girl knight zero

Chapter 258 Deterioration

Chapter 258 Deterioration
"We can't have conflicts with ordinary people." Another party involved, Martin, said, "Otherwise, no matter what the reason is, it will be recorded as a serious offense."

"Knights are a disadvantaged group in front of the common people..." Ryan sighed.

"Sorry, I wanted you to take a good rest, but it still didn't work out." Wolfe said apologetically.

"Don't talk about the captain like that, we've already rested, and now we're full of energy like a fully wound spring!" Ryan said, raising his arms.

"In this case, everyone, hurry up and open the way! Take advantage of the daytime." Sharon stood up.

Everyone stood up immediately, walked out of the city quickly with their knives on their backs.

Along the way, everyone was not talking and laughing like yesterday, and the atmosphere was quite heavy.

Although the opponent attacked them first, the refugees were not night devils or mutants, but living people.

People of flesh and blood like them.

The feeling of killing people and killing night devils is completely different.

Fortunately, it was Wolfe and Sharon who did it, and the little devils didn't do it directly.

Even so, their mood was somewhat depressed.

Not long after, they encountered another village and at the same time a group of survivors in the village.

These survivors, like the previous batch, tried to attack them, taking food and weapons.

Because this time it was on the ground, not a narrow tunnel, so everyone did not conflict with them, but rushed forward quickly, throwing them away.

Before sunset, they encountered another group of survivors and were attacked again.

"Why do these people want to kill us without exception? Shouldn't we be sympathetic to each other after finally seeing the same kind?" Phoebe complained.

"Hunger turns people into beasts," Kali whispered.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Wolfe decided to find a place to rest first, and leave after dawn.

"There are mutants in the town, and night devils in the wild, let's choose one!" Sharon said while looking ahead.

"I choose night devil. At least night devil is not contagious." Martin raised his hand.

"What if it's a night demon like Sifli?" Ryan laughed.

"Then... I'll still choose Night Demon. The death will be easier."

"We're resting on the tree tonight. Kali, check the vicinity." Wolfe ordered.

"Yes!" Kali quickly completed the detection. There are quite a few night devils around here, but they are not high-level.

"Night devils are rarely active at night, as long as we keep a proper distance, we won't be spotted by them." Cang Ling said.

"I hope they don't sleepwalk." Diego laughed.

After setting the schedule, everyone climbed up the tree to rest.

After sleeping for four hours, everyone was woken up again by the nocturnal night monster and had to go into battle.

Fortunately, the opponent's level was not high, and he was wiped out in half an hour.

"Looks like you won't get a good night's sleep if you stay in this damn place," Phoebe said angrily.

"By the way, I used to think that Xinghai was dangerous, but now I think Xinghai is not bad..." Martin said depressingly.

At this moment, Charlene suddenly noticed something.

"Donna! What happened to your leg?"

Everyone gathered around to have a look when they heard the words, and saw a large bruise on Donna's leg. Under the bruise were blood vessels that had turned black, crawling all over her leg like a spider web.

"No way... When did it come out..." Donna's face turned blue.

"Let me take a look." Wolf strode over, and after squatting down to examine it carefully, the expression on his face became serious.

"Captain, is Donna okay?" Charlene asked worriedly.

"Captain, this is a manifestation of the spread of the virus. Donna should be amputated now, maybe she can be saved." Sharon pulled Wolff aside and said.

"Don't be kidding, here is the wilderness, there is no condition for major surgery."

"But if this continues, Donna may..."

Wolff frowned and thought for a while, then walked up to Donna.

"Donna, take these medicines." Wolf handed her a bottle of antibiotics.

Donna glanced at Wolfe with tears in her eyes, took the antibiotics and poured them all into her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Wolf tied Donna's thigh firmly with a rope and injected a purifying agent into her leg.

"Captain, leave me alone." Donna wiped away her tears and said firmly, "It seems that I have already been infected with the mutant virus, and I will become a mutant sooner or later."

"Don't talk nonsense, there is no such thing!"

"The facts are in front of me, and I don't want to believe it, but—"

"Take the medicine and you'll be fine. Trust me."

"That's right, Donna, the captain has already said that the toxins of mutants are actually viruses, so antibiotics will definitely be useful!" Cang Ling hurriedly comforted her.

Donna bit her lip tightly and said nothing.

"It's only 1 o'clock now, everyone continue to rest where they are, and set off after dawn." Wolff looked at the time and said.

"Donna, don't worry, you will be fine." Phoebe and Charlene comforted Donna.

Donna returned to the tree without saying a word, hugged her knees and buried her head, without saying a word.

Everyone looked at each other worriedly and sat down around her.

At four o'clock in the morning, everyone got up and continued on their way.

After a few hours, the dark purple on Donna's legs seemed to have deepened, and her face turned a little blue.

Everyone looked at her, feeling very sad, but they didn't dare to show it. No one spoke during the whole trip, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Suddenly, there was a violent noise in the woods ahead, and a huge phoenix-feathered dragon with a wingspan of more than 15 meters roared out of the forest, roaring and attacking them violently.

"What is this? A night devil?" Sharon at the front immediately drew out his knife.

"No, it's not a night devil, it's an ordinary animal!" Kali replied immediately.

"Animals? Why are animals attacking us?" Sharon threw out a series of cannons in a serpentine shape, smashing half of Feng Yulong's head to pieces.

Feng Yulong, who had lost his head, struggled and continued to rush towards Sharon.

"Let me give you a good time!" Sharon pulled out the knife and chopped off the rest of his head.

"This is a herbivore." Cang Ling squatted down and looked at its teeth and said, "I don't know why it attacked us."

"Maybe it's because we invaded its territory?" Ryan speculated.

"This dragon is quite beautiful, what a pity." Kali said regretfully.

"Is its meat edible?" asked Phoebe.

"Beware of parasites." Martin reminded.

"I'm just talking casually..."

"Let's go." Wolfe glanced at the Feng Yulong on the ground, turned around and continued to move forward.

"Have you noticed that the animals on the Sandia continent seem to be very big, did they evolve to be so big in order to fight against night demons?" Cang Ling said while walking.

"Maybe it's to satisfy the night devil's needs! How can the night devil eat without growing so big..." Phoebe laughed.

"Huh? What's that?" Diego suddenly saw something at 3 o'clock.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a round thing hidden in the grass nest, motionless.

 Note: The antibiotics carried by Wolfe and the others are actually early penicillin.It was a relatively advanced antibacterial drug at that time, and it had no effect on the mutant virus at all.Everyone said that, purely to comfort Donna.

(End of this chapter)

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