water." Phoebe said, paralyzed on the ground.

"Strange, why is the skylark missing?" Cang Ling counted the number of people and found that one person was missing.

"Won't you drown?" Everyone became nervous in an instant.

After a while, the cruise ship came back, and Lark was sitting on it, wrapped in a blanket and looking pale.

"Hey, Skylark! We've all swam back so hard, but you're sitting comfortably in the boat, isn't that great?" Dewey jumped up and shouted.

"She had a cramp." Felton jumped from the boat.

His body was wet, and he had obviously rescued Skylark by going into the water.

"The devil knows if she really has cramps." Dewey said indignantly.

"Everyone performed well today. I will give you an hour off, and classes will start at nine o'clock. Now line up and go back to change!" Felton ordered.

Everyone folded their arms and walked back tremblingly. When the wind blew on the road, everyone immediately showed grinning expressions.

"I've had enough."

After returning to the dormitory, Yunque threw herself on the bed, not caring that her body was still wet.

"Enough is enough!" she repeated.

"Skylark, change your clothes quickly." Cang Ling reminded kindly.

Yunque suddenly turned over and sat up: "Don't you feel angry? Seven days a week, without a day off, you are torturing us in different ways!"

"I think no matter how harsh the training is, it's still much gentler than Night Demon." Cang Ling comforted her.

"This is not scientifically sound training at all, it is abuse. That Felton is a sadist, the more we suffer, the more excited he is!"

Skylark said angrily.

At this moment, Urban's scream of fear came from downstairs: "I'm peeing blood! I'm peeing blood!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw Diego running out from the window, presumably to find Felton.

Soon, Felton came.

"This is caused by sudden high-intensity training. Don't worry, it will be fine after a while." Felton said indifferently.

"How can you not be worried? I'm peeing blood?" Urban shouted loudly while standing in front of the bathroom door at the stairway, ignoring the girls who heard the sound.

"Why are you nervous? Haven't you heard that 'If you don't practice until you can't hold the spoon, if you don't run until your legs are swollen, if you don't train people until they urinate blood, it's not real training'?"

"Instructor, let Urban rest for a few days." Diego suggested.

"Are you kidding? It's just blood in the urine, not a broken leg."

"Instructor, do you still have humanity?" Colin stepped forward and said angrily.

Felton turned his head and glanced at Colin, and replied: "When I was a student, I also had blood urine for a month, but I didn't take a day off. We had to stand guard at night, unlike you who can sleep all night." until dawn."

At this, Colin choked.

"By the way, let me tell you that last week's total score has been counted, and our class is the last one. Starting today, you will be responsible for cleaning the bathrooms on your respective floors, and at the same time, you will help the kitchen in the cafeteria at noon."

After speaking, Felton glanced at the girl on the stairs, then turned and left.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and then Qiqi cast his angry eyes on Urban.

Urban stood there with a gray face, full of despair.

When we went downstairs at 13:16, everyone saw a big poster posted on the bulletin board on the first floor, which stated the total score of each class. Class [-] was the lowest among the [-] classes, and it was marked with a red frame.

At noon, everyone went to the canteen to help cook on time.

The content of the help kitchen is mainly to help chop vegetables, prepare rice and wash dishes.

Generally, the class that is the turn of this kind of thing has no time for a lunch break, and there is no hot meal.

"Urben, these potatoes are all yours."

"Urben, go and mop the floor of the entire cafeteria."

"Urben, go get the soup bucket!"

Everyone deliberately put all the work on Urban's head, and deliberately bumped him now and then.

"Everyone, restrain yourself. If you can't finish it by the time, everyone will be unlucky." Paul said.

"It's all the fat man's fault, why doesn't he just die." Everyone went to work resentfully, but they were still cursing.

Yunque wiped the table in the back hall, his arms trembling slightly.

She is No.2 from the bottom. If it wasn't for Urban at the bottom, she would be the one receiving this kind of treatment now.

When it was almost time for dinner, Felton came to check on the work.

(End of this chapter)

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