girl knight zero

Chapter 257 Don't Overestimate Human Nature

Chapter 257 Don't Overestimate Human Nature

"Boss, are you sure you want to do it?" The freckled man asked in a low voice.

"Of course, these people not only have food and medicine, but more importantly, they have weapons! If we kill them, we won't have to be afraid of Hanks and those bastards anymore!" The man with dark circles replied viciously.

"However, they didn't provoke us, and they are still my compatriots..." Meyer hesitated.

"Bah! Fuck your compatriots!" The man with dark circles spat, "They don't want to save you at all, and they don't even want to give you any food. You still treat them as compatriots!"

"Kill these men, and those women will be ours!" The red-haired man licked his lips, "We can marry them as wives then."

Hearing this, the men suddenly had a strong fighting spirit, and at the same time, they couldn't help but imagine the scene of pushing the girls down.

Meyer stopped objecting. For him, the men in front of him were more important than the pile in the room, because he depended on them if he wanted to survive.

Everyone pushed open the door lightly, and walked in with weapons in hand.

After entering, they first secretly took Wolfe's weapons outside, and then divided into five groups, three men in each group, and dealt with one male team member.

"They are stronger than us. First, they will be blinded, and then they will be strangled to death with a rope." The man with dark circles whispered.

All the subordinates nodded and got ready with the rope in hand.

"Do it!" The man with dark circles issued an order.

Before the knives in their hands dropped, a gust of wind blew over, blowing all their hair up.

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what happened.

Suddenly, everyone felt a burning sensation from their waists, followed by blood gushing out.

"Old, boss..." The red-haired man turned his head in horror, and just after turning less than 10 degrees, his upper body fell to the ground with a thud, and his internal organs fell to the ground.

"Oh my god!" The other men screamed in fright, and then they fell to the ground one by one, and blood flowed into the room immediately.

"I have already noticed that you have bad intentions." Wolfe stood up from the front and turned to look at them. "Do you think I can't understand Sun Dia?"

The only survivor, Meyer, wet his pants in fright. He slammed down and sat on the ground, shaking with fear.

"What's going on?" At this moment, Ryan rubbed his eyes and sat up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw half of the corpse falling on the head of his bed.

"Oh my god, what is this!" Ryan jumped three feet high.

The other team members also got up one after another, surprised at the horrible scene in front of them.

"They wanted to sneak up on us while we were sleeping." Wolfe said calmly, holding a knife, "kill us, seize our weapons, and force the girls to stay."

"No, won't it?" Diego looked in disbelief.

"Captain, are you not injured?" Sharon hurried to Wolfe.

"No, I've been waiting for them behind the door." Wolfe glanced at his bed, and there were three backpacks on it.


At this time, several women rushed over when they heard the movement, and when they saw the dead bodies in the room, they ran out screaming and terrified.

"Sharon, go call the girls and prepare to forcefully break through!" Wolf ordered immediately.

Sharon immediately rushed out with a knife and called the girl next door.

Soon, all 10 team members rushed out in full armor, just in time to collide with other men who had heard the news.

"Kill them, there are only five of them!" shouted the men on the opposite side.

Apparently, they didn't include girls in their combat power.

"Captain, what's going on here? Why did the fight start?" Cang Ling asked in bewilderment.

"I'll explain later." Wolfe replied without looking back.

"It must be that they want to plot against us. They have already seen that these men are not good people." Kali sneered.

"Everyone, I don't want to fight with you. If you are sensible, just get out of the way. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Sharon said at the front.

"Kill them!" The men raised their sticks and knives and rushed over without fear of Sharon's words.

"You asked for this!" Sharon fired a series of bee-shots, killing all the more than 20 men in front of him.

The women onlookers behind were stunned. They screamed and fled frantically behind.

There were no living people in the straight line ahead, and the men who hadn't been hit by the serial guns in the side lane were all frightened and didn't dare to go forward.

"Go!" Sharon took the lead and rushed over.

Everyone immediately followed him and ran wildly along with him.

After running for five or six minutes, they came to the dividing line between the North and South gangs.

"Who?" The Hanks gang immediately stood up vigilantly.

Wolf glanced ahead, and saw an iron gate blocking the middle of the tunnel, behind which there were five or six heavily armed men guarding the tunnel.

"Captain, are you going to kill them?" Sharon raised his hand and asked.

"No. Let's go up from here." Wolf pointed to the stairs not far away, "It should be bright outside now."

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Seeing that they were covered in blood and holding sharp weapons they had never seen before, the guards on the other side showed a scared expression.

"Let's go!" Wolf gave an order, and all the team members immediately ran up the stairs and jumped up from the exit.

The guards behind looked at them in bewilderment, wondering for a moment if they were dreaming.

After going up, it was already dawn, and the mutants all over the street were gone. They must have gone home and waited.

At this time, the city has regained its peace and tranquility.

Wolfe found a safe place and briefly told everyone what happened just now.

"They actually want to kill you..." Cang Ling couldn't believe it.

Those refugees have been very warm and polite, haven't they?

"Why is this happening? Even if we kill us, how much can we get? We don't have enough food for them for a week, right?" Donna also couldn't believe that the refugees would kill for such a little thing.

"Don't underestimate the sinister nature of people's hearts." Kali said, "You can see their true nature from the way they look at us."

"When I was in Blue Shield, I once participated in disaster relief." Charlene said, "At that time, in order to rescue the victims, we did not hesitate to jump into the turbulent flood, and sacrificed a member of the team. Guess what? When we When we returned to the camp exhausted, we found that our supplies had been snatched up by the villagers, even our uniforms.”

"Isn't it? Are they so brave?" Ryan said in surprise.

"We went to ask them for it, but they refused to give it back, saying: 'Anyway, your stuff is distributed for free by the state, so why don't you just look for it from above?'"

"It's so shameless... If I was there, I would definitely beat them up!" Phoebe said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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