girl knight zero

Chapter 275 Some Details Hidden at the State Banquet

Chapter 275 Some hidden details at the state banquet

"Your Majesty, it's an honor to meet you." Wolf bowed.

The other team members hurriedly followed suit. Due to inertia, Diego performed the knight salute, and Ryan kicked him immediately behind, and he hurriedly changed his mind.

When Diego raised his head again, he found that the king's eyes had just passed him.

"Please take a seat, all distinguished guests." Rowell took off his gloves, walked to the main seat and sat down, "We haven't entertained foreign guests for hundreds of years, please don't mind if there is any delay. "

Hearing this, Wolfe looked around.

There was only one servant in the entire hall, no one served tea, and there was no service staff in the food preparation area ready to serve.

"Before the meal, let's chat first. Of course, there is no need to talk about diplomatic rhetoric. After all, we don't even have the Ministry of Foreign Affairs." Rowell smiled.

The other officials immediately followed suit with a smile.

"How do you guys know we're here? Can you tell me?" Rowell crossed his hands on the table and stared at Wolfe intently.

"Our navy has intercepted some refugees a few years ago." Wolff replied calmly, "In order to avoid the spread of mutants—what you call the 'zombie' virus, we have always Adopt a no-entry policy.”

"Understandable." Rowell nodded.

"But one of them, a refugee named Jan Koval, evaded the navy's search, sneaked into our country, and made contact with fishermen and chambers of commerce in the East China Sea."

"Jan Kowal?" Rowell frowned and thought for a few seconds, "I seem to have an impression of this name."

"In order to obtain the shelter of the Chamber of Commerce, this refugee sold us some information, including the new address of Sandia and the new weapons developed by your country."

"New weapons?"

"Yes, although I haven't seen the real thing, but according to his description, the power of these new weapons should be amazing."

"How much information did he disclose to you? Have you created imitations?" Rowell asked vigilantly.

"No, not at all. Although he drew the blueprints for us, the weapons made according to these blueprints could not be used. He even accidentally injured a tester because of the explosion. After that, we imprisoned him for fraud."

"I regret that."

"This could have been the end of the matter. But last year, we rescued a refugee from the sea again. The refugee was seriously injured and died soon after landing. However, what he was carrying with him caused us strong interest."

After speaking, Wolf took out a rifle bullet from his pocket and handed it over.

Rowell took the bullet, glanced at it, and returned it to Wolfe.

"This should be the bullet used in your country's new weapons? We are very interested in this. Therefore, we specially formed an investigation team and wanted to go to Sundia to find out. The first and second investigation teams failed unfortunately, We failed to reach the Nadia Volcano, we are the third batch." Wolfe said nonsense without blushing.

"This is indeed a product of our country." Rowell readily admitted.

"However, I have a question." He changed the topic, his eyes suddenly became focused, "Why are people from the chamber of commerce interested in weapons?"

"You may not know yet." Wolfe replied calmly, "Now the weapons in the entire Star Sea are produced by the Chamber of Commerce. In return, the territory recaptured from the night devil is also owned by the Chamber of Commerce. If we can have more lethal With powerful and more effective weapons, more Night Demons can be defeated and a large amount of land can be obtained. This is obviously very tempting to the Chamber of Commerce. After all, there are a lot of arable land in the Night Demons' territory."

The team members sitting next to him couldn't understand Wolfe's words, and thought he was telling the truth, but they didn't know that their captain was lying.

"So that's the case. That's why you came to look for us at the risk of great danger."

"Yes, we hope to establish a cooperative relationship with your country to import these new weapons, or directly conduct technology transactions. Of course, we will not be stingy in terms of price."

"That's no problem. Normal business contacts are not rejected by any country. But money may not be of much use to the current Sandia."

"We can exchange things. Although Xinghai's life is not easy, there is still some room for trading."

"That Jan Koval must have told you about the lack of supplies here!" Rowell glanced at Wolfe with sly eyes.

"If your country needs it, we can also provide the metals needed to make weapons." Wolf replied.

"It sounds really good, very tempting. Everyone, what do you think?" Rowell glanced at the other ministers present, "This Captain Wolfe seems to be an emissary sent by the God of Light."

Several ministers glanced at Wolfe, but no one said anything.

"Well, since lunch is ready, we might as well talk while eating. Although there is nothing to offer, it is still good to fill our stomachs." Rowell glanced at the guard next to him, and the guard immediately went to pass dish.

Soon, one after another "state banquet" dishes were served.

Compared with the guest house of the Gendarmerie in Crystal City, the dishes of the state banquet are obviously much more luxurious.

Not only chicken chops, but also fried fish.Even the color of the soup is milky white, as if adding cream.

"Everyone, please try our country's specialties: silky chicken and dragon fish! These two animals can be regarded as one of the few species that can adapt to underground life." Rowell said, stroking his beard.

Having said that, Rowell himself did not move, and the other ministers also sat motionless.

After a moment of silence, Wolf took the initiative to pick up the spoon and took a sip of the appetizer soup.

Seeing that Wolfe started, the other ministers raised their forks, and the team members who were already starving hurriedly started to eat.

"This fish is delicious! The fish is very fresh and has no fishy smell." Phoebe said pleasantly.

"The chicken is also delicious. Although the oil is a bit less, it is still very tender." Cang Ling also praised.

"Are these fish wild?" Wolf asked.

"No, it's farmed." Odom replied, "When we first entered the ground, we found this fish in the underground lake. After decades of cultivation, it can now be farmed on a large scale."

"That's how it is, it's very delicious." Wolfe appreciated it politely.

"I'm glad it suits your taste." Odom smiled.

After lunch, Rowell said he was going to take a lunch break, and asked Odom and Chris to take Wolfe to visit the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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