girl knight zero

Chapter 32 Cang 0 VS Zorn

Chapter 32 Cang Ling VS Zorn
As soon as the gong sounded, Dewey rushed over, and hugged Lanbo by the waist like the boy in class 8.

As a result, after exerting force, he found that he couldn't hold Lanbo at all.

Lan Bo unhurriedly slashed at the back of Dewey's neck, and Dewey fell limply to the ground.

"Dewey, get up! You useless bastard!"

The students in class 13 shouted.

Before Dewey got up, Lan Bo bent down and grabbed Dewey by his collar, picked him up, and punched him hard in the face.

With this punch, Dewey's nosebleeds spurted out immediately.

"Go! Fight back! Hit him, Dewey!"

The students in class 13 were angry.

Dewey was stunned.

He stood up unsteadily, wiped the blood from his nose, and then showed an annoyed expression.

At this moment, Lan Bo rushed over and punched Dewey's nose.

Dewey hurriedly stretched out his hand to block, but Lan Bo's right hand was only a feint, and his left hand was the main force.

This punch hit Dewey's abdomen, and Dewey immediately spit out a mouthful of water, and then lay down on the ground clutching his stomach.

"10, 9, 8..." Heisen started counting down.

"Get up, Dewey! Get up!" shouted the students of Class 13.

However, Dewey couldn't get up in the end, his internal organs were in severe pain, and his body shrank into a ball.

"Winner: Class 12 Lanbo!" Hai Sen raised Lanbo's hand.

"Yeah, we won!" Class 12 cheered collectively.

Class 13 glared at them.

"The next group is ready!" Heisen shouted.

Paul was about to step forward when Skylark stopped him.

"Let me do this one?" Skylark begged.

Paul looked at Skylark, then at his opponent, and nodded.

"Thank you." Skylark said gratefully.

Skylark was able to take the initiative not because she suddenly changed her attitude, but because she saw the opponent's team members.

The opponent sent a petite girl this round, with slender limbs and an innocent face.

"She's shorter than me, so I should be able to beat her." Skylark thought to himself.

"Both sides stepped forward and stood face to face. Are you ready? Countdown 3, 2, 1, start!" Hai Sen rang the gong.

As soon as the gong sounded, the petite girl's face changed immediately.

She jumped up into the air and kicked Skylark hard in the face.

Yunque was swept to the ground by her kick, and Gu Lulu rolled to the edge of the ring, where he was stopped by the rope.

"Wow!" Everyone exclaimed suddenly.

Skylark got up tremblingly, shook his buzzing head, and then looked at the other party timidly.

The other girl jumped up again and used her body weight to elbow her.

Skylark blocked the opponent's elbow, but tears flowed from the pain of being hit directly on the bone of the forearm.

"Strangle her and pin her down!" Phoebe yelled from below.

Skylark was also panicked for a moment and lost her mind. She followed Phoebe's advice and rushed towards the opponent's neck with both hands outstretched.

This time the opponent didn't jump up, she looked at the right time, hugged Skylark's waist sideways, then threw her to the ground violently, and made up an elbow on her back from the air.

"Ah!!" Yunque uttered a scream, and lay motionless on the ground.

In less than 10 minutes, Class 13 lost two games in a row.

"Damn it!" Everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

"Are you okay?" Hai Sen stepped forward to help Yunque, and sent her back to the stage.

"How did I teach you? Just now you should have hugged her neck and locked her throat from behind. Or grabbed her hair and hit her nose. Did you learn it seriously?" Felton said dissatisfied.

Skylark didn't say a word, she went to the corner and whimpered and cried.

"I know how to cry!" Felton frowned.

"Paul, it's up to you, you must defeat your opponent this time!" Everyone pinned their hopes on the tall and burly Paul.

Paul nodded, and was about to go on stage when he was grabbed again.

Looking back, it turned out to be Cang Ling.

"Paul, let me do this!" Cang Ling said firmly.

Paul turned his head and looked at the opposite side, and found that the player sent by the other side turned out to be Zon!
In the farce in the cafeteria a few days ago, Paul was also one of the audience. He knew about their holiday, so he made a concession in a gentlemanly manner.

"I wish you victory." Paul smiled.

"Go, Zero! Kill him! If you lose, you will never be spared!" Phoebe said with a fist.

"Don't worry, I will never lose." Cang Ling said firmly.

"Huh? Is my opponent you? It's so nerve-wracking... I don't want to fight you. How bad it would be to beat you up in public! Don't cry!" Zon said arrogantly.

"Zon, I won't show mercy, so you'd better be well prepared to avoid getting hurt." Cang Ling said calmly.

"Hahaha! I should say this, right? Hey, everyone in Class 13 below, hurry up and get the medicine box ready, and prepare to carry this guy down!"

After hearing Zon's words, the class 13 was so angry that they all clenched their fists and shouted, wanting Cang Ling to beat Zon to death.

"Are you ready?" Heisen asked.

"Ready." Cang Ling replied calmly.

"Prepare—3, 2, 1, start!" Heisen rang the gong.

"The opponent is taller and stronger than me. To fight against such an opponent, one must react quickly and make decisive shots. He must hit the opponent's vitals directly, and the primary goal is to deprive him of his ability to move!"

Cang Ling dashed over, then thrust his right hand towards Zon's eyes, and grabbed his wrist with his left hand when his attention was attracted, and pulled back hard.

Zon was caught off guard and was dragged to the ground.

Before he turned over, Cang Ling stepped on his back, and then bent Zon's arm in the opposite direction.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" Zon let out a horrific scream, his arm was broken and dislocated.

Cang Ling didn't stop there, she picked up Zon by his collar, and then punched him hard in the face.

Zon's nosebleed sprayed all the way to the faces of the students in the audience.

He staggered back a few steps, then wiped his face, showing a furious expression.

"I'm going to kill you!" Zon raised his left fist and rushed over.

Cang Ling did not panic, ducked his attack with a low body, and then hit him in the face with another straight left fist, knocking out one of his rotten teeth.

"Wooah!" Zon fell to the ground in pain.

Cang Ling was about to attack, but Hai Sen stepped forward to stop him: "Okay, let's stop here. Class 13 Cang Ling won."

"Yeah! We won!" All the students in class 13 jumped up excitedly.

"Your whole body is full of flaws. It's much easier to hit you than those beasts." Cang Ling wiped the blood from his fist and said.

"Smelly woman, bitch, let's wait and see!" Zon, who was kicked off the ring, shouted angrily.

"Zero, are you hitting too hard?" Felton said with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry instructor, I didn't know he couldn't help beating so much." Cang Ling said sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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