girl knight zero

Chapter 33 Everyone, I'll Take You Out to Play This Afternoon

Chapter 33 Everyone, I'll Take You Out to Play This Afternoon
"Good job, Zero! It was so enjoyable to watch just now!" Phoebe grabbed Cang Ling's neck.

"It's completely one-sided." Kali said appreciatively.

"Zero, you are amazing, please accept my worship!" Tabesa rushed forward and said.

"You played beautifully! Seeing the expressions on the faces of the members of class 12, it's really depressing, hahahaha!" Oscar said excitedly.

It was finally Paul's turn in the next round. As No. 13 of the reinforcement system in class 1, Paul lived up to expectations and ended the battle in one minute, beating the opponent until he foamed at the mouth.

In the next round of Kali, her opponent is a super muscular man with a height of nearly two meters.


Kali stood there quietly without saying a word.

After showing off enough, the muscular man stood in front of Kali and assumed an offensive posture.

"Countdown - 3, 2, 1, start!" Heisen rang the gong again.

"Drink!" The muscular man punched it, but the punch was empty.

"Huh? Where's the person?" The muscular man stared at the empty front and was stunned.

At this moment, a pair of feet suddenly fell from the sky and hit his head heavily, instantly stomping his eyes out and throwing him to the ground.

Jia Li stepped on his thick back, raised the knife and said: "The third intervertebral disc of the human spine, as long as it is chopped hard, the whole head will roll down like a ball. Do you want to try it?"

"Instructor, she fouled! It was agreed not to use a fatal attack!" The muscular man who was trampled immobile shouted.

"I'm joking..." Jiali jumped off.

Seeing that Jia Li let go of him, the muscular man immediately turned over and punched him hard.

As a result, Jia Li dodged away for a second, and the fist of the muscular man hit the ground heavily.

"Aww!!" The muscular man yelled in pain.

Jia Li didn't let go of this opportunity, she stepped forward, and punched the muscular man at the place where the pit in the middle of the ribs pointed down, knocking him to the ground in an instant, trembling with pain.

"Countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7..."

After counting ten, the muscular man was still lying on the ground, sweating all over his face.

"13 Bang Jiali wins!" Hai Sen raised Jiali's hand.

"Great!" Class 13 cheered collectively again.

Finally, it was Clive's turn.

The skinny Clive is not very good at fighting, but his willpower is amazing.

The other party beat him until his nose was bruised and his face was covered with blood, but every time he was beaten, he always stumbled up again and continued to fight.

Finally, when 3 minutes were up, Heisen announced the opponent's victory based on the number of landings.

Although Clive lost, he still won warm cheers from everyone.

"Three to three, class 13 and class 12 are tied." Hai Sen announced the result of the game.

"Dewey, you big fool, if you win, we win," Phoebe complained.

"I was careless! Besides, that guy is by no means simple. The routine he uses is not what we have learned. He must have practiced it long ago." Dewey defended himself.

"If it was me, I'd be sure to beat him up!" Phoebe said, rubbing her biceps.

"Pull it down! You are not much better than me..."

"You have to speak with your conscience!"

"Guys, stop making noise and go back to sleep! It's already 09:30." Felton walked over and said.

"Instructor, don't you train tomorrow?" Diego asked with anticipation.

"Of course not training." Felton replied without hesitation.

"Yeah!" The students cheered and ran back to the dormitory.

"Clive, are you okay?" Felton stopped Clive and asked.

Clive shook his head, bent over and walked slowly.

The next day was a sunny day, everyone slept until after ten o'clock, and didn't even eat breakfast.

"It's so comfortable, I didn't know the bed was so comfortable..." Phoebe said, lying on the bed face down.

"You are still alive, I thought you were dead seeing you not moving." Jiali said from the upper bunk.

"Although he's not dead, he's almost dead." Phoebe continued to face down.

"Huh? Where's Zero?" Tabetha asked.

Kali pointed out the window with her thumb.

Tai Beisha looked out of the window, her eyes widened immediately: "Zero is actually running!"

"What?" Phoebe scrambled to her feet and looked out the window.

Sure enough, Cang Ling was running around the playground!
Not far behind her, Clive was also running slowly.

"What the hell is this guy made of?" Tabetha was stunned.

"I'm going for a run too!" Phoebe grabbed the toiletries and rushed out.

"I'm going to exercise my muscles too." Jiali stretched her arms a few times.

"Hey, please don't be like this..." Tabetha sweated.

Finally, Tabetha also joined the running army.

"I shouldn't be in the dormitory with you, you are all a bunch of lunatics." On the way to lunch at noon, Tabetha said, thumping her back.

"Cang Ling, did you run this morning?" Dewey asked.

Cang Ling nodded.

"I was going to run, but I suddenly had a stomachache, so I didn't run." Dewey spread his hands.

"Didn't you sleep until 11 o'clock? Your saliva drools all over the pillow..." Oscar said beside him.

"What?" Dewey turned around and wrestled with Oscar.

"It's a wonder Felton didn't call us," Phoebe said as they walked.

"I hope he won't come up with any new tricks this afternoon." Diego said worriedly.

"Everyone, the weather is so nice, let's go out for a walk in the afternoon!" Said Felton, and Felton arrived.

"Diego, you crow mouth!" Everyone cast a hostile look at Diego.

"Huh? It's none of my business..." Diego shrank back in a hurry.

"Don't be nervous, it's not training, just go to the opposite side to have fun. Meet downstairs at two o'clock in the afternoon, don't be late." Felton turned and left after speaking.

"Did he just talk about playing around?" Oscar turned around in surprise.

"Is it going to the shore? Take us into the city?" Tabetha also showed a surprised expression.

"Felton shouldn't be so kind..." Anton said calmly.

"Not necessarily, not necessarily! Felton is also a young man! He has been on the island for two weeks, and he definitely wants to go out to play!" Dewey put Oscar on the shoulder and said.

"I always feel that things are not that simple..." Cang Ling said.

After gathering in the afternoon, Felton brought everyone to the pier, the same boat, the same boatman, and the same dog.

"Ugh!" Tabetha couldn't help touching her arm when she saw the big dog.

"Instructor, won't it be swimming again this time?" Colin asked carefully.

 Thanks to the green tea cake shop for the reward~!From "Reverse War" to "Shaoqi", you have been silently encouraging me, and I will continue to walk with your encouragement!

(End of this chapter)

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