girl knight zero

Chapter 40 Professional training begins!

Chapter 40 Professional training begins!
On the second day, everyone came to the training ground half an hour earlier than usual. Everyone was eager to try and looked forward to it.

"Let me introduce, this is Instructor Werner from Class 7 and Instructor Qiu from Class 15. Those who will be in the reinforcement department and the defense department will follow them respectively, and the long-distance department will stay." Felton said.

Everyone looked at the two new instructors curiously: Wilner had blond curly hair and a handsome face; instructor Qiuyan was slender and had a kind smile.

"I'm so envious of those in the Enhancement Department and the Defense Department..." the students in the Remote Department thought in unison.

"Professional courses are all taught in synthetic classes. I hope everyone will work hard and not embarrass the class." Felton said sternly.

"Hey... why are we the only ones still following Felton..." The students in the distance department were still depressed.

After a while, all the students arrived, so everyone separated according to the department, and followed different instructors to the exclusive training ground of the department.

The training ground of the intensive department is in hall 3, where forty sets of training equipment have already been neatly arranged.

"Everyone, before the training begins, let me emphasize that although I am a gentleman, I will never tolerate violations of discipline. Therefore, in my class, no one is allowed to disrupt or destroy class records. Listen Do you understand?" After finishing speaking, Wilner raised his orchid fingers and fiddled with the hair on his forehead.

"Why is such a motherfucker the instructor of the reinforcement department?" All the students below were black lines.

After speaking, Wilner took out a silk square scarf from under the podium, put it on his head, and took out a lace apron to put it on.

After the preparations were complete, Werner put his hands on the podium and said, "Okay, the class will officially start now."

The students below had been fooled by Werner, and they all exchanged glances, wondering if they had gone to the wrong place.

"Please open the lid on your training platform." Werner continued without paying attention to everyone's surprised gazes.

Everyone hurriedly lifted the iron cover on the square platform, and found a kitchen knife and a piece of cheese on the chopping board below.

"Today, our training course is to cut cheese. All cut into 5 mm thin slices is a pass." Werner said.

If there is any word to describe the expressions of the students at this moment, it must be "collective freezing".

"Instructor, are you joking?" Tabetha asked boldly.

"Are you kidding me? Hehe, you must think that cutting cheese is a very simple task, right? Those who think so can try cutting it." Wilner said while holding his chin.

Hearing this, Dewey took the kitchen knife first, and slashed at the cheese on the chopping board like a demonstrator.

As a result, when the kitchen knife cut on the soft cheese, there was a huge metallic sound, and at the same time, Dewey's whole body was shaken like jelly.

"It hurts!" Dewey bent down and covered his hands.

Seeing his reaction, the other students also tried it cautiously, only to find that it didn't work at all!

"These cheeses are all infused with spiritual power, so they are extremely hard. You must input your spiritual power into the kitchen knife, and make the kitchen knife and your hands assimilate into one, so that you can cut the cheese." After finishing speaking, Wilner took He picked up his kitchen knife and lightly cut everything, and a piece of cheese suddenly fell off.

Everyone hurriedly followed suit, but it was easy to say but difficult to do. Although the kitchen knife became hard after the infusion of spiritual power, it could only make a small cut.

"The strengthening system can extend the spiritual power to the weapon, greatly increasing the attack power of the weapon. Without this kind of strengthening power, no weapon in the world can cut through the hard skin of the night devil." Wilner said. Walking back and forth in the training room, talking.

" knife is curled..." Taibeisha raised the kitchen knife and said with a mournful face.

"You need to inject spiritual power into it, don't use brute force! Really, did you listen carefully. There are replacement knives below!" Werner tousled his hair in dissatisfaction.

"Tabesha, like this, evenly cover the knife with spiritual power like a coat." Cang Ling reminded in a low voice.

Tabetha turned her head to look at the chopping board, and found that she had already cut a piece.

"Cutting cheese is the most basic training in the strengthening department. We will do this exercise this week until you can shred it easily." Wilner took out a small mirror while talking, and admired himself in the mirror.

"I thought there would be such a cool training today..." Dewey said with a sad face.

The No. 4 training ground next door is much more lively than here. Felton is leading the students of the remote department to play pinch ball games.

"People of the long-range department and people of the defense department have the ability to separate the spiritual power from the body. The long-range department is more offensive, and the defensive department is more defensive. But once the spiritual power is separated from the body, it is often easy to disperse, so master the technique of concentrating spiritual power It is especially critical." After Felton finished speaking, he stretched out his fingertips and formed a ball of spiritual power above his fingers.

"Today, everyone will do ball training first. Each person will form a spiritual ball with clear edges one centimeter above the fingertips, and it will pass if it lasts for 1 minute without dissipating."

"Why fingertips? Not palms?" Phoebe asked.

"Because the smaller the sending part, the easier it is to gather. Fingertips are the easiest for beginners to grasp." Felton explained.

"Is the tiptoe okay?" Oscar asked.

Hearing his words, everyone laughed together.

"As long as you can generate spheres, I'm fine with using your ass," Felton replied.

Everyone laughed harder.

"Let's start now! Why are you laughing!" Felton scolded.

"Look at me!" Phoebe, the first sister of Lingli, stared at her fingertips tightly, letting her spirit power flow out from her fingertips.

Unexpectedly, she used too much force, and her spiritual power jumped more than a foot high, and then dissolved and dissipated in all directions.

"What are you doing? Fireworks?" Felton shouted from afar.

"I succeeded! I did it!" At this moment, Oscar shouted excitedly.

Felton walked up to Oscar to see that he had indeed successfully created a ball, but the shape of the ball was not very round, and it was still deforming, and the edges were blurred.

"Are you a ball? It's clearly a potato! Your head is more like a ball than it is!" Felton knocked on Oscar's head.

At this moment, Felton glanced at Colin at the side again, and immediately turned around and scolded, "Colin, what's in your hand? A rolling pin?"

"Ugh!" Colin blushed, trying hard to suppress the wanton growth of spiritual power.

"If you don't master the ability to condense spiritual power, your attacks will be like cotton. Be serious about everything. Those who can't finish are not allowed to sleep today, and practice until they succeed!" Felton shouted.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the students all wailed in despair.

 The coloring book promised to everyone is here!Cangling and Phoebe are the first batch of pos, and Kali and Felton will continue next week.You can see it in the book review area! (Speaking of which, color pictures are really time-consuming, and it took more than ten hours to complete two. This workload directly dispelled my idea of ​​entering the comics industry...)
(End of this chapter)

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