girl knight zero

Chapter 276 Doubt

Chapter 276 Doubt
"As I get older, I will be very sleepy if I don't take a lunch break. Please forgive me." Rowell said.

"Your Majesty, you are too polite. Please go to rest." Wolfe politely made a "please" gesture.

Rowell glanced at the players behind Wolfe, turned around and left from the corridor.

After sending Rowell away, Odom and Chris took Wolfe to visit the capital.

"We began to move underground in 1428." Odom introduced as he walked, "The entire relocation project took 14 years, 8 years of infrastructure construction, 3 years of material transportation, and 3 years of population migration."

"Such a huge urban agglomeration was built in just 14 years, which is not easy." Wolf replied.

"No, there was only one city at the beginning. The other four cities were expanded later. It took a total of nearly 4 years and mobilized nearly 80 workers."

"20 workers?" Wolf was taken aback.

"Yes, it can be said that almost everyone participated in the construction. Although the scale of the underground city is not as large as that of the above-ground city, it is more advanced and scientific. Come, you look here.

Odom took everyone to the hall of the museum, pointed to a huge city model in the center of the hall and said: "We make full use of the underground terrain, use the large platform as a farming area, the small platform as a living area, and the waste water in the living area The crops and excrement can be directly irrigated through the sewer, and the drinking water of the residents is directly pumped from the underground lake to the water tower on the top floor through large pumps and water pipelines, and then transported to the public pools on each floor through pipelines.

"Is all the soil brought in from outside?"

"Yes, a total of 3000 million tons of soil was transported. At that time, the people said that the horizon of Sundia had been dug low!" Odom laughed.

"3000 million tons of soil...according to a 20-centimeter plow layer thickness, it should be less than 10 mu. Can this satisfy everyone's food supply?"

"It depends on what kind of crops to plant." Odom walked to another display stand and said, "We chose crops with shallow root systems, low water consumption, and high unit yields to move underground, such as broad beans, burdock and rabbit ear vegetables. There's the purple fern. These crops are very dry and very nutritious."

Wolff looked at the plant specimens in the display cabinet, and continued to ask: "What about the meat? Is the meat also raised?"

"For meat, it is mainly chicken and fish." Odom replied, "Animals that eat a lot, such as pigs and cattle, are not suitable for underground farming. Chickens can eat vegetables, and fish can eat insect feed. In addition, we artificially breed Some rodents, lizards and insects. Despite their appearance, they are actually a very good source of protein."

"It seems that you have indeed made complete preparations, so you can build such a prosperous city underground." Wolfe said as he walked.

"The ruler at the time thought so too. In his conception, we can live safely underground for at least a hundred years. Then use this time to produce new weapons, and then slowly return to the surface."

"Wait, so the new weapons actually appeared 300 years ago?" Wolf stopped in surprise.

" that time, at that time..." Odom realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and instantly stuttered.

"At that time, several weapons dealers did come up with some new ideas. But under the circumstances at that time, there was no way to continue research, so the king decided to move into a safe underground, and then slowly develop weapons." At this time, Chris stood Come out and take the following words.

"I see." Wolfe nodded, "Did you also transport the metal needed to make weapons at that time?"

"Of course, as I said before, it took three full years just to transport the materials. Various resources have been considered." Odom regained his composure.

"So what is the progress of the development of these weapons now? Do you have a plan to start returning to the ground?" Wolff asked.

Hearing this, Odom turned to Chris for help.

Chris understood, and immediately took over the conversation: "There is some progress, and I can't disclose the specific plan. But what is certain is that we will definitely return to the ground."

"I wish you success." Wolff did not press further.

After visiting the museum, Odom took them to visit the blocks, squares and a farm in the capital.

In the farm, everyone saw chicken coops piled up layer by layer. Each layer of chicken coop has 50 cages, with food troughs in front and trays below.

The chickens live their entire lives in cramped cages where they have difficulty turning around, and live on moss and beans.

There is also a vegetable farm next to the farm. The vegetables in the vegetable farm are also piled up layer by layer. There is a soil layer of about 10 cm in the cultivation tank on each layer, and lush vegetables grow on it.

"I didn't expect the Sandia people to be so creative." Ryan looked up at the breeding tank and said, "I never dreamed that one day vegetables would be taller than me."

"They used the space to the extreme." Cang Ling replied, "One square meter of land is used as ten square meters."

"I think we can follow suit." Charlene said, "There is not enough arable land in Xinghai."

"I'd rather go to war and take back more land." Martin laughed.

Diego: "..." (I have been afraid to say anything for fear of being scolded)
After visiting the capital, Odom sent Wolfe and his party to the VIP building and arranged accommodation for them.

In the evening, Rowell did not show up, and Odom did not show up. It was Chris who accompanied them to dinner and entertained them to take a bath.

In Sandia, where water resources are scarce, taking a bath should be regarded as the top entertainment.

Everyone took a good soak in the bathhouse in batches and washed their whole bodies clean.

"It's so comfortable! It's been a long time since I feel so refreshed." Kali rubbed her hair with satisfaction.

"Zero, come here." Wolf came over and called Cang Ling to his room.

"Captain, do you have any orders?" Cang Ling asked after entering the door.

"Have you noticed anything unusual? Start by entering this royal capital." Wolf opened his chair and sat down.

"This..." Cang Ling carefully recalled the whole day, and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"I feel that the ministers who greeted us don't look like ministers. I mean, they don't look like nobles."

"Fine, go on."

"The king is also weird, especially the eyes. Rather than saying that he is a king, he is more like the group of clowns... Sorry, I am too rude."

"It's okay, there are no outsiders here. Go ahead and tell all your observations."

 Thanks to Zi〃Mo and book friends with tail number 8428 for their monthly tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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