girl knight zero

Chapter 251 A Moonless Night

Chapter 251 A Moonless Night

Before entering the city, Wolfe asked Kali and Diego to probe it, and both replied that there were no night monsters inside.

So, everyone walked into the city gate with confidence.

It was the time when the sun was just setting, and the faint afterglow shone on the wide avenue, dyeing this ancient city that had lost any vitality with a touch of warmth.

Everyone looked curiously at the dilapidated buildings and wild grass growing all over the place, and felt the prosperity of the city in the quiet ruins.

"It's so desolate." Donna looked at the empty street and said, "People used to come and go here, but now there is no one there."

"Xinghai used to fight against Sundia for hundreds of years, who knew that the former opponent would become like this." Cang Ling said with emotion.

"If it wasn't for their own death, they wouldn't have fallen to this point. In the final analysis, human beings are the greatest natural enemy of human beings." Kali complained.

"Captain, I see the church!" shouted Phoebe in front.

"Shall we go to the church to rest tonight? Do we want to change the place?" Martin turned back and smiled.

Wolfe thought for a while, and replied, "Don't go to church tonight, go to the city center to stay. Just in case the night demons outside the city perceive our spiritual power."

"Everyone, let's go to the square! There will definitely be many high-end hotels there!" Ryan suddenly became interested.

"I used to dream of such a scene when I was a child." Diego said, "When you come to a city without people, you can take all the goods and enter all the places, even the palace."

"Is there still a sleeping princess waiting for you to wake up?" Ryan teased.

"No." Diego shook his head. "It was after dark that the residents of the city appeared. It turned out that they were bewitched by the witch and turned into shadows. They could only appear on moonless nights."

"No, there are shadows only when there is a moon, wouldn't there be no shadows without the moon?" Charlene said earnestly.

"Uh, this... I don't know, it's just a dream..."

"Wow, Idol!" Phoebe cried again.

Everyone ran over to take a look, and sure enough a huge three-story statue stood in the middle of the square, and the figure of the statue was Luna, the goddess of the moon.

Holding a laurel wreath aloft, she looks lifelike with a pair of huge wings growing from her back, as if about to take flight.

Surprisingly, however, the statue's head was gone, leaving only the empty neck.

"If the Sandia people are still alive, this is a crime of blasphemy. The moon goddess has no head." Kali said with her head raised.

At this time, the moon rose, and the icy moonlight shone on the headless statue, covering the whole city with a gloomy color.

"Captain, let's spend the night there!" Sharon said, pointing to the theater across the square.

Wolfe looked around, and indeed the theater was in the best location, and it would be convenient to evacuate if there was any situation, so he nodded.

Everyone came to the front of the theater along the wide stairs, pushed open the decayed wooden door and walked in.

"Ahem, ahem, a lot of dust!" Martin covered his nose.

"It's good to have ashes, which means there is no 'people' here." Ryan laughed.

The seats in the theater are all rotten, and the curtains and carpets are broken at the touch of a touch.Everyone covered their mouths and noses and walked to the stage area, picked a relatively clean place to rest.

"Have you found out?" After sitting down, Cang Ling said, "There is not a single skeleton in this city."

"Isn't it a good thing? Otherwise, if you sleep with a bunch of skeletons, you will suffer from insomnia." Phoebe took out the individual rations and began to chew.

"Skeletons are just some inorganic objects, there is nothing to be afraid of." Kali, who grew up with the skeletons, said disapprovingly.

Hearing what they said, Wolfe looked around.

Indeed, there were not a single skeleton in the city, he had noticed.

And there were almost no skeletons on the way here.

Their route was along roads and towns. It stands to reason that they should have seen many dead bodies along the way, but they didn't.

Except for the frontier when it first landed, there are no dead people in the huge Sandia?
This is definitely not normal.

Did they all hide underground?

No, Yang once said that there were about 30 people hiding underground, and there should be 400 million people in Sundia at that time. Even including the refugees who fled to the Xinghai, there should be more than 300 million people who stayed on the ground in the end.

Where did the bodies of these 300 million people go?
Is it buried in dust?
still is……

"Captain, rest, I'm on duty tonight." At this moment Sharon came over, and the gauze on his face and arms had been removed.

"Is your injury healed?" Wolff looked carefully at his wound.

"Yes, the outer layer of the skin has healed. Although it's only a thin layer, there should be no need to worry about their bodily fluids." Sharon laughed.

"The wound that has just healed is still very fragile, it's best not to remove the gauze." After finishing speaking, Wolf pulled out the knife and thrust it into the ground, then leaned on the knife and rested.

Sharon walked to the center of the stage to check it out, and sat down facing the door.

Soon, everyone fell asleep.

At eleven o'clock, Ryan got up to change shifts, and when he was handing over to Sharon, a scream came from behind: "No!"

Sharon and Ryan rushed over immediately, only to see Diego waving his hands while closing his eyes and shouting: "Big sister, don't do this! Stop!"

Sharon and Ryan looked at each other, and Ryan had a wicked smile on his face.

"This kid must be having bad dreams."

"Hurry up and go to your shift!" Sharon glared at Ryan.

Ryan went to the front to stand guard with a smirk on his face.

Sharon looked around at the team members, and then at Wolff. Wolff's eyes were closed and his brows were furrowed, as if he was also dreaming.

Judging from his expression, his dream should not be as "pleasant" as Diego.

Sharon yawned, walked to the edge of the stage, and sat down against the wall.

Two hours later, Wolf woke up.

He took out his pocket watch to check the time, it was only one o'clock in the morning, so he leaned down again.

At this time, he seemed to suddenly feel that something was wrong, so he turned to look at the players.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, as soon as Wolfe jumped up, all the team members disappeared!
Everyone is gone, including luggage.

He was the only one left on the huge stage.

Wolfe was dumbfounded, he wondered for a moment if he was in a dream.

He drew out his knife, walked vigilantly towards the center of the stage, and looked around.

At this moment, several loud bells suddenly sounded, almost startling Wolfe.

"Dang-dang-dang--" The low-pitched bells rang around the theater, ringing a total of twelve times.

After the bell rang, the lights on the stage suddenly turned on, and a large area of ​​candle flames appeared around in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, shadows of people slowly appeared in the empty audience area.

There were more and more shadows, and soon the entire auditorium was full.

(End of this chapter)

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