Chapter 252
Wolf watched in astonishment, at the rows of well-dressed audience below the stage, and his mind went blank.

The rotten chairs in the theater were all restored and looked like new.

The wallpaper on the wall has also been restored, and the whole theater seems to have traveled through time and space, returning to more than 200 years ago.

"Huh, huh, huh——" the audience below applauded in unison, and the applause became louder and louder, until the mountains roared and the tsunami seemed like the earth was about to split.

Just when Wolfe couldn't take it anymore and wanted to cover his ears, something hit him on the head and woke him up instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the entire beam above the stage collapsed, and countless tattered curtains and cables fell to the stage, pressing everyone below.

The loud noises he heard just now turned out to be the sound of beams breaking.

"What's going on? Is the night demon attacking?" Everyone buried under the curtain shouted in panic.

"No, the beam of the stage fell!" Ryan shouted, holding his nose.

"God, this theater is a rubbish project, it's so easy to collapse!" Phoebe was choked by the overwhelming dust.

"After all, it was built more than 200 years ago. It is not easy to survive today!" Martin said.

"Huh? Is there something on the curtain?" At this moment, Donna suddenly saw the curtain move in front of her.

She stepped forward curiously to lift the curtain, and a black thing rushed out.

"There are bugs!" Donna sat down on the ground in fright.

A large group of black, centipede-like insects crawled out densely, there are thousands of them!

"Oh my god, what the hell!" Martin shook his hands desperately in horror. More than a dozen bugs climbed onto his arms, and some even burrowed into his collar.

"It's gnats! I know these bugs, they are gnats!" Diego shouted.

"Damn it! It got into my mouth!" Sharon scolded and pulled the gnat out of his mouth.

"How come there are so many gnats?" Donna was about to cry. Although she was not afraid of night devils, she was afraid of bugs with many feet.

"It's probably mutated. You guys have pincers in their mouths, and they chewed off the beam too!" Kali kicked and kicked wildly.

"Everyone, come out from under the curtain quickly and get out of here!" Wolf raised the beam vigorously and threw it aside.

With a burst of violent coughing, everyone finally lifted the curtain and stood up.

As soon as they stood up, they froze.

The theater below was packed with spectators.

"What's going on? Have we crossed?" Phoebe opened her eyes wide, trying to see clearly below.

"No, no, it's a mutant!" Cang Ling drew his sword and shouted.

Everyone hurriedly waved the dust away, and it turned out that they were all mutants!Hundreds of mutants!
The leader has already climbed onto the stage!

"Okay, wolf and tiger, this reception is really grand." Ryan pulled out the handle of the knife, swung the whirlwind knife and charged into the enemy's formation.

"Everyone line up and rush out of the theater, don't love to fight!" Wolfe rushed forward to help everyone open a way after speaking.

Everyone followed Ryan, fighting and rushing, Wolfe and Sharon covered behind.

"Don't be bitten by them!" Wolf shouted.

"No, I can't rush through, there are too many of them!" Cang Ling was sweating.

Now they are besieged in the center of the theater, surrounded by enemies, even on the second and third floors, jumping down non-stop.

Some mutants were chopped to pieces, and their broken arms and feet could still move. The more they were chopped, the more fragments they had, and the more enemies there were.

"Kali, Diego, open the shield!" Sharon roared.

Kali immediately gritted her teeth against the impact and opened a physical shield with a diameter of five meters, covering everyone in it.

Diego also opened the shield, forming a double protection.

All the mutants jumped on the shield frantically, kicking and biting at them.

Wolfe looked around, and now they are almost in the sea of ​​mutants, as many as thousands of mutants surrounded them airtightly, the entire physical shield was completely covered, and several people were lying on the top. layers of people.

This scene is simply more terrifying than the siege of night devils.

"Captain, I can't last long..." Kali gritted her teeth and said, "There are too many of them!"

Wolfe frowned tightly. Once the shield is released at this time, all the mutants will rush over, including many severed hands, broken feet, and heads. Once a hole is cut or the skin is bitten, they will die There is a huge risk of infection.

"Listen up, everyone." Wolf raised his knife and said, "When I count one, two, three, Kali and Diego will release their shields, and at the same time the defensive system will focus fire upwards to open a passage, and then everyone Use the claw hook to jump directly to the second floor!"

Everyone looked up, and the VIP seats on the second floor were just above them. Most of the mutants jumped down, and the number was much smaller than that on the first floor.

"Attention, the chance is only 3 seconds, be sure to go up within these 3 seconds!" Sharon shouted.

"Don't worry! Everything is ready!" All the team members stared at the upstairs with a claw hook in one hand and a weapon in the other.

"One, two, three, go!" Wolf yelled.

Kali and Diego immediately untied the shield, and just as the upper shield surface disappeared, several long-range systems launched a fierce attack upwards, rushing away a bunch of mutants lying on the shield.

"Jump up, hurry up!" Sharon shouted.

Everyone threw out the claw hook in a second and quickly climbed up.

As soon as their feet left the ground, the surrounding mutants swarmed up, pressing down on the place where they were originally staying.

"Help, they're grabbing my leg!" Donna's cry came from below.

Wolf immediately looked back, and saw Donna hanging on the rope, with a mutant on her lap, and another one hanging from that mutant's leg, like a human ladder.

Soon other mutants saw Donna, and immediately stepped up one after another, trying to drag her down.

"Donna!" The others immediately wanted to save her, but the mutants on the second floor rushed over, and they had to deal with the enemy in front of them first.

"Sharon, you take everyone out, I'll save Donna!" Wolfe jumped downstairs after finishing speaking.

"Captain!" Cang Ling shouted anxiously.

"Trust the captain, don't look behind!" Sharon shouted while attacking.

Everyone gritted their teeth and desperately opened the way ahead.

After jumping down, Wolf grabbed the rope with one hand, and slashed with a 360-degree wind with the other, chopping off all the mutants around Donna.

Then he hugged Donna's waist and ordered: "Aim at the bottom and attack!"

Donna hurriedly generated a super football, kicked it hard, and all the mutants below were blown out to the surroundings.

At this moment, a mutant with only the upper body left suddenly pounced and bit Donna's calf.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Wolfe immediately pulled the opponent's hair and pulled his head away.

"Thank you, Captain." Donna said tearfully.

"Go!" Wolfe jumped up to the second floor with Donna in his arms, hacked to death the mutants surrounding him, and quickly caught up with Sharon and the others.

 Thanks to the little angels who vote every day~hug~()

(End of this chapter)

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